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    Usar "two-dimensional" en una oración

    two-dimensional oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “Remember, three forces equal and separate can only occupy, for the purposes of a two-dimensional diagram, the extremities of an equilateral triangle

    2. It was there if he chose to believe in its authenticity, or these were merely two-dimensional images surrounding – no real substance

    3. Gerard t’ Hooft says, ‘One must conclude that a two-dimensional surface can contain all information concerning an entire three-space

    4. The situation can be compared with a hologram of a three dimensional image on a two-dimensional surface

    5. Piaget noted that infants have only two-dimensional perception until after

    6. Light from the restaurants and bars fell onto the sand, creating shadows that resembled a two-dimensional cityscape

    7. with a two-dimensional long-range warning image

    8. We have also demonstrated that there are an infinite number of plains within a three dimensional environment upon which two-dimensional environments can exist

    9. Two-dimensional plains can intersect and where the plains intersect is a line of contact

    10. If we consider how that intersection would appear on the surface of a two-dimensional plain; the only ‘visible’ evidence of the other plain would be where the two surfaces intersect

    11. In implementing the n – queens problem we imagine the chessboard as a two-dimensional array A (1: n, 1: n)

    12. This mechanism of deciphering and reproduction (in the information “space” of ODS and in Space-Time of Formo-systems) of the same UU-VVU-Information, which is simultaneously used on the same frequency Levels of the realizational creativity by “us”, by all other “three-dimensional” Proto-Forms, and also by “two-dimensional” Forms, radically changes the essence which is initially included in it

    13. As you see, there is nothing like the two-dimensional “planar” existence (traditionally imagined by many of you) in the Life of one-qualitative Forms

    14. Before the 3-dimensional Universe came into existence: there were two infinite sets of polarized dualities: Attraction and Repulsion in a two-dimensional Condition of Actual Infinity

    15. These two-dimensional Dualities created the dynamic Conditions of Expansion and Contraction were Conditions of Length and Width in the 2-dimensional Universe

    16. In the transition from two-dimensional flatness into a three-dimensional expansion of our Universe: the only curves scientists can perceive are the transitional curves between the two basic conditions of infinite Length, Width…, and the 3rd Condition: Depth

    17. Our Universe emerged from only one side of a two-dimensional Condition of Infinite duality into a three-dimensional Condition of Infinite triality: it cannot have more than a 180 degree curve

    18. You cannot curve 360 degrees around an infinitely wide-long, two-dimensional field that has no end to it

    19. If Energy had emerged as a Singularity from a flattened Condition of a two-dimensional state that was finite, then the three dimensional Space of our Universe should have radiated out and curved 180 degrees

    20. Neither of these things happened because the Third Split emerged out of a two-dimensional condition of Actual Infinity which was essentially two-dimensionally flat

    21. Energy emerged from both sides of this two-dimensional flatness as a Balanced Split

    22. That two-dimensional Universe still exists in between our 3-dimesnional Universe and the other 3-dimensional Universe

    23. The apparent flatness of our Universe and the curvature of its Space which Science has discovered is because the Universe expanded out from a two-dimensional flatness that is actually Infinite in nature and size, and came back in…

    24. The two-dimensional condition of Length called Energy emerged on both sides of Infinite Duality first

    25. The two-dimensional condition of Width called Space emerged on both sides of Infinite Duality second

    26. In order to balance: they emerged on both sides of a flat, two-dimensional Infinite Universe

    27. This near-simultaneous split came out of its original two-dimensional state or Condition of Actual Infinity, as an Infinite Duality

    28. Space and Energy are only the original Dualities of two-dimensional Connectiveness and two-dimensional Separation extended into a Trialistic condition, or State

    29. 2 represents the logical evolution of the one-dimensional Universe of Length, into the two-dimensional Universe of Length and Width

    30. You already have something that is more two-dimensional

    31. It is just very similar, very two-dimensional

    32. Science could never even give a half-accurate model of how that bush works because even that is too infinitely complex to describe using any kind of linear model… so even the evolutionary model of describing ecosystems and species as a bush; is meaningless because science is trying to pretend that the three dimensional analogy of a living bush is the same as a two-dimensional abstract representation of that bush… and that both actually work the same

    33. Draw a two-dimensional sketch of your hand and see if it works the same way as your actual three-dimensional hand does

    34. You are supposed to reduce all of the three dimensional dynamics of that living tree or bush into two-dimensional abstract symbols, and theories, and formulas and gobbledy-gook, and then you can understand it much better… oh

    35. Their arteries are flat two-dimensional

    36. The flat, two-dimensional arteries of roads and highways block each other’s flow at every intersection

    37. All art is merely a pale, two-dimensional reflection of the actual beauty of Nature and the Universe

    38. How in hell can you expect to capture all the three-dimensional beauty of a living tree on a two-dimensional canvas? You can’t do it

    39. Which is as insane as the idea that a one-dimensional point can explain a two-dimensional universe

    40. Creating two-dimensional, abstract images of three-dimensional objects that are so doubly re-reflected: that it completely hides the actual evil; intrinsic in the very process and idea of all abstractive imagery: an insulated, one-sided process of reflection

    41. The flat, empty and two-dimensional spiritual ugliness of his paintings showed how the evolution of abstraction had taken over and dominated European civilization to such an extant: that humans were no longer human

    42. Study the history of two-dimensional abstract images

    43. Two dimensional images; are what human culture is made of… human culture began with abstract two-dimensional images… made for two-dimensional undead filth entities…

    44. The first two-dimensional photos ever spread in public: were pure pornographic filth

    45. Not as isolated insulated near-dead, unaware mechanized modern mechanical robots: pushing a few fucking keys with their fucking fingers: creating a few abstract symbols on an abstract two-dimensional fucking screen: and think that this! Is ‘living’! This is ‘life’!

    46. The baby killer of the fleeing stork has been turned into the baby killer of the fictional story: abstracted into two-dimensional images and dehumanizing human children to the point where they become emotionally and mentally brainwashed before the ages of 4 or 5

    47. The only fucking stinking stupid reason that human apes sat around fires worshipping these undead stinking things, the only reason human apes used fire for millions of years; the only reason human apes lived in caves for millions of years, the only fucking reason human apes began making flat surfaces; was because these undead rotten turdshit undead things had been hiding behind flat surfaces for so many millions of years that they became flat, two-dimensional undead things

    48. mentioned earlier, when you use the Doctrine of Two Spirits outlines to represent a two-dimensional

    49. incomplete, because it is two-dimensional instead of four (or 11) and capstones have four sides (plus

    50. Though the cross is a two-dimensional image, what it models is the core of realities that expand

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