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    Usar "tram" en una oración

    tram oraciones de ejemplo


    1. tram, from which one can admire the city

    2. Once on the shore, the tram turns to the South

    3. and tram and went up to Voula, on the

    4. col ected in tram on the recorder after I

    5. the tram; how long she has walked in ful sun, did

    6. there, especial y now, when the tram became

    7. the tram, on a large avenue

    8. As for me, I learned the names of all tram

    9. He hurried along Shady Avenue under the tramline, listening for the next tram

    10. As he closed his phone, he heard the rumbling of the tram cars coming to the stop

    11. His mental drift ended with a loud roar and swoosh of a coming tram

    12. It was five thirty when he left his apartment building in the dark and caught a tram right away

    13. I walked out of the front of the station and went to catch a tram to General Gordon Street but as I walked to the stop the memories of Charlie came flooding back and I all but fainted at the vivid recollections that assailed my senses

    14. As the tram rattled across the junctions and carried on towards my stop the wound in my leg was giving me jip and my groin had started to ache abominably and I didn’t know if it was because of the weather or what

    15. I got off the tram and walked along towards General Gordon Street at the junction with Nelson Street I considered going to see Charlie’s mother but I just didn’t have the stomach for it

    16. I caught a tram back to town and got off at the stop walking over to the Intack and pushing open the saloon bar door as I walked in Mr Tillman said

    17. I got off the tram and retraced my steps back to the house I now no longer felt the same trepidation that had overtaken me the first time I came here

    18. So I set off with a spring in my step to go and catch the tram that would take me to the other side of town where the Infirmary sat in its own grounds

    19. I got off the tram and walked towards the slightly gothic seeming red brick building part of which was Victorian but I was going to the new part of the Infirmary that had only been finished and opened in 1910 so it was only five years old I walked on up the driveway that led to the large double doors

    20. I left the Infirmary and went to catch the tram home where I could give them all the good news

    21. ” So we said our farewells and then shook hands Frank turned and walked off to catch his tram and we went off to catch ours

    22. We caught our tram and Nobby was the next to say goodbye as he only lived a couple of stops up the route again we shook hands and said goodbye to him and he got off

    23. That left me and Bert as the tram rattled and clattered its way over the tracks and crossways but it was not long before my stop was coming up but Bert stayed put

    24. “Billy Boy give Rosie my love and tell her that me and Mabel will be over to see how she is”, I nodded my acknowledgment and then turned and got off the tram

    25. ” She kissed me on the cheek as my mouth hung open in surprise but she put a finger to my lips and smiled at me and then she and Bert were off down the path to catch their tram

    26. ” She looked at me inquiringly but I couldn’t say anything else yet then she left kissing me deeply to catch her tram

    27. A short while later Bert turned up and we walked down the road and caught a tram into town I asked him as we rattled along

    28. We got off the tram and walked down a steep street with these shoebox houses on either side a couple of coves with flat caps and the look of hungry wolves about them followed us

    29. ” I told Martha that both she and Elijah were welcome and then we said goodbye and walked back up the hill to catch our tram

    30. I said goodbye to Bert leaving him on the tram to go home to Mabel and his dad and reminding him that we would go down to the Intack Inn together tomorrow night

    31. “Well are we right then we had better go and get the tram or we will be late and come in for some right stick

    32. We walked down to the tram stop and caught the next tram into town alighting at the stop across from the Intack Inn we ambled across the road and into the hostelry

    33. Then it was time to finally go and we cheered each other until we were out of sight then we caught our tram and made our way home

    34. “She was up for it wasn’t she Billy Boy and what happens Nobby is with us on the tram instead of in her arms kissing?” Nobby scowled and muttered something under his breath so Bert lent over saying

    35. The tram rattled on and then Nobby got up and smiled ruefully at us he shook hands with each of us and we told him we would see him at the station in three days and with this promise he got off

    36. “Lets not dwell on the past I tell you what shall we have a bite of supper before retiring?” We walked along arm in arm to the tram stop and now I could feel the soreness in my fist but it felt good as everything does when a job has been well done

    37. The tram came and we caught it home and we entered 123, General Gordon Street in good heart and content with each other and the moment

    38. The tram came along and we boarded it further down the line and Nobby Clark got on and we all travelled together to the station although we were quite now that the tram was getting closer to town

    39. As we travelled along more and more soldiers boarded until we nearly filled the tram the civilians who were on board whished us well and god speed as the got off at their respective stops

    40. At an information kiosk they found out how to catch the tourist tram that did a circuit of the Cathedral Square district every twenty minutes

    41. Ding, ding the tram bells rang as it arrived

    42. Ding, ding, the tram driver pulled a lever overhead, and the tram rolled ahead on old steel tracks that had carried passengers down the centre of the road for over one hundred years

    43. The cold rain falls onto the tram roof

    44. I see the tram at the tram-stop

    45. That's the next tram to our hotel, Okay?”

    46. frap, they all headed for the tram

    47. head shelter that the tram pulled under

    48. tram and the other looked like a friend of his

    49. The tram doors open

    50. ran to the tram station

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    streetcar tram tramcar trolley trolley car aerial tramway cable tramway ropeway tramway