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    Usar "tight-fitting" en una oración

    tight-fitting oraciones de ejemplo


    1. She stood, a smile on her face, her dark hair tied back neatly, wearing a thin navy suit-jacket – partly unbuttoned to reveal a tight-fitting blouse-shirt– and matching skirt, short enough to reveal a few centimetres above her dark-stockinged knees: formal yet feminine

    2. His torso, with sharply drooping shoulders and domed belly, was encased in a tight-fitting Western-cut shirt adorned with mother of pearl buttons

    3. He carefully folded up the multi-paged epistle he was reading, gingerly forcing the corners into its tight-fitting envelope

    4. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her tight-fitting stretch denims, white halter and three-inch stilettos that she slipped on in place of her uniform

    5. Their hats and tight-fitting uniforms fell to the ground and two bats hovered briefly, then swooped off into the night

    6. He became so inspired with the idea that permission would be granted that one morning he cut his hair, which at that time reached down to his shoulders, shaved off his tangled beard, put on some tight-fitting pants and a shirt with an artificial collar that he had inherited from he did not know whom, and waited in the kitchen for Fernanda to get her breakfast

    7. A few days after arriving he put aside his taffeta suit, which in addition to being too hot for the town was the only one that he had, and he exchanged it for some tight-fitting pants very similar to those worn by Pietro Crespi during his dance lessons and a silk shirt woven with thread from living caterpillars and with his initials embroidered over the heart

    8. � Nancy wore a tight-fitting dark gray uniform with numerous large pockets, a pair of black leather boots and a glossy black helmet that covered her cheeks and neck

    9. She was dressed most unusually for a girl, wearing tight-fitting black tights with knee-high black leather boots and a white silk shirt partially covered by a short-sleeved brown leather jacket

    10. In a medium-sized saucepan with a tight-fitting lid, bring 2 cups of water to a boil

    11. A tight-fitting woollen cap held the whole lot in place and the result was quite convincing

    12. She was nicely and simply dressed in a pair of tight-fitting trousers, a colorful silk shirt, a small red scarf around the neck and a beige sleeveless cardigan

    13. When his armour was removed, there stood Don Quixote in his tight-fitting breeches and chamois doublet, lean, lanky, and long, with cheeks that seemed to be kissing each other inside; such a figure, that if the damsels waiting on him had not taken care to check their merriment (which was one of the particular directions their master and mistress had given them), they would have burst with laughter

    14. Don Quixote was about to thank him, when they heard behind them a noise as of a troop of horses; there was, however, but one, riding on which at a furious pace came a youth, apparently about twenty years of age, clad in green damask edged with gold and breeches and a loose frock, with a hat looped up in the Walloon fashion, tight-fitting polished boots, gilt spurs, dagger and sword, and in his hand a musketoon, and a pair of pistols at his waist

    15. He had a lamp strapped to his tight-fitting black cap, and Blomkvist had not been able to make out any of his features

    16. The earl smiled at his friend’s expression, then flipped up a tight-fitting, hinged metal cover on one end of the device to reveal what looked like a lamp wick with a milled metal wheel bracketed in front of it

    17. • Bring the water and salt to a boil over high heat in a large, heavy pot with a tight-fitting lid

    18. Tight-fitting boots accelerate the condition

    19. Al had a tight-fitting wool suit and a striped shirt, and he bathed and washed and combed his straight hair back

    20. His lungs, straining his tight-fitting fur coat, inhaled the frosty air; the trees, grazed by the shaft, sent showers of white flakes into his face; his body was warm, his face ruddy; his soul was without a care or blemish, or fear or desire

    21. Their enjoyment consists in this,—that the women and young girls, having bared their necks and arms, and applied bustles behind, place themselves in a situation in which no uncorrupted woman or maiden would care to display herself to a man, on any consideration in the world; and in this half-naked condition, with their uncovered bosoms exposed to view, with arms bare to the shoulder, with a bustle behind and tightly swathed hips, under the most brilliant light, women and maidens, whose chief virtue has always been modesty, exhibit themselves in the midst of strange men, who are also clad in improperly tight-fitting garments; and to the sound of maddening music, they embrace and whirl

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