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    Usar "titter" en una oración

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    1. “Brian used to run a Vancouver disco…” she began, speaking with a debutante’s talent for mingling words with an occasional polite titter

    2. “I can’t believe,” Ulun quickly interjected with only the smallest of a nervous titter apparent in his voice that accompanied a smile that seemed only meant to tease, “that you actually have a problem you haven’t already worked out before I could get over to you

    3. “I can't believe,” Ulun quickly interjected with only the smallest of a nervous titter apparent in

    4. her in a titter of a laugh, though her trip down memory lane wasn’t

    5. "I think I have a tapeworm," she said, to gales of her own laughter and Betty's embarrassed titter

    6. Shirl began to titter and Murray looked at her with a baffled look on his face

    7. We looked at each other and began to titter which turned into roars of laughter, Jodas was crying with laughter

    8. I could almost feel my silverware drawer titter in appreciation

    9. concerned why they titter and laugh,

    10. There was a titter of laughter and scornful muttering broke out amongst the present witches

    11. He paddles up to the weir, gets out, picks up his canoe, carries it round to the other side, gets in, and vanishes in the windings of the water and the folds of the hills, leaving the girls in the tennis-courts--you remember the courts are opposite the weir—uncertain whether to titter or to blush, for he wears I suppose the fewest clothes that it is possible to wear and still be called dressed, and no stockings at all


    13. I'm the buggering cursor, aren't I?' said the tadpole with a titter, 'That's a good one, ain't it? I always likes that one

    14. There was a titter of laughter

    15. A loud laugh from behind Tess's back, in the shade of the garden, united with the titter within the room

    16. The titter that rippled around the room appeared to abash the boy, but in reality that result was caused rather more by his worshipful awe of his unknown idol and the dread pleasure that lay in his high good fortune

    17. But he made a sad business of it with his unsteady hand, and a smothered titter rippled over the house

    18. Then she spidered a calligrapher's pen across the back of a single card and let it titter down the chute into your hands

    19. “She says, sir, that she’ll have no gentlemen; they need not trouble themselves to come near her; nor,” he added, with difficulty suppressing a titter, “any ladies either, except the young, and single

    20. But there was an audible titter in the group of teachers, which was at once caught up at the other end by Lyamshin and the schoolboy and followed by a hoarse chuckle from the major

    1. They spoke with the voices of women of purpose, and even the girlish banter which sprinkled their conversations was gilded with the genuineness of heartfelt joy, lacking the trivial frivolity so mechanically tittered by other young women tiresomely and without depth

    2. The young ones tittered nervously as they too watched this new thing

    3. The young tittered with excitement as they neared the place

    4. Every tittered at me

    5. Detective Sergeant Shepherd’s mind was a frenzy of ecstasy as the evidence passed the stage were even a deaf and dumb lawyer was assured of a conviction, in one fell swoop he’d cleared up three major crimes, in his mind he’d single handedly solved a premeditated murder, cleaned up a drug operation, and if the money and gun were what he thought they were, he’d not only solved the armed robbery of the Post Office but had recovered most of the money, if that wasn’t worth a promotion nothing was, no, this time his promotion was in the bag, he tittered at this pun and D

    6. " He tittered, then stifled the laugh with his hand

    7. I tittered on myself and then walked on to the stage, turned towards people and spoke my first word hesitatingly “Good Morning everybody…” suddenly a man interrupted in between and he set the mike closer to me

    8. I tittered and said, “Nothing…just she does not wants to see me

    9. They giggled and tittered, making much ado about being inside the Master’s quarters

    10. ” Voices tittered amidst gales of outright laughter and vicious whispers

    11. “Looks like the eyebrows are in for another Mexican wave,” tittered Spock as Gary started to speak with another customer

    12. The people tittered, thinking of John Bower senior

    13. "Where is the use of the devil in that sentence?" tittered Linton

    14. A few demigods tittered

    15. ” The crowd tittered

    16. The girl tittered nervously, likely thinking what a shame it was that Khezir was gay

    17. “That’s what Flora always says,” she tittered

    18. ‘Where is the use of the devil in that sentence?’ tittered Linton

    19. Juvenal Urbino were talking at the window, tittered and hid their faces behind their palettes, and this made Fermina Daza lose her self-control

    20. Jessie tittered, and she and Lavinia nudged each other in unison

    21. to Russia, the old grandmother!” tittered Maximov

    1. (Gasps, laughter, and tittering in the court room

    2. Ooh, what am I going to do?” I smelled her fetid breath as she leaned even closer, and heard the tittering of her friends and fellow bullies in the background

    3. The mouth gaped, but no coherent words issued—only a high-pitched tittering

    4. That hideous tittering was Tolkemec's only reply, as he bounded into the room with a long leap that carried him over the secret trap before the door—by chance, or by some faint recollection of the ways of Xuchotl

    5. He took them as they came, with his rags flapping about his wildly gyrating limbs, and the gusty echoes of his tittering sweeping the room above the screams

    6. The noise changed to an abominable high-pitched tittering as the great unstable eyes of the monstrosity rested on him, and it hitched its quaking bulk toward him

    7. To Conan the serpent was the least horror of them; he almost felt a kinship with it when he remembered the weeping, tittering obscenity, and the dripping, mouthing thing that came out of the well

    8. Tittering through her explanation, she said that although food shopping is a necessity, it was often the only form of social contact stay-at-home mothers had during the day

    9. However, through the radio channel, I heard the rest of the pirate tribe tittering as I ranked out their leader

    10. He responded tittering at the question

    11. Yes, it is a silly, tittering, calf-like age, and I am glad it can't come back again

    12. Up and down the road between our tables and the sea groups of bath-guests strolled--artless family groups, papa and mamma arm in arm, and in front the daughter and the admirer; knots of girls in the _backfisch_ stage, tittering and pushing each other about; quiet maiden-ladies, placid after their supper, gently praising, as they passed, the delights of a few weeks spent in the very bosom of Nature, expatiating on her peace, her restfulness, and the freshness of her vegetables

    13. Sound, however, was tittering enough for them both

    14. I gathered some tools into a cloth bag as the King looked out the window, watching his wife as she walked down the path, her ladies tittering behind her, the gardeners standing by their work, nervously fidgeting

    15. Tittering came from several of the other women, which she chose to ignore

    16. Hauled out and forced to run, Louie was trounced, and the guards made tittering mockery of him

    17. He sponged out lines and remade them; but he only distorted them more than ever, and the tittering was more pronounced

    18. He felt that all eyes were fastened upon him; he imagined he was succeeding, and yet the tittering continued; it even manifestly increased

    19. The tittering rose higher and higher—the cat was within six inches of the absorbed teacher's head—down, down, a little lower, and she grabbed his wig with her desperate claws, clung to it, and was snatched up into the garret in an instant with her trophy still in her possession! And how the light did blaze abroad from the master's bald pate—for the signpainter's boy had GILDED it!

    20. There was a childish tittering from outside

    21. offers her his hand, he he!” Maximov ended, tittering

    1. “Now, the second horse, he says, and I quote,” (titters and sniggering

    2. There were titters from the spectators and an erection was again on the way

    3. Behind his back the titters turned to sarcasm and

    4. picks out a second listener to nervous titters from the crowd

    5. out, the titters have given away to general laughter

    6. Andrews, whose face had been overspread by the expression that accompanies titters, started to her feet and froze before our eyes into the dumb passivity of the decent maid

    7. There were a few titters from the pews

    8. She saw Honey’s awkward wigglings and heard her silly titters as she hung

    9. Hoffman waited out the titters that rippled across the gallery, then asked his witness to continue

    10. Titters arose in little pockets around the gallery

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    Sinónimos para "titter"

    titter giggle chortle snigger chuckle cackle