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    1. habits to unlearn), but much of the material will be new

    2. learned to want certain things, you can unlearn, and that may be in your own best interests in

    3. In fact, she had to unlearn most of his stifling teachings

    4. "Money " Never Enough: Learn to Unlearn and Relearn for the New Economy

    5. " The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read or write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn

    6. What clearly he meant is that we need to learn and unlearn as we continue to stay updated with what that works and those that no longer works

    7. mislearns, and some of what he must unlearn if he is to move forward

    8. behavior; so, in order to reverse course, you simply have to unlearn the behavior

    9. It has given me the courage to unlearn the redundant and accept the unknowable

    10. employees that never worked before so that they have nothing to unlearn

    11. D'Arnot realized now that he had made a mistake, but it seemed too late to go back and do it all over again and force Tarzan to unlearn all that he had learned, especially as they were rapidly approaching a point where they would be able to converse

    1. (mature) men yield to the whims of the unlearned (2:24-26)

    2. Two different languages were thus established in Europe, in the same manner as in ancient Egypt: a language of the priests, and a language of the people; a sacred and a profane, a learned and an unlearned language

    3. Act 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus

    4. 20 She is very unpleasant to the unlearned; he who is without understanding will not remain with her

    5. 23 Draw near me, you unlearned, and dwell in the house of learning

    6. John, and perceived that they were unlearned and

    7. A comparatively unlearned man

    8. 4 When your records refer to these messengers of the kingdom as being "ignorant and unlearned," it was intended to convey the idea that they were laymen, unlearned in the lore of the rabbis and untrained in the methods of rabbinical interpretation of the Scriptures

    9. But there was one economic abuse which he many times condemned, and that was the unfair exploitation of the weak, unlearned, and less fortunate of men by their strong, keen, and more intelligent fellows

    10. Of all the cities of Perea, in Philadelphia the largest group of Jews and gentiles, rich and poor, learned and unlearned, embraced the teachings of the seventy, thereby entering into the kingdom of heaven

    11. The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself: `O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unlearned, unjust, adulterers, or even like this publican

    12. 12 "Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You would shut the doors of the kingdom of heaven against sincere men because they happen to be unlearned in the ways of your teaching

    13. which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned

    14. The students of Greek philosophy were not unlearned and ignorant men

    15. Heaven will be a place for servants as well as masters, for maids as well as mistresses, for poor as well as rich, for the unlearned as well as the learned, for tenants as well as landlords, for subjects as well as rulers, for the pauper as well as the Queen

    16. One thing is very certain: no unlearned reader of the Bible ever seems to understand how a person can be "regenerate" and yet not saved

    17. High or low, rich or poor, gentle or simple, learned or unlearned, in town or in country,�it makes no matter

    18. England? May they not have been violent fanatics, and unlearned and ignorant men?

    19. Mohammad’s impulse of life was better not to be born, unlearned, he knew no language of a schoolman but the language of the heart to create a self-fulfilling prophecy

    20. Yet, since we are usually ignorant of – unlearned in how to see – the world, save that which proves our intentions and fulfills our desires, we are blind to that which could shatter our sense of it

    21. innocent, unlearned, and dependent the young ones are upon the good will and knowledge of their

    22. For thousands of years this endless unlearned shit has been passed on from father to son in all civilized cultures

    23. So the spiritual lesson was unlearned

    24. The older, bigger tidal wave of unlearned Egyptian corruption, cowardice, greed, and cunning, has steadily overtaken the smaller unlearned waves of brute force and mechanical might

    25. Recurring unlearned patterns and themes repeating themselves over and over again for thousands of years without stop

    26. how to die has unlearned how to be a slave

    27. Thus sermons are preached from the heart, in the power of the Holy Spirit, by these precious saints and remind us of the early days in the Book of Acts where unlearned men taught the Word of God as moved by the Holy Spirit

    28. One thing is profoundly sure that God has talked to the common people, to fishermen, laborers, and the humble and unlearned

    29. But that there should he three distinct Persons in the Godhead; that One of these should lay aside the 'form of God’ and descend to be born of a Virgin, so as to become part of the integral personality of the Christ; and that this occurred 1877 years ago in Palestine, in the Son of Mary,—is a proposition of prima facie incredibility so confounding to sense and reason that the tendency of the thinking public, learned and unlearned, has ever been largely in the direction of skepticism or resolute denial

    30. In order to comprehend it, however, we must devote closer attention than is common to the apostolic writings’—for the air is full of battle-cries having for their object to cast reproach on the true Pauline doctrine as our mistake, whereby 'the unlearned and unstable, are encouraged in their rejection of that 'way of salvation, which he taught

    31. Stuart, seems to be trilling with that common sense which God in His great mercy has given to the unlearned, to preserve them from the infatuations occasionally incident to their superiors in learning

    32. * And thus we come to comprehend some of the reasons why, after eighty years of missionary labor among them, the learned and unlearned men alike of India and China are as far as ever from embracing Christianity

    33. Yea, the voiceless wrath of the wretched and their unlearned

    34. It may seem, hereafter, to the unlearned readers among posterity, particularly to such of them as may happen not to be versed in that state of things which we were obligated to endure, very strange that I should make this special mention of Mr Hirple at his latter end, seeing and observing the small store and account I have thus set upon his talents and personalities

    35. "Composed by an unlearned man in the midst of a discussion

    36. He hid his burning head in his bony hands that were wasted by illness, sat up in bed, and sobbing, began to say that he was quite poor, that he was a simple, unlucky man, that he was foolish and unlearned, he begged kind folks to forgive him, to take care of him, to protect him, to give him food and drink, not to leave him in want, and goodness knows what else Semyon Ivanovitch said

    37. This book of devotion, spread broadcast in an enormous number of copies, awakening doubts in the minds of the most unlearned people, set me to thinking

    38. It so suited the people of the upper classes, that to this day, notwithstanding its entirely fantastic character and the arbitrary nature of its assertions, it is repeated by learned and unlearned as though it were something indubitable and self-evident

    39. However people of our upper classes (feeling that their ascendancy can only be maintained as long as they separate themselves—the rich and learned—from the laborers, the poor, and the unlearned) may seek to devise new conceptions of life by which their privileges may be perpetuated,—now the ideal of returning to antiquity, now mysticism, now Hellenism, now the cult of the superior person (over-man-ism),—they have, willingly or unwillingly, to admit the truth which is elucidating itself from all sides, voluntarily and involuntarily, namely, that our welfare lies only in the unification and the brotherhood of man

    40. “I want to help my father by my labour,” says a common unlearned man

    41. Eppes,) in attending to this point, had implied his doubts upon it by saying, that as there might be doubts among lawyers, though among unlearned men there could be none, the Committee of Foreign Relations, in reporting the bill now under consideration, were disposed to give a liberal construction to the meaning of the Legislature

    1. Representing the cycle of unlearning your wisdom

    2. He realizes; he standing beyond the best of the potentials and capabilities of his ‘acultured’ and uninhibited mind is his own God but he needs an unlearning mechanism to delete the wrong programming of his mind

    3. You are unlearning a lot of things that you thought you knew

    4. “I realize it only when I am deep inside love that there is a huge unlearning process that I need to

    5. It was the last truth for the Church to learn, and the first for her to lose—as it will be the last that she will consent to receive again by unlearning the notion which represents man's immortality as independent of redemption

    6. People are unlearning certain things, and they do well, provided that, while unlearning them they learn this: There is no vacuum in the human heart

    7. "And what does she talk French with the children for?" he thought; "how unnatural and false it is! And the children feel it so: Learning French and unlearning sincerity," he thought to himself, unaware that Darya Alexandrovna had thought all that over twenty times already, and yet, even at the cost of some loss of sincerity, believed it necessary to teach her children French in that way

    8. The process of unlearning and throwing over old and cherished notions is always hard; perhaps it has been especially so in archæology

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