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    to date

    1. Keep family members and other visitors up to date on the patient's condition so they know what to expect in terms of interaction

    2. ’ He said, ‘Paul Jarvis and I suggested it would be better all round if she kept away from the police station, though he has been keeping her up to date on what is going on

    3. This was the most high profile case he had handled to date

    4. The life support is the only fail safe, and it had proven effective against all rogue silicon takeover efforts to date when Lula was launched

    5. Yes, I assured her that you have an up to date burglar alarm and man-eating rotweillers loose in the grounds

    6. The reactor had been cooling for about fifty four hours now, but the instruments on Gordon's lamp were thirty years beyond those of the Presidente Lula, and the Lula's instrumentation was up to date, even if its engine was dated

    7. Nothing in her experience to date had ever taken her to a place like this, although various unfortunate incidents during her working life had resulted in similar stays in the healing facilities on Errd

    8. Everyone uses currency, so to make a coinage with engravings upon it would keep people up to date on news and current events

    9. How To Date The Hottest Women… Online And Offline

    10. ‘You’ll have to do better than that,’ he retaliated, ‘my passport is up to date and ready to go

    11. They were still setting up the instruments to tune into the atoms in the mini veron store that were entangled with the fourth order condensate in his largest antimatter trap to date

    12. The fitments are not terribly up to date but were obviously good quality when they were purchased and have lasted well

    13. I spend most of it getting the filing up to date

    14. Not that Andy was overly familiar with the inside of police stations per se, but he sort of expected something shabbier, less up to date

    15. We’ll keep you up to date as this breaking story unfolds

    16. Beth viewed things differently than she did, perhaps because it was her second marriage, or just because she’d had the opportunity to date as an adult

    17. wanted to date me

    18. The idea is based around two of the most popular services on the Internet to date, dating and pay per click search engines

    19. I can’t tell you who to date, but I want you to be careful

    20. It is from this period, according to the French antiquarians, that we are to date the institution of the magistrates and councils of cities in France

    21. The writers are al-424 ways up to date on trends

    22. This was the best thing that had happened on the voyage to date

    23. At any rate, the lady, her great tits standing straight out from her chest, gave him his greatest thrill to date simply by looking at him in a wild, strange manner

    24. To date, I have no regrets reciting the mantra and would encourage others to open up to this avenue of healing

    25. could be our busiest season to date

    26. These tips can also provide helpful ideas on how to save money on top name brand equipment, and also keep you up to date with all the latest trends

    27. To date, there are about 60

    28. Thornley is going to take over as Adjutant from him so there you are then as up to date as what I am

    29. And finally, it"s anybody"s guess how many millions he has made to date in his championing of Global Warming (Climate Change) as caused by anthropogenesis, that is: due to carbon emissions by developed countries

    30. My only quarrel with him to date has to do with his well-grounded observation that we cannot know the future

    31. In view of what he has accomplished to date, and this should come as no surprise, he is well on his way to succeeding

    32. No life had been lost in the performance of his mission to date

    33. Now, in light of Obama"s behavior to date as President, that has a somewhat familiar ring

    34. Two things: Does not the moral cretin that constitutes Obama realize that there is no such thing as „social justice," that there is only justice for the individual, not a group? And further, had it not been for this country of capitalism, he would not be where he is today, namely: the recipient of something he in no way created, and has done his best to date do destroy

    35. Up to that time, I was sending him daily emails keeping him up to date on negotiations which frankly until yesterday afternoon hadn’t budged in a month

    36. In return, the two Thimble Downers brought their friend up to date on the goings-on back in their village, the search for the missing children, and the news of Rufus Lickspittle’s new school

    37. “Actually, I think you are as up to date as I am,” he said

    38. When I came to my senses after the divorce from my son’s mother, I refused to date for a while - unfortunately not long enough

    39. I chose to date only when there was someone I thought I was seriously interested in

    40. He will liaise with the Negotiators and keep the team up to date

    41. A complete up to date medical history of my hostage is crucial

    42. Drawing on archival records and oral traditions, this work offers the most complete account of Native veterans to date and is the first to take an international approach, drawing comparisons with Native veteran traditions in Canada and Mexico

    43. ” The computer was keeping him up to date on all the latest info

    44. “Your friend isn’t exactly up to date on this war, is he?” said the Swede to Nicole who simply shrugged

    45. The Encyclopedia Americana (1959 edition) was already in house, not very up to date, but it had the advantage, as I was later to realize, of having been published before the intrusion of the political correctness movement, and therefore probably more reliable than some more recent sources of information

    46. 2 Tuff chimed in, “The mom wouldn’t reveal her age and the daughter didn’t want to date a younger guy,” Miguel told us with his usual coy smile

    47. Man’s best guess to date is that they evolved, through a process called natural selection

    48. was time to dust off the book and bring it up to date

    49. of the events that had transpired to date

    50. The LA Times on 1/27/02 stated the economic toll of asbestos could run as high as $200 billion, more than the war in Iraq to date, or September 11th, or Hurricane Andrew

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