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    1. That situation nearly caused Carl an ulcer

    2. The anxiety was going to give me an ulcer soon

    3. They may try suicide or think themselves into an ulcer

    4. (The word "wen" is Strong's H2990 and is yabbel and means a running sore or ulcer

    5. which would make him go into bouts of vomiting (Who wouldn’t have ulcer with that little

    6. Some reasons to avoid aspirin? If you have an ulcer, aspirin will

    7. counter drugs eliminates that lining and causes gastro-intestinal issues; yes, you could develop an ulcer

    8. The wife had an ulcer and was experiencing severe gastric

    9. reflux and I told her in the eighties, my ulcer too was very

    10. a toll on my health and I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer

    11. ulcer settled over the coming years

    12. since stopped my ulcer medication

    13. He had started having problems with his stomach that had all the earmarks of a baby ulcer

    14. time, I suffered from the protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disc and a gastric ulcer

    15. One of my patients was very lucky to have a biopsy of his gastric ulcer during a gastroscopy and was found to have very early lymphoma

    16. A diabetic patient of mine had an infected ulcer of the heel had to have daily toilet and dressing of the ulcer and antibiotics until the wound heals up

    17. It took about 2 weeks for the ulcer to heal

    18. The next time he developed an infected ulcer of his sole, he went to the emergency department of the hospital where the surgeon on duty decided it was better to amputate his foot because he thought the infection may spread upwards his patient’s leg

    19. Many countries have open sewers, which can easily infect the smallest scratch, so that before you know it you have a throbbing ulcer leaking green pus

    20. Skin disease are of particular interest in a psychosomatic context caused by an interaction between mind and body, example: peptic ulcer, asthma

    21. Ulcer and stress, flu and herpes viruses respond to stress

    22. stomach, by gastritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach), or by an ulcer of the stomach or duodenum (also called peptic ulcer)

    23. An interesting side note: cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for ulcer repair, as it is a huge source of vitamin U

    24. Peptic ulcer should never be treated without proper diagnosis

    25. What are the symptoms of peptic ulcer?

    26. though this link may only occur in those with a genetic susceptibility toward ulcer

    27. Sugar has also been reported to increase stomach acidity, which could aggravate ulcer symptoms

    28. recently healed duodenal ulcers were put on a long-term (six-month), high-fibre diet, the rate of ulcer recurrence was dramatically reduced in one controlled study, though short-215

    29. infection, people with peptic ulcer should avoid use of these substances

    30. group of people with stomach ulcer

    31. A has not been studied in people with peptic ulcer

    32. Experimental animal studies have shown that a zinc salt of the amino acid carnosine exerts significant protection against ulcer formation and promotes the healing of existing

    33. ulcer, it is not known how much of the beneficial effect was due to the carnosine

    34. organism that has been linked to peptic ulcer and stomach cancer

    35. peptic ulcer; however, further research in this area is needed

    36. clinical research has yet investigated effects in people with peptic ulcer

    37. (also known as decubitus ulcers or bed sores), a type of skin ulcer, might also be considered wounds

    38. Hope it's only stress, not an ulcer, can't afford to be off with something like that

    39. Be able to recognize a patient with a perforated peptic ulcer! Look for a patient who is

    40. “Don't give yourself an ulcer

    41. I could not get my mind off the project and the contractions in my stomach were so frequent I thought I would soon be getting an ulcer

    42. was imperative for her to do so, as she suffered from both a stomach ulcer and a heart

    43. with the stomach ulcer

    44. self — and the ulcer is assured

    45. He stowed a bottle of a local rotgut called Five Island Gin—nicknamed Five Ulcer Gin—in radioman Harry Brooks’s gas mask holster

    46. If it’s any consolation, within five years he’ll either have a stomach ulcer or enough hypertension to cause erectile dysfunction

    47. Let’s return briefly to Barry Marshall, our bacteria-gulping Aussie hero who cracked the ulcer code

    48. Nor did Marshall ignore the obvious fact that all his ulcer patients had a tummy full of bacteria

    49. All we’ve been doing in this book, really, is telling stories—about a hot-dog-eating champion, an ulcer detective, a man who wanted to give free surgery to the world’s poorest children

    50. 78 CONSIDER THE ULCER: The story of Barry Marshall (and Robin Warren) is fascinating and heroic from start to end

    1. And as for that boy, the one who had called out to him, who was he? There was something familiar there, perhaps in the hidden bones, an echo of some old friend; probably the son of a successfully ulcered father

    2. Oh, the fury of hearts aged and ulcered by love!

    1. In case of toothache, gum bleeding, ulcers of the gum and cheek, white patches etc

    2. Do not give to mares in foal (induces contractions) because it is oxytocic and do not use when gastric ulcers are present

    3. rage and affects the stomach area which leads to ulcers and

    4. ments such as perforated gastric ulcers or colon cancers through major surgery, the advent of endoscopies and

    5. Feverfew in any form can cause mouth ulcers, but they are most

    6. Maybe they’d get ulcers too

    7. He had developed a severe case of malaria and some of the wounds from his beatings were so severe that they had formed into tropical ulcers

    8. You fill the dumb bastard’s cup, hoping he dies of ulcers

    9. Stomach ulcers are thought of as originating mostly in the mind; "strain" we cal it, but what is mental strain other than worry over certain conditions, or our vivid

    10. Page 99 antibiotics for peptic ulcers and stomach cancer

    11. editors would have fewer ulcers, and writers

    12. In an instant he discovered the scratches, the welts, the sores, the ulcers, and the scan that had been left on her by more than half a century of daily life, and he saw that those damages did not even arouse a feeling of pity in him

    13. “We were all having ulcers about you

    14. Puss and water ran from blisters and ulcers

    15. That’s almost certain anyway with a man his age, but the more vital threat of deep vein thrombosis and decubitus ulcers, caused by break down of the skin at pressure points, is as big a worry

    16. can result in ulcers

    17. Infections of the skin -acne, abscess, ulcers

    18. The varicose veins can cause intermittent claudication, varicose ulcers and generally leg aches and pain due to poor blood circulation

    19. Some medical students leave the medical college soon after joining as they find it disgusting to wash the pus in ulcers and wounds and dissect dead bodies

    20. If this chakra is not working properly it can result in: ulcers, digestive problems or liver and pancreas complaints

    21. Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Celiac, ulcers, chronic fatigue, migraines, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis and auto-immune diseases are digestive in origin and the sooner we understand this, the sooner we can be one the road to wellness

    22. Someone said that he had heart disease, someone said that his stomach hurt, another one complained about high blood pressure, and some old woman said that trophic ulcers on her legs suppurated

    23. other mouth ulcers to lessen pain and aid healing

    24. Digestive upsets, bowl pains from indigestion peptic ulcers, colitis (inflammation of the colon), with the symptoms of diarrhea, some times with blood and mucus

    25. raw as it could harm the stomach and digestive system, causing ulcers, or worse

    26. pylori, an organism that causes peptic ulcers) may

    27. Peptic ulcers are erosions or open sores in the mucous lining of the stomach or

    28. ulcers from ulcerations that affect other parts of the body (e

    29. , diabetic leg ulcers)

    30. People with ulcers have been reported to eat more sugar than people without ulcers,

    31. suggest that people with ulcers should restrict the use of both sugar and salt, although the benefit of such dietary changes remains unknown

    32. Fibre slows the movement of food and acidic fluid from the stomach to the intestines, which should help those with duodenal, though not stomach, ulcers

    33. recently healed duodenal ulcers were put on a long-term (six-month), high-fibre diet, the rate of ulcer recurrence was dramatically reduced in one controlled study, though short-215

    34. Aspirin and related drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), alcohol, coffee (including decaf), and tea can aggravate or interfere with the healing of peptic ulcers

    35. controlled trial, high amounts of zinc accelerated the healing of gastric ulcers compared

    36. Ayurvedic doctors in India have traditionally used dried banana powder (Musa paradisiaca) to treat ulcers

    37. Calendula is another plant with anti-inflammatory and healing activities that can be used as part of a traditional medicine approach to peptic ulcers

    38. Extracts of the herb corydalis are not only helpful as pain-relief agents but also may be useful in the treatment of stomach ulcers

    39. intestinal ulcers or chronic inflammation of the stomach lining, 90 to 120 mg of corydalis

    40. It is also used for people with gastrointestinal problems, including stomach ulcers, though these traditional uses have yet to be tested in scientific studies

    41. More recently, an increased incidence of bleeding stomach ulcers was seen in

    42. (also known as decubitus ulcers or bed sores), a type of skin ulcer, might also be considered wounds

    43. In a study of malnourished people with skin ulcers, those who were given a diet containing 24% protein showed a significant reduction in the size of the

    44. A topical preparation of chamomile combined with corticosteroids and antihistamines has been used to speed wound healing in elderly people with stasis ulcers caused by

    45. chamomile ointment was also found to successfully treat mild stasis ulcers in elderly

    46. leaves and bark to treat wounds, insect bites, and ulcers

    47. o Vasculitis (ulcers of fingers and toes)

    48. Slimy, dark olive skin, caked with boils and swelling ulcers, glinted

    49. One such study consisted of a group of patients with bleeding ulcers

    50. Few people can develop complications after banding such as infection, bleeding, urinary problems or ulcers at the treated site

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