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    Usar "ultimatum" en una oración

    ultimatum oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Jesus’ death upon that cross was not a one time event, but an ultimatum

    2. Darniil related in detail how he had heard about the king’s dream and his ultimatum, and how he had suggested that they could assist the king with the problem

    3. “Yes, that ultimatum ends tomorrow,” Arioch said with finality, “and no one has been able to fulfil His Majesty’s request yet

    4. Rather it was an ultimatum

    5. Our vet gave us a daunting ultimatum

    6. The panic was indescribable, when Shafter's ultimatum was delivered

    7. Without siege-guns or mortars, Shafter was unable to follow up his ultimatum, and his strategy gained nothing apart from rendering thousands of women and children homeless

    8. After a lot of soul searching, Karla decided to call Frank and give him a piece of her mind - then an ultimatum

    9. The plan was to hand an ultimatum to Roosevelt: pose as sick while a newly created office of the Secretary of General Affairs takes over and runs the country in his name

    10. Red and LP turned the oven on as they raced out through the kitchen, with thirty seconds left of Nutter’s ultimatum

    11. The next time I saw Ernest, I relayed the ultimatum

    12. “I would rather have both of you than neither of you, and I’m sure that’s the implied ultimatum,” Nita says, rolling her eyes

    13. They immediately began to complain that we had not announced our intention in advance so that they could have had enough time to consider their options fully and prepare a suitable reply to our ultimatum

    14. They wished to parley, but were given the usual ultimatum

    15. What was I going to do now, give him an ultimatum? Make him choose? I never wanted that

    16. She gave me an ultimatum, “Your damned Chicago or our marriage

    17. This was my ultimatum, this was the closing of one volume

    18. ” came Yazadril’s order over the Command Link, and The Strike Force of The Just Alliance simultaneously Translocated into place from all over Kellaran, only six minutes after Zarkog had delivered his ultimatum

    19. government, however, canceled the Potters' Visas with the ultimatum that they could

    20. He issued an ultimatum that nothing should be said

    21. Arxigos Ioannis Metaxas was the leader of the National Socialist Regime and the man who stood against Mussolini’s ultimatum to invade Greece and ensure Italy’s safety against an English invasion

    22. Restadicus spoke over the din of battle and issued Zolgnath an ultimatum

    23. “The Devil has given Ruth an ultimatum

    24. `Victor wasn't forced in anything and there was no ultimatum placed on anyone

    25. Maybe it didn‘t have to, maybe there‘s not some ultimatum from ‗The Chief;‘

    26. I’m afraid I will have to give you an ultimatum

    27. ‘Please, my name is Ho, and please forgive my crude ultimatum, but this is a vital resource that must be restored to health for the benefit of us all

    28. as an "ultimatum," he retaliated by disconnecting Symbolics'

    29. ity triggered by the Symbolics "ultimatum

    30. Then we heard of the ultimatum on radio, and from Cave City

    31. The ultimatum was from Luther

    32. When you return to Leningrad, you may give this piece of news to General Chernikov: two days ago, I served an ultimatum to the High German Command to either start withdrawing on all fronts back into Germany by noon of this Saturday or face total destruction

    33. it came the same day, my school dean gave me an ultimatum

    34. up this issue with me tonight—not to mention the ultimatum that if I

    35. In July of last year, the French warships anchored there received an ultimatum from the British: either accompany them to England or be sunk

    36. On June 22nd the Germans delivered an ultimatum to the French to sign the documents immediately or hostilities would resume within an hour; the armistice was duly signed

    37. Marsh had pulled over and listened intently to the ultimatum

    38. Darlan after a brief discussion with his staff accepted this ultimatum and issued the cease-fire order

    39. When I’d been off work for three months, my boss delivered me an ultimatum - either come back to work, or lose the job

    40. They had given 24 hours ultimatum to release their seven comrades; otherwise, they would kill the abducted tourists and the local shikara boat riders

    41. ‘’This is all that your Pope could come up with, Cardinal Reggiani? A tired reiteration of lies and utter denial of reality and scientific facts, capped by an insulting ultimatum? Does he realize what this letter will cause?’’

    42. The ultimatum says that the two bombers spotted off our West Coast were only a warning for us

    43. ‘’Then, pass my thanks to the ambassador and send him on his way after telling him that I will reply to this Soviet ultimatum before tomorrow morning

    44. Then, come and bring me that ultimatum as fast as you can

    45. On the other hand, he could bet that many of his own military leaders would want to reply with nuclear weapons to this ultimatum, despite the risks that this would entail for the United States

    46. ‘’And what would our European allies would say to seeing their capitals go up in smoke? I doubt that even the British would be ready to test Stalin’s ultimatum

    47. ‘’If you are calling about the Soviet ultimatum concerning Poland and the Baltic states, Mister President, then I am already aware of it

    48. Yesterday afternoon, the Soviet Union had the effrontery to present us with an ultimatum that was also given to our European allies: either we let Soviet forces take by force Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, or we risked war with the USSR

    49. That ultimatum included the threat to use atomic weapons against the continental United States and against the European capitals if our own forces used atomic weapons to stop the Soviet invasion forces in Europe

    50. In vue of the situation, and with the near certainty that the Soviet attack against Poland and the Baltic states would follow in only a few hours, I decided that the United States could not bow down to such a cynical ultimatum, nor abandon our allies

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