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    Usar "to the right" en una oración

    to the right oraciones de ejemplo

    to the right

    1. She was a founder of a major study at the Kassikan, she has a small percentage to the rights to all Yingolian crystals

    2. "You seem to think you are bringing it to the rightful owner in the chaparral

    3. A small queue of incongruous people had formed to the right of the entrance

    4. There was a big rudder change along with it and the ship almost lurched to the right

    5. But to the righteous, the Gospel is salvation

    6. Witnesses came forth and proclaimed they saw the son of god ascending to the right hand of the father Zeus

    7. The seats to the right, where usually

    8. He had such communion with God the Father as to not be led away to the right or to the left over “sin nature

    9. They lifted off gracefully, banked to the right, and headed for the mountains

    10. It is a wrench saying goodbye to her – this is no longer a game where all I have to do is go to the right place and collect the trophy … there are people out there trying to stop me … permanently and with extreme prejudice as the saying goes

    11. Lady Jennie curved to the right and gently glided over the mountaintop and headed for camp

    12. They rose in unison, banked to the right and were gone in minutes

    13. Twist your body to the maximum to bring your right arm as far round as you can and at the same time turn your head to look over your right shoulder so that you twist your neck to the utmost; as you turn slowly bend your left arm so that when the swing to the right is at its height your left thumb should touch your right shoulder

    14. While keeping your head in the same position (that is not turning it) bend slowly to the right until your right hand touches your right foot

    15. The dogs flew to the right and to the left, up and down the aisles and rows, savaging all of the dignitaries with their massive fangs until there was nothing left of the government ministers, the judiciary and upper echelons of the police service but rags and bones

    16. Behind Dorini stood the mountain and a little further to the right lay the plateaux above the bay, and below them, Faria beach

    17. He turned to the left and then to the right

    18. “Somebody want to help me lift this cover back into place?” Glayet asked as she grabbed onto the right end of the heavy cast iron cover to the controls of state

    19. Panning to the right and upward, Alexei asked, “Is there a way to turn off that steam vent?”

    20. “He is the only mind who’s neurons are allocated to the right bodies to interact with your substrate

    21. The path she was used to taking turned off to the right outside the barracks and led down to the cove, a junction part way along leading off to the dig … but what if she went left outside the barracks? With one finger, she traced the route of the path as it wound through the marsh, concluding that it appeared to end up further along the coast at a stretch of beach shown on the map by a splash of yellow … at least she assumed that’s what it meant

    22. To the right, it seemed to end at a slight jutting headland; after a moment’s reflection, she concluded that the cove must be on the other side of that

    23. Andy turned and started plodding along the road; he kept to the right, facing the on-coming traffic as he’d been taught you should when walking along a country road

    24. Cars come at me for all directions, and they all seem to know where they are going … unlike me … getting into the right lane is complicated as all the markings are painted on the road and the cars are covering them

    25. To the right of the RE 192, the young man wrote in Do 192, and then made a similar addition at MI 384

    26. There was a bathroom immaculate white floors to the right filled with all

    27. further cluster of houses to the right

    28. But there was one seat which was vacant to the right of Grenwer

    29. Cutting her wheel sharply to the right, she plowed into a mound of snow and came to rest against a misplaced bolder, from the steep overhang of the cliff above her

    30. The bubble in the middle moved slightly to the right

    31. He cut the bike to the right—the only direction he could go—and veered

    32. Emily's head bolted to the right, standing beside her was Tetloan

    33. He hoped he remembered to speak into the right channel, that was hard on a mission like this, but the years of practice while raising Alan paid off

    34. It didn't seem fair that a few tons of force applied to the right asteroid in the right direction for the right amount of time could exterminate life on a whole planet, but she could understand it more easily than she could understand how they made ghosts in silicon crystals

    35. He went over backwards in a welter of blood, his nose shattered and shifted to the right hand side of his face

    36. entrance hal continues to the right as a

    37. in the column to the right, and the historian will find at least one

    38. Ahead, she could see this lane bent sharply to the right

    39. I looked to the right and she was not there either

    40. But she would need to take her turn in grabbing hold of Mercer, who had become suddenly intrigued by a scattering of gold coin and trinkets along the pathway to the right

    41. Then it jumped to the right

    42. But, in the French colonies, if any part of an estate, held by the noble tenure of chivalry and homage, is alienated, it is, for a limited time, subject to the right of redemption, either by the heir of the superior, or by the heir of the family; and all the largest estates of the country are held by such noble tenures, which necessarily embarrass alienation

    43. As he shifted from the left tit to the right one, she sighed, and he felt something that was maddening going down over his cock, going down all the way to the hair, and suddenly he knew for certain what it was

    44. When the people of one state were admitted to the right of citizenship in another, they had no other means of exercising that right, but by coming in a body to vote and deliberate with the people of that other state

    45. He could see a farmhouse sitting off to the right of the rise about the length of a couple of football fields

    46. Aspen turned to the right of the altar, toward the rooms at the back of the Temple, where Auster’s monks would stay

    47. Of these George was strapped into the right-hand seat and the left-hand seat, the navigator’s position, was vacant

    48. We had just got them into the right position and were preparing to return to our trench when I was tripped by an old piece of Turkish wire that was sticking out of the ground

    49. " He nodded his head to the right

    50. cavern to the right of the corpse that, along with three others, descended into pitch darkness

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