Usar "uninspired" en una oración
uninspired oraciones de ejemplo
1. uninspired final attracted the critics of his adversaries
2. There, at the birthplace of the Marists, he found the peace and calm he desperately needed… For him, l’Hermitage was still a source of spiritual strength, and Father Champagnat was still a fountain of inspiration for his own presently uninspired life
3. I try to write a poem or a story, but I’m uninspired
4. without you in a central role their dreaming is flat and uninspired
5. Sufficient to say that I survived about half-an-hour in a thoroughly uninspired existence, as though I was trying to wake up
6. were ableto produce literature that was not wholly artificial and uninspired
9. human, just as uninspired as other men are, just as subject to err and be wrong, they are still men and hold to such things as
10. what Stephen said, just as the writer of Job was inspired to write the uninspired speeches
11. uninspired statement, made by men in fear, who was not seeing what they thought
12. prove a person has an immortal part are uninspired statements
13. unto 1490 and was added by uninspired men in the King James Version by man in A
14. Heaven,‖ and then use their uninspired answer to prove that Solomon said a person has an
15. uninspired teaching of men, there is an enormous discrepancy and contradiction
16. just as human, just as uninspired as other men are, just as subject to err and be wrong, they are stil men and hold to
17. the uninspired speeches of Job's friends even when it is said that they spoke not the truth?
18. Why did Vine use an uninspired statement made by men in
19. prove a person has an immortal part, are uninspired statements
20. comma, which was not invented unto 1490 and was added by uninspired men in the King
21. all the way up to Heaven,” and then use their uninspired answer to prove that Solomon
22. as uninspired as other men are, just as subject to err and be wrong,
23. writer of Job was inspired to write the uninspired speeches of Job's friends
24. used to prove a person has an immortal part are uninspired statements
25. not invented unto 1490 and was added by uninspired men in the King James
26. By moving the comma that was added by uninspired men with a theological prejudice,
27. man goes, it goes to up all the way to Heaven,” and then use their uninspired
28. from them, they are still just as human, just as uninspired as other men are, just as subject to err
30. Heaven,” and then use their uninspired answer to prove that Solomon said a person has an
31. Faithful, devout and learned, but uninspired preachers
33. (Note: While they are men who have learned more than most on Bible words, and we can learn from them, they are still just as human, just as uninspired as other men are, just as subject to err and be wrong, they are still men and hold to such things as Calvinism: Vine says, "Adam died on the day he disobeyed God
34. Was Stephen speaking by inspiration, or was Luke only inspired to write what Stephen said, just as the writer of Job was inspired to write the uninspired speeches of Job's friends even when it is said that they spoke not the truth? The question is, "what did Stephen ask God to do, and when was he asking God to do it"? "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge?" (Acts 7:60)
35. Why did Vine use an uninspired statement made by men in fear, who was not seeing what they thought they were seeing to prove something to be a divine truth? Notice that Vine used it to prove the very thing that Christ pointed out to them was not true? This passage says absolutely nothing about a person having an immortal invisible soul that he used it to prove
36. Vine used to prove a person has an immortal part, are uninspired statements
37. Move the comma, which was not invented unto 1490 and was added by uninspired men in the King James Version by man in A
38. By moving the comma that was added by uninspired men with a theological prejudice, the conflict with other passages is removed even if "in paradise" does mean "in Heaven
39. Yet, many give their own answer and say, “Yes I know where the soul of man goes, it returns to God all the way up to Heaven,” and then use their uninspired answer to prove that Solomon said a person has an immortal soul that is alive and goes up to God in Heaven after the death of and without the person, or a soul that is alive and goes down to Hell after the death of the person
40. Some forms of immortality of something that is in a person that would live in the under world after the death of the person it is in is taught in pagan writing and some of the writing between the Testaments, but none of the writing by uninspired persons between the Testaments or any other time did not have any influence on what is taught in the Old Testament or the New Testament
41. It was not unto years after the New Testament that some of the so-called “church fathers” brought this and other uninspired pagan teaching into the church
42. Christ used one of their own uninspired fables that those He was speaking to would know about (see Josephus and others), which He changed only slightly as the base of this parable to show the end of the Jewish nation as God's chosen people
43. Between the statements of the inspired writers of the Bible above, and today’s uninspired teaching of men, there is an enormous discrepancy and contradiction that cannot be explained away
44. He merely started wrong, and being but a man, like other uninspired men, he was subject to the same frailty, and not exempt from error
45. The attempt to set up a serve of death, which excludes the idea of destruction, is a departure from the analogy supplied throughout nature, and requires for its establishment something much more forcible than the uninspired assertion of our opponents, that life in relation to man’s religious state and prospects, signifies only union with God and that his death eternal signifies only endless misery
46. Nearly all the prepossessions of mankind derived from uninspired philosophy are hostile to the actual declarations of Christianity
47. Was Stephen speaking by inspiration, or was Luke only inspired to write what Stephen said, just as the writer of Job was inspired to write the uninspired speeches of Job's friends? The question is
48. Vine used to prove a person has an immortal part are uninspired statements
49. By moving the comma that was added by uninspired men with a theological biases, the conflict with other passages is removed
50. Christ used one of their own uninspired fables, which those He was speaking to would know about [see Josephus and others], which He changed only slightly as the base of this parable to show the end of the Jewish nation as God's chosen people