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    treat to oraciones de ejemplo

    treat to

    1. After a few hours of hashing over the events of the day, Emma thought it would be an added treat to start a fire in the masterpiece of a fireplace

    2. Spelman personally by wire, offering his parents' lodges in Tahoe as a retreat to himself and Kaitlyn as they regained their footing

    3. South but will retreat to his own

    4. And as the pain in her arm spiked again, she knew she needed to initiate a careful retreat to the cave

    5. She opened the book with guarded hands, unsettled by the general’s ominous tone and by Maro’s retreat to the distant half of the chamber

    6. Lee began his retreat to Amelia Courthouse, forty miles to the west, where he expected to pick up provisions and supplies for his troops

    7. While this was going on, General Lee continued his retreat to

    8. ” We could now hear more comments being shouted from all along the line and now a barrage of fire opened up from one of our ‘Stokes Mortars’ and now a machine gun opened up shredding the banner and causing the Huns to beat a hasty retreat to the safety of the bottom of their trench

    9. The 1st Infantry extended, cutting off retreat to the hills, and a detachment of Cubans engaged the blockhouses on the north, but made a poor showing, having expended their ammunition recklessly before closing in

    10. His idea was to keep some cash for an emergency, or even a treat to surprise Ingrid

    11. One, armed to the teeth, he sent to bring back the bodies, and the other he led speedily in a direction that he judged would cut off any retreat to the settlement, which he was sure they had come from

    12. You can use the treat to lure your

    13. Each of our rooms had a telepathic seal on it so that we each had a place to retreat to, a little bit of solitude to help balance the constant close contact that our powers caused between us

    14. I told him that his points were well taken, but even if we were detected and the bulk of the army came against us, we had superior mobility and could retreat to a mountain pass and hold it against them until the rest of the Ordu brushed aside the screen and came after us

    15. Having no means to pay them, he was forced to retreat toward Benevento, a town about eleven leguas northeast of Napoles

    16. all those events are usually blamed on witches and we need to retreat to avoid the bloodshed

    17. Before they’d had to retreat to the lodge Danny had built a second

    18. I will retreat to my quarters and continue there

    19. that we should just retreat to the safest place and hope for the

    20. Now ordering his men into a tactical retreat to the ladders

    21. China was already the last place we could retreat to

    22. I emptied another clip before announcing, “Retreat to the car!” We all sprinted

    23. If need be, retreat to our lair

    24. Like a kid in the proverbial candy shop trying to pick which treat to purchase, you’re faced with a massive dilemma—which weapon to choose from? There’re plasma blasters, ion cannons, super-intensive heavy particle beams, antimatter warheads, magnetic disrupters, whole-population quantum spin-flip initiators, the old-fashioned nuclear-fission-driven laser bank, and a slingshot

    25. They would splash each other with water and retreat to where their bicycle’s lay on the rocks sitting there enjoying the sun and salt sea air blowing in their faces

    26. Sometimes if one of the children was entertaining a friend, the best place was to retreat to their bedroom or the garage or even the street

    27. It smelled so heavy that it made my senses swoon and I had to force myself to retreat to the White House although it was more mansion than any mere house

    28. Keep training simple and fun, and give an occasional treat to keep the bird interested

    29. ―Mommy—uh—mother, can I ask you something?‖ Young Sam‘s voice was barely audible—a high-pitched, forced whisper, almost whining as if to signal the yearling‘s retreat to his earlier childhood and its less adulterated innocence

    30. You can sign up for a weekend retreat to bring about inner peace and tranquility, or simply sign up for a class at your local gym

    31. There have been extended periods in Earth’s history when those people who were so anti-social that they were a hazard to themselves and others had a frontier to retreat to

    32. In his haste to retreat to safety, he showed Saul where the tender was

    33. it would be a nice afternoon treat to sharpen its fangs on

    34. difficulties of achieving his goals, he is tempted to retreat to

    35. Be certain he has plenty places to retreat to in the home where he can just relax

    36. grew passionate, and it was an added treat to be able to see the change happening in

    37. ‘’Let’s hope that we will not need to retreat to those bastions, General

    38. It would certainly be a treat to have her afternoon occupied with Faye who seemed so caring given that she would spend time with a blind old woman that she hardly knew—not many people would do that—hence, she had been instantly impressed with her

    39. Then, less than twelve hours ago, I was informed that the enemy had succeeded in breaching the Kum River line in force and that our ground forces were now in full retreat towards Pusan, where a hasty defensive line is being prepared along the Naktong River

    40. Once the initial German counterattacks had been broken, Alexander, overall commander of the ground forces, envisaged the British 8th Army thrusting up the eastern coast of the island to seize Messina, and to cut off the Axis forces before they could, retreat to the mainland

    41. Lorene Eagles stood furtively in the bay of the lounge window and watched Rudolph retreat to his car where his sergeant waited, braced against the boot with the collar of his top coat tight around his ears, guarding against the chill

    42. the officers and Alice to retreat to the cabin

    43. " She paused, then said in a pessimistic whisper, "if the destroyer doesn't take out the tower, we will have to retreat to the mountain nation where we will have to hide for who knows how long

    44. can lead to failure and a retreat to the comfort zone

    45. These bouquets of flowers will also usually allow you to write something in the small little card that they send, and that is exactly what you should do! Nothing says "I Love You, Hunny" than a good, old-fashioned bouquet of flowers and a special treat to go along with it!

    46. smile, and started to retreat towards the exit

    47. The man then walked outside, and into the quiet, dark, Halloween night, where he would retreat to his shack in the hills of Hollows End

    48. It is such a treat to have

    49. is a treat to the ears; a thought – provoking piece of literature is food

    50. Henri had still not returned and Dominique longed to retreat to the safety and security of his arms

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