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    Usar "unluckily" en una oración

    unluckily oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Unluckily for Hansel and Gretel, however, the sugar candy cottage belonged to an old witch, her trap for catching unknowing children

    2. Unluckily the Sergeant heard of his business skills and made Mark the Rooinek contribute most of his profits to the final going away party

    3. this is how we were taught to treat animals that had unluckily

    4. Unluckily for her, though, the tide was coming in fast

    5. It, obviously, was not a life and death situation, it was not a cause for panic, simply concern for the extreme discomfort and loss of time we would be subjected to, inadvertently, unluckily, for we were not celebrating

    6. Luckily for us, and very unluckily for them, they were lazy and arrogant and left most of it intact

    7. I offered immediately, as soon as my mother related the affair to me, to talk to him myself, and dissuade him from the match; but it was too late then, I found, to do any thing, for unluckily, I was not in the way at first, and knew nothing of it till after the breach had taken place, when it was not for me, you know, to interfere

    8. unluckily they were all in my pocketbook, or I should have denied their existence, and hoarded them for ever--I was forced to put them up, and could not even kiss them

    9. alarmed, and hastened to the cemetery, where, unluckily, the tombs were all so

    10. But unluckily, the hunchback happened to

    11. actually did give a kick with his foot, which unluckily hit the basket of glass

    12. Unluckily, on leaving the house, he forgot to lock the door, and the neighbours,

    13. Unluckily, the caravan was

    14. Unluckily, in spite of my having proved the truth of the dervish's words in so many

    15. Unluckily, my confidence proved misplaced

    16. Soon he heard the rumble of the trap, and saw from behind the trees how Vassenka, sitting in the hay (unluckily there was no seat in the trap) in his Scotch cap, was driven along the avenue, jolting up and down over

    17. Unluckily they don’t understand the weight that the big landowners ought to have in the state

    18. this jesting flirtation and nonsense he recklessly went so far that he did not know how to extricate himself, as unluckily he was so far from being attracted by her that he thought her positively disagreeable

    19. But unluckily that iron gate, that ha-ha, give me a feeling of restraint and hardship

    20. I offered immediately, as soon as my mother related the affair to me, to talk to him myself, and dissuade him from the match; but it was too late THEN, I found, to do any thing, for unluckily, I was not in the way at first, and knew nothing of it till after the breach had taken place, when it was not for me, you know, to interfere

    21. "I should be but too happy in taking the part, if it were possible," cried Tom; "but, unluckily, the Butler and Anhalt are in together

    22. The conversation was evidently a continuation of a previous discussion between them the week before, but unluckily the fatal phrase which had so electrified me the day before cropped up in it again, and led me to an outburst which I regret to this day

    23. But, unluckily, he advised their going on foot, as it would not be “much over” a verst

    24. Unluckily, Yulia Mihailovna was unable, for all her insight, to understand this honourable punctiliousness in an honourable character

    25. But it appears unluckily that already that morning Lebyadkin had taken that two hundred roubles out of his pocket, boasted of it and shown it in undesirable quarters

    26. I noticed things, I kept quiet; but all at once, unluckily for me (or perhaps luckily!), a cavalry officer galloped into our little town like snow on our head

    27. Although an apprentice and a minor are not property in the sense in which a slave is property, there is a class of men, unluckily, in certain parts of our country (in Philadelphia, for instance—I mean that class called "redemptioners,") who were sold but yesterday in the markets of that city

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    Sinónimos para "unluckily"

    alas regrettably unfortunately unluckily