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    Usar "uninhabitable" en una oración

    uninhabitable oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Martin looked down at a curling stream that darted in and out of vision with the twisted and graded portions of hills that made this part of the country so uninhabitable

    2. Despite the abundance of energy and food resources, the fundamental problem of the lack of land space appeared to have tipped the balance, to somehow escalate to a point where their world had become effectively uninhabitable

    3. Many regions, which had previously been considered uninhabitable, held dwellings in poorly functioning biospheres, never designed for the intense heat of North Africa or southern Asia, but based on lunar and Martian technology

    4. Although I am not principally opposed to inter-planetary travel, it would seem that given the number of pressing social and economic issues demanding our immediate attention right here at home, financial resources otherwise allocated to NASA would be put to better use by attending to the requirements of a planet that our progeny will continue calling home for centuries to come rather than exploring (uninhabitable) regions for no apparent reason other than satisfying quixotical designs

    5. plant will become so contaminated that it will become uninhabitable, and we will have no

    6. It is uninhabitable even for us

    7. If it were not for the westerly breezes, Aralbalikh would be uninhabitable in the summer

    8. The use of fossil fuel, building emissions and pollution on Earth, is making your planet uninhabitable

    9. Roads were cluttered with removal vans, utes, cars and trailers stacked with household goods, sodden furniture - anything salvageable from homes made uninhabitable by the collapse of the canal system

    10. The planet we called Homestead was destroyed, rendered uninhabitable by a people who have no concern for human life

    11. A rapid cooling was then expected, although there was a chance that it could return the most northerly latitudes to being effectively uninhabitable

    12. You are not attacking Military targets, but you intend to render all the Swordsman planets uninhabitable by human and beast

    13. Reference was made in the movie that this event could render an area the size of Pennsylvania uninhabitable

    14. You could spend millions of dollars and the land may still be uninhabitable

    15. While I suspect that the southern half of Japan is still uninhabitable, the northern half, especially the Island of Hokkaido, should be mostly intact and safe

    16. New York will certainly be uninhabitable for sometime it appears

    17. Category four and five hurricanes are destructive and will in fact level certain areas and make some of them uninhabitable for a very long time

    18. Just like there are dead zones in oceans, cities, and land, there are dead zones, both uninhabited and uninhabitable empty spaces, inside and between us

    19. A segregated, closed table is uninhabitable

    20. They have made the real world uninhabitable, because it is judgmentally diaphanous

    21. Graveyards are the life killing golf courses of the dead, with greens between tombstone flags marking the holes for one manicured and fumigated by the petrochemicals of mower, fertilizer and herbicide poisoning the lawns choking on the off gassing toxic chemical coffins seeping with the sterilizing fluids of an uninhabitable decomposition

    22. Perfect house and perfect garden, lying in that land of lovely gardens, England, the garden just the right size for perfection, not a weed ever admitted, every dandelion and daisy--those friends of the unaspiring-- routed out years ago, the borders exquisite examples of taste, the turf so faultless that you hardly like to walk on it for fear of making it dusty, and the whole quite uninhabitable for people of my solitary tendencies because, go where you will, you are overlooked

    23. continent into an uninhabitable wasteland

    24. This would eventually lead them back down into the valleys below, for only their temples and monuments were made at such an uninhabitable climate

    25. If shipwrecked, there is no hope of survival because the entire coast in uninhabitable desert

    26. A graphic example to illustrate this principle is that of the North and South poles which are essentially uninhabitable because of their intense cold from inadequate exposure to the Sun’s rays

    27. It is revealed by the fact that Churchill actually wanted to start using poison gas on the Germans: which had been outlawed by the Geneva conventions after WW1 for years, and it took weeks of his entire staff arguing with him to get him to relinquish his insane plan to exterminate the entire German Nation by poison gas; thus reducing the center of Europe into an uninhabitable, poisoned wasteland for the next 300 years

    28. No one explained why the POWs had been taken so far from anywhere and anyone, to a place that appeared uninhabitable

    29. A few days later I paid the sum that I had amassed and was given the key and the deed for an uninhabitable little house on a withered lot, steps away from the train to the right and the sea to the left

    30. The first stage in this denouement was that the small room in the turret became uninhabitable

    31. The Chinese drawing-room was one I had never seen used; in fact one could not normally go further into it than a small roped area round the door, where sight-seers were corralled on the days the house was open to the public; it was a splendid, uninhabitable museum of Chippendale carving and porcelain' and lacquer and painted hangings; the Queen's bed too, was an exhibition piece, a vast velvet tent like the baldachino at St Peter's

    32. , the protest of Christianity against the government has never ceased, where the structure of life is such that men have gone away by whole communities to Turkey, to China, to uninhabitable lands, and not only are in no need of the government, but always look upon it as an unnecessary burden, and only bear it as a calamity, be it Turkish, Russian, or Chinese,—among the Russian people there have of late been occurring more and more frequently cases of the Christian conscious emancipation of separate individuals from submission to the government

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