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    Usar "tourney" en una oración

    tourney oraciones de ejemplo


    1. She was gigantic and sturdy, but over her colossal form a tenderness of femininity prevailed and she had a face that was so beautiful, hands so fine and well cared for, and such an irresistible personal charm that when Aureliano Segundo saw her enter the house he commented in a low voice that he would have preferred to have the tourney in bed and not at the table

    2. This company played a vital role in the recent World Cup tourney in South

    3. It was before the Great Tourney that she gave me her token and bade me wear it for her

    4. He imparts the first impulse of emigration from Chaldea, as He starts the swallows on their tourney to the southern skies

    5. At this instant Don Quixote began shouting out, "Here, here, valiant knights! here is need for you to put forth the might of your strong arms, for they of the Court are gaining the mastery in the tourney!" Called away by this noise and outcry, they proceeded no farther with the scrutiny of the remaining books, and so it is thought that "The Carolea,"

    6. They closed with him and by force got him back to bed, and when he had become a little calm, addressing the curate, he said to him, "Of a truth, Senor Archbishop Turpin, it is a great disgrace for us who call ourselves the Twelve Peers, so carelessly to allow the knights of the Court to gain the victory in this tourney, we the adventurers having carried off the honour on the three former days

    7. would go with Duo mode to end the tourney quickly

    8. The second day of the tourney was overcast, with a gusty wind blowing from the west

    9. Sometimes they drowned out the tourney

    10. Maekar would never admit as much, but I believe it was his secret hope that his sons might outshine mine in this tourney

    11. “Lord Lannister, Ser Arlan unhorsed you once in tourney

    12. “We will arm ourselves with tourney lances instead

    13. It reminded him of a night at Ashford Meadow, before the tourney started

    14. Before the tourney ended, he had almost lost a hand and a foot, and three good men had lost their lives

    15. The stone floors were covered with sweet-smelling rushes, the walls hung with tapestries of tourney scenes and battles

    16. Elsewise, this should be a tourney of household knights and village heroes

    17. There were tents at both ends of the lists where the knights could don their armor, with racks of tourney lances standing ready

    18. Dunk was remembering another tourney, remembering how he had walked through the soft spring rains with another princeling

    19. “Be careful, ser,” Egg warned as he handed Dunk a tourney lance, a tapered wooden shaft twelve feet long ending in a rounded iron coronal in the shape of a closed fist

    20. “The tourney,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand

    21. “Do you know if Ser Uthor won his second tilt?” Maybe the Snail would win the tourney

    22. Egg said this was a traitor’s tourney, but I would not listen

    23. The Warrior had the most candles burning, as might be expected during a tourney; many a knight would have come here to pray for strength and courage before chancing the lists

    24. War lances were shorter and heavier than the tourney lances that had been used in all the earlier tilts; eight feet of solid ash ending in an iron point

    25. “We shall have a Grand Tourney, and the winner will command the Ejército Corregir!”

    26. From the historias Melodía had always loved to read, she knew the Iron Duchess hadn’t indulged in fripperies like tourney grounds when she raised her great fortress on its white stone headland to watch over the city she was rebuilding after its destruction by the pirate fleet

    27. The tip of his tourney sword began to tap the ground

    28. Should the fight end in mutual exhaustion or incapacitation—as two bouts already had—it would give him the match, this tourney, and command of the Army of Correction

    29. “Terraroja sees war as a game,” Florian said, “a tourney on a grander stage

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    tournament tourney