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    tuck into

    1. Berndt immediately strikes up a conversation with the group on his right, while I tuck into my extremely welcome hot supper of sausages, potatoes and some sort of vegetable which I cannot identify

    2. Once in the office, my intention to get stuck into typing up the next section of the Bunty saga is frustrated as I have to spend most of the morning re-working the cookery item for the next edition

    3. Jock is aware of pain, aware of the needle being stuck into his buttocks, but he is in that quiet moment of shock when a broken body fails to connect with the receptors in the brain that describe a wound

    4. He produced a cigarette, offered it, and stuck into his own mouth when

    5. were getting stuck into their task with gusto – and they

    6. was stuck into his throat

    7. Euredon’s answer was an arrow that passed beneath the bullock’s chest and stuck into a

    8. managed to extinguish them all, including one that stuck into the mainsail’s bottom corner

    9. you are probably stuck into thinking that the things of

    10. Glancing around, I noticed dyed material with a needle stuck into it

    11. stuck into the top

    12. But 5 never arrived and two days later the liaison officer asked his 5 counterpart where they are as the bar is now empty and the lads getting bored with each other and may get stuck into each other

    13. Paying her no heed, I pulled out a can of chunky soup, a can opener, and a rations bar, which I got stuck into first

    14. shop to tuck into the shadows so no one else would see his clothes, recognizing

    15. In it I flew up to the north and a man who looked something like you pointed me to the west and I flew across the land and over the mountains to the sea where a wooden pole carved with faces was stuck into the ground

    16. stuck into his soup and keep his head down but it became apparent

    17. At least it was something to get their teeth stuck into

    18. The APs called it phougas and poured it into metal containers (remarkably similar to those used by the Army to ship 175mm propellant charges) which they stuck into the ground at an outward angle

    19. Each Eid archer stood on the shore of the frozen river by a sharpened wood stake stuck into the ground to stop charging horses

    20. It stuck into the wood with

    21. a giant cigar stuck into his slash of a mouth, he looked pretty sinister, but too

    22. The axe which was the culprit was stuck into the seat and had gone in through the driver’s side window

    23. A log from the dam they had destroyed jammed against the side of the river and stuck into the mud with its splintered end spearing back into the path of the boat

    24. "Right on," said Travis, and at an almost empty Greek restaurant in North Vancouver, illuminated only by old, yellow candles stuck into empty wine bottles, he told her of Colonel Orlov and his ill-fated expedition and how the enormous treasure had disappeared somewhere off the west coast

    25. things stuck into me pumping me full of chemicals

    26. They had cut the branch that was stuck into his belly

    27. The links should come along as an obvious part of the report, not as something that seems to have been stuck into the body for no apparent reason

    28. The arrow stuck into the nuta’s shoulder, apparently only making the animal more enraged

    29. Not only were the gufders now on Joey, but some of the quills from the gufder had stuck into his flesh

    30. The word “stakes” is used to indicate anything that is stuck into the ground to help to fix and stabilize something else

    31. According to this account, Lubaid Ibn Al-A’sam bewitched the messenger of God (cpth) using a comb, hair combings, dried pollen husk, one male pollen and a tied string that contained eleven knots and had needles stuck into it

    32. was somewhat bulbous on the other end stuck into the woman’s lower

    33. It is so oily that it can be dried and then placed on the end of a stick with a piece of bark stuck into its mouth, and when that bark is lit it burns like a candle wick because of all the fish oil

    34. and even the flavour of the ice-cream I had: rainbow with a Flake chocolate bar stuck into the top

    35. Or, whether it is ignored, abused, stuck into a room and isolated, kept away from its parents, not stimulated

    36. use the leather straps to tighten them, here are the pants which tuck into the

    37. When these students came into the program where I worked, they sought something of the transformative from the low end jobs in which they felt stuck into some other professional possibilities

    38. As they tuck into their brunch, they discuss trade possibilities but arrive at no conclusion

    39. And before leaping in, she stuck a clutch gadget to the rim of the chasm that created a sphere of anti-alarm that tuck into the chasm, one half of the sphere on the inside and the other half on the outside of it

    40. Titus grinned big when he saw the three ice cold bottles of beer stuck into the sand beside the empty chair

    41. The powder charge was rammed down it followed by a cannonball tapped into place, even as a new fuse was stuck into the breach

    42. in the cool shade of a grove of palms and got stuck into some delicious sandwiches that

    43. The hammer stuck into the Sheetrock

    44. First, there was a belt to go round each animal, and then a sword to be stuck into each belt, and then a cutlass on the other side to balance it

    45. A couple of candles stuck into tall iron candlesticks gave a dim reddish light

    46. As he told the police and others, he was on his way out of the house when he found a gun on the stairs, which he stuck into the waistband of his pants, like the big boys do

    47. sabers, which were stuck intothe ground ten paces apart to mark the barrier

    48. candlesticks are of massive iron, terminated at the lower extremity by a point, by means of which they are stuck into the rock

    49. Her face, as she stepped into the light, was round and thick, and her eyes were like two immense eggs stuck into a white mess of bread dough

    50. [ Tuck into your trousers the shirt-tail that is hanging out

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