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    Usar "unlucky" en una oración

    unlucky oraciones de ejemplo


    1. My unlucky number

    2. I’m refusing to even contemplate the possibility of pregnancy, after all, the likelihood is extremely low … I’d have to be really unlucky

    3. ‘You must have been unlucky with those bugs … only one in a million causes this sort of reaction

    4. Ichor let out a roar and with claws extended he went after the unlucky devil

    5. of an unlucky sheep

    6. An unlucky fox was met and caught by the tiger

    7. Conceivably Bram had just been unlucky, but even

    8. Most women carry the names and addresses of their loved ones … it would be unlucky if she turns out to be an orphan

    9. ‘In the struggle, it would appear that he stabbed himself with the knife – an unlucky blow which severed an artery

    10. It was unlucky that I disagreed with her

    11. My new master said the boy would’ve become his son, because his wife was barren, but now he decided that I was unlucky

    12. “Damned unlucky of you, to land yourself in such a soup,” he said

    13. He thought of me a one of those unlucky sons of

    14. "If ever there was a more loathsome cauldron of humankind than that which you are unlucky to find bubbling away in Cardew Street, then I have yet to encounter it

    15. “Bloody hell these Turks have no flies on them lad’s I will tell you that for nothing fucking machine guns hidden down a well that is bloody sneaky and could have been dead unlucky for us and the Fusiliers if we hadn’t have found them

    16. Instead they concentrated on pouring fire into the unlucky wounded lying out to their front and they would fire at anything that moved or moaned

    17. I would certainly not like to see what he called unlucky and with a clown like him defending me I could feel the bullets striking home already

    18. In his experience, any badger unlucky enough to catch Yellow Cough always died

    19. Any badger unlucky enough to be standing below at the time would be killed instantly

    20. You would be really unlucky to die in one

    21. If unlucky, it all depended on the Sergeants mood, the rest of the platoon would be punished for “being f disgraceful and inviting the f wrath of God not only on himself, but also on his beloved sergeant f unfairly too since he is f known far and wide to be a God f fearing man

    22. I hope that doesn’t mean we’re going to have an unlucky year,” he added with a chuckle

    23. Although we were lucky not to be home, we were also unlucky because we couldn’t rescue photographs or computer backups

    24. One unlucky survivor he attacked with a metal pole and a knife

    25. Perhaps, his brother was unlucky enough to have a wife and children that he had needed to leave behind

    26. I’ve never thought of myself as an ugly drunk, but maybe the medications, the pain-pills and the alcohol were an unlucky combination

    27. The Count’s chauffeur was killed by a stray bullet when he was unlucky enough to have driven one of von Brechstler’s cars into a street where a street-battle, so common after the war, was being waged between two opposing factions of Strassenkämpfer

    28. Andy was all that mattered and he hoped that soon he’d meet the corpse of some other unlucky bastard, not Andy’s

    29. They had simply been unlucky and with a bitter smile to himself, Ethan thought that this whole sordid affair reeked of bad luck

    30. The cries of some unlucky few were dulled by the falling rain

    31. Apparently, I had a lot of work to do in the meantime but she would not tell me what it was I needed to do! She also commented that I would be unlucky in my relationships with women

    32. “Well,” she considered, “I guess I’m not that unlucky

    33. For those of you unlucky enough to have specified and scoped a large number of

    34. “No, I’ve married your father, an unlucky person

    35. you in a box (not literally, unless you are unlucky) as the type of

    36. The unlucky coincidence of Power and Chance in the hands of a deeply

    37. “Well that was just an unlucky day

    38. “…but I told you I'm unlucky” I said and he pulled his arm around my waist and pulled me into the side of his body knocking the air out of me

    39. She appeared to have been unaware of the quote my father made in the Forbes article after my (what proved to be unlucky) thirteen years of hard work for him, that I had “yet to prove myself

    40. unlucky she had been with her husband, and that she had no time for

    41. Those unlucky people born under the Mountain star were said to have a long journey to travel before the end of their lives was reached

    42. "Because the unlucky fool gambled more silver on horse-fighting than he could afford to pay

    43. Haki had duel-challenged dozens of unlucky men, earning a fortune in land and silver, but his passion for gambling and whoring meant that he was usually broke

    44. His Eid-forged weapon mowed through crowds of unlucky Sogn-men towards the foe's banner

    45. He was unlucky

    46. I wish a divorce so that I can be free of my vows to Gunnar -- that nothing, that cowardly and unlucky failure of a wretch! I wish to re-marry, to Halfdan the Black

    47. What exactly were they doing on this unlucky ship, if not to help

    48. not as a young mother with a so-so job, sharing an apartment with a friend and so far unlucky

    49. Should I be unlucky I hope that you find in Wilfried a courageous life’s companion

    50. I picked on one unlucky man as he left the factory on his bike, a bag strapped to the carrier and inconspicuously followed him through the city

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    Sinónimos para "unlucky"

    doomed ill-fated ill-omened ill-starred unlucky luckless dire apocalyptic baleful hapless unsuccessful catastrophic