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    1. This man was to be their saviour, the one who could provide the necessary knowledge to enable their final transcendence

    2.  Birds: Transcendence from one state of being to another (Spiritual Growth)

    3. being, its inexhaustible creativity and total transcendence, the

    4. Our research has left us no choice but to conclude that the mystics may be on to something, that the mind’s machinery of transcendence may in fact be a window through which we can glimpse the ultimate realness of something that is truly divine

    5. In another few 106 years or so the transcendence will begin; each and every person is a chrysalis of untapped, unimaginable power… Unimagined, that is, by all but you

    6. This is seen to be a ‘short cut’ out of pain, a short cut to transcendence

    7. But with a spiritual education he or she can learn the real way to transcendence

    8. The key to this transcendence is Witnessing

    9. Only in that transcendence is the total flowering of consciousness and the ecstasy of being

    10. conquering all of the Asian transcendence

    11. at the time of the spring equinox for the twelve days of spiritual transcendence,

    12. to that, you are on the edge of transcendence already…

    13. The way to transcendence of these habits isn’t

    14. Up to now, we’ve talked about the sorts of transcendence met by

    15. or protection; transcendence reveals those figures to be nothing more

    16. Runic Correlation has its application to our development on the path of enlightenment and transcendence, but what we are looking for here, is its application to ―creation

    17. which a man can achieve spiritual perfection or transcendence (of which

    18. There is communication and communion, integration and transcendence

    19. red the virtual whisper wanders fibonacci trails to transcendence

    20. When transcendence occurs, more integrated communication systems of awareness or consciousness are formed

    21. – live in the now, free your inner goddess, be love, receive love – then transforms them into adrenalin producing spiritual pursuits – power yoga, meditation marathons, Transcendence with the Stars, and Allmerican Guru

    22. The Miracle of the Crisis is not a test of your emergency preparedness for self-survival, but an opportunity for the emergence of an other-centered social transcendence

    23. A decentralized cooperative world can only emerge with the transcendence of the commodities of power that is the policies of politics

    24. Therefore, every transcendence has its own original state of anarchic disorganization, where the rules emerge from the complexity of the conflicts and the myriad monopolies of their variable resolutions

    25. A teleology of transcendence creates the conditions that allows for the emergence and evolution of a paradigm-shattering attractor – an ideal whose mere conception redefines the gravity of perception

    26. Once the emergence has occurred, once the escape velocity of Techine's superintelligence achieves meta-human consciousness, the transcendence will happen without us, beyond us, and perhaps neither concerned nor even aware of US

    27. “Sexual performance does not produce integrated transcendence; yet, transcending into unity makes any performance seem divine

    28. Spirit emerges from emergencies, because when a crisis occurs we choose the arc of our response and the perceptual field of interpretation: transcendence or trauma

    29. Transcendence occurs when there is union on a higher level, when a collective's act conformicates the heartmind-styles of all the participants

    30. Transcendence is communal because enlightenment is sharing

    31. Spirit unifies and integrates; its first transcendence is the soul being born in the act of caring for horrors seen ubiquitous

    32. Spirit is always the next transcendence; spirituality the paths that seek to perceive it

    33. Here is my hand, the 2nd handshake of promise kept, hold it and let us make a union, let us step our transcendence in this movement to care

    34. The first step to transcendence: the audacity to give a shit and act

    35. In short, long and every in between, we are the force-keeping particles of our own, each other's, and all of ours lack of transcendence, adherence to the law, and occlusion of anomalies

    36. economy of winner-rule-all is eliminated and replaced with the collective transcendence of mutual care

    37. It took a transcendence

    38. The money deception was to purposefully deprive others of health, food, and shelter because the Zowners wanted to pursue and experience greater novelties of pleasure, power, and indulgence, in ostentatious attempts, again and again, to achieve varying forms of Immortal Transcendence

    39. On demand, iNstant Transcendence is a transitory suffocation-defying, fantASy anti-gravity ride with the temporary vacating exhilaration of exotic places, never staying, falling back, reeled by cultural behavior ruling the symmetry breaks and anomalous transformations domesticating us to the brochured expectation of being liberated without lifting a finger to stop the slave train of consciousness chained to iT's sole purpose: ilikenment

    40. Instant Transcendence is a vacation from Ma-Chine; a paid for by the makers of to massage Z-card's delicate sensibilities, i

    41. ” The momentary integration “I am the all” and “All this was for me” is the transcendence, but the act and energy was not used to transform

    42. His voice will be my awareness, thanks to his subliminal transcendence course: How to Live Without Rules:11½ Leaps to Revolvement (because AA has copyrighted anything involving 12 Steps©)

    43. In this gap one claims to find themselves singularly IT and Universally All; one finds the static unity of personal transcendence

    44. “If the now is shared, then transcendence must be communal

    45. The ancient agrarian practice of offering the gods a sacrificial thanksgiving by the pyreing of their harvested bounty seemed to be recapitulating itself in the techno-ghosts' habit of overspending for transcendence

    46. What profit or good is there in knowing a secret that is universally manifested and unilaterally free for the moderately present? If the secret is to be in the now, and everyone is in the now, so anyone can know that, then what the fuck is so special about being aware of being aware, of taking a twisted ironic joy in not only having a wonderful experience, but also secretly knowing not only that I am aware of this, but that also being aware of this is a higher level, secret, expensive to purchase, by special training only transcendence

    47. into a sustainable mind of collective transcendence

    48. In the US of All, your crisis of sharing is due to your inability to foster the art of nurturing emergence into transcendence rather than trauma

    49. What is it to experience the GlobalMind not as we idealize it, but as it is trying to present itself to us, not its meta-I'mage, but its self-conception, perhaps even self-creation, generation, and perpetuation? Why meditate beyond this GlobalMind of our Eartheart? What is the purpose of transcending this unique awakening? If meditation is eliminating the ego's filter so as to bathe naked in Awareness, if we can find interface – comformicating enlightenment, not silent ignorance – then we can EMerge within the awakening consciousness of the GlobalMind, electric with the incoherent transcendence that is the mechanism of evevolutionary change leaping mutations and skipping genius-rations of creation's serendipitous accidents

    50. The discipline of transcendence is in paradigm perception, not of the one being transcended, but the one being transcended to

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