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    type o oraciones de ejemplo

    type o

    1. Sporadically you might earn a little bit more but consistently you will not earn the type of money that you want to earn

    2. Obviously the type of problem they are able to resolve wil depend

    3. descriptions of each type of roof tile we encountered going on to

    4. Those associations are going to have an influence on the type of person you become

    5. Are they the type of people that are going to hang on to your leg while you’re climbing toward the

    6. Some people believe water is a powerful messenger that can hold electromagnetic traces as a type of 'memory'

    7. Plant the proper planting for the season Planting the wrong type of vegetables and flowers in your garden at the wrong time will encourage snail activity

    8. •Out of Sight Mole Trap is a scissors jaw and spring type of trap that has been in use for a long time and kills em fast

    9. When it comes to plants, they want the type of energy that can be converted into sugars that they need for the various plant functions such as assimilation and flowering

    10. Homemade traps are easy to make that catch any type of insect

    11. BT (Bacterium Thuringiensis) discovered in 1911, is a type of natural bacteria found in the stomach of certain caterpillars

    12. The strength you use depends on the type of plants you are spraying

    13. This was the type of fight he lived for

    14. Indicate what help you can give and let him indicate the type of help he is ready to receive

    15. Any type of counseling can only be successful in cooperation with the recipient of the advice

    16. The type of house we live in determines conditions that can lead to cockroach

    17. The investment may provide for the following type of returns:

    18. Best combined with another type of treatment such as Liquid nitrogen for spot treatments

    19. Limitations: cannot reach all parts of the house, best combined with another type of treatment such as electricity

    20. Cutting too short or too long depends upon the type of lawn and the type of lawn mower

    21. If your tree is leaking sap, this is usually an indication that the tree is under some type of stress and is opened to attack

    22. This site enables on line puja in many temples and provides information about the type of pujas that can be performed

    23. There was a tiger, a 6 pointed star, a badly drawn Chinese tattoo meaning 'insane' although not the 'crazy' type of insane, rather just plain medically insane

    24. "They are always a good place to start for this type of crime

    25. He and his mates – Joe and Ian – made a group with some of the girls from school – it was very much an all friends together type of group

    26. This type of attitude was not acceptable to Jesus in the days of the Scribes and Pharisees, and it is not acceptable to the Lord today

    27. this type of attitude, but the most prevalent is be pride

    28. This type of sentiment has led to a famine of the serving attitude in the church

    29. There are more than four billion of this one particular type of Elves, there are a hundred of us

    30. Herndon took them to a roastery, the only type of dining with significant pieces of meat available in this culture

    31. Stu was more a Malia type of guy

    32. When we can begin to comprehend the magnanimity of these implications, we suddenly are transformed into a whole new type of believer

    33. "How common is that type of relationship?" he asked

    34. "Most people you've met are in that type of relationship

    35. the wrong type of folks

    36. Even before I stepped ashore, I knew it was my type of place

    37. It takes a certain type of person to be a rider, and these boys did not fit the mold

    38. They were on a rope-seat, a type of hammock, that had a tendency to roll them together

    39. dictate the type of gift you give to your girlfriend

    40. A gift of one dozen or more red roses is considered to be a romantic gift but it is also very common so your girlfriend is not likely to read too much into this type of gift

    41. Jewelry is an appropriate gift for you to give to your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day as long as the cost and type of gift is commensurate with the stage of your current relationship

    42. The idea of this type of adventure is to find a new activity that both of you will enjoy

    43. It doesn’t matter what type of high powered

    44. The shop was in a yard overlooking the bay and covering its low walls hung every type of linen designed for every household need

    45. There was nothing he could see that looked like any type of encapsulation he was familiar with

    46. This is much more of a cottage industry type operation

    47. Therefore, the code inside this type of code block should be an

    48. The next day, with the show ground full to bursting with every type of plant, with new roses, new fuscias, begonias, hostas and hebe, with the walkways full to bursting with eager competitors and excited crowds, the judging commenced

    49. A quick note on rivers: Rivers are probably the best type of habitat for trout

    50. He was going to have to rely on Heymon to give them some type of military capability for the upcoming encounter and their docking was less than a year away

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