Usar "unsay" en una oración
unsay oraciones de ejemplo
1. For you my love, for the things unsaid,
2. but there are no ways in which to leave things unsaid
3. and that the simplest of things will remain unsaid,
4. Then, by all might, retaliate! What is left unsaid:
5. To whatever else is left unsaid: let it be unsaid
6. Why not use mind fusion to truly understand each other? How sad that if the B’tari fail to halt the TE wave then all those things unsaid would be lost
7. Janetta must surely know the things unsaid; there were just these silent moments when they could have been
8. What remains unsaid oftentimes reveals more than what is spoken!
9. so many things that are left unsaid but he can’t do anything for it
10. There are always conditions—lines that cannot be crossed, words that cannot be unsaid
11. Do I disappoint you? Ending here, with so much still to do and so much unsaid? But it is the end of the first movement of my life, away from slavery, the first steps into my own will
12. She spoke then with a low, uneven voice, as if she was telling a story better left unsaid:
13. But I choose to say the things unsaid,
14. Listen carefully to the unsaid
15. For his part, the wolf seemed to be as aware of the unsaid feelings and words between us as I was
16. Oddly enough, though, it just may be the things that are left unsaid
17. Whether said in a lie or left unsaid, it remains a lie
18. “I have a sister,” I said to the unsaid question Maggie had on her face
19. As writer Harriet Beecher Stowe said, “The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone
20. The cook subsides, but Ralph can sense the crimson edge of all her unsaid words
21. The cry went on and on, rising higher and higher in Simon’s mind, and the boy twisted, the unsaid words in him ricocheting through the air: Run
22. Some things were best left unsaid
23. Ah! But my pride is stronger than my impulsiveness and quickly imposed control on the situation, throwing my words into the corner of the unsaid things; so I could respond without showing effusivity:
24. Pray tell me what remains unsaid
25. Something said can’t be unsaid
26. And leave it still unsaid in part,
27. Later when the fire seemed to be going down, he looked into her eyes and quietly whispered to her “maybe it is time for us to go up to bed ourselves and maybe,” this he left unsaid, but the look in his eyes told her what he wanted to say
28. Unsaid was that you may be doing exactly that
29. Oftentimes it's best left unsaid, but never denied to
30. Things left unsaid are easier for me to deal with, and when words are necessary it’s best to use them sparingly and to be right to the point
31. There’s a lot more unsaid and would take too long,
32. A lot of my emotions, feelings and thoughts for My Pretty Lotus have remained unsaid,
33. “Some things are better left unsaid
34. The rest went unsaid
35. ‘I found the movie moving and the songs memorable,’ she said, giving an impression that she left something unsaid
36. ‘Especially that one, ‘yuhi koyi,’ he said, as though he understood what was unsaid, ‘about a chancy meeting and thereafter
37. There was nothing left unsaid by the quietness between us
38. What is it that makes me commit all these thoughts, observations, conclusions to paper? Convinced I’m wasting time, energy, ink and some poor tree’s death-worth of paper, why do I still put all this forth? Isn’t it akin to that old biblical sin of spilling one’s seed upon the ground—spilling my words into a void of apathy and self-selected ignorance where they will never bear fruit? What must I insensibly hope to accomplish—simply relieve the pressure of too many words held unsaid, unheard, unread? The more I release into the limbo of no-longer-in-me-and-not-passed-on-to-anyone-else, the more crowd my doors, wanting out
39. bursting with unsaid words, her mom told her sternly, “Wait here
40. made him leave it unsaid
41. What they left unsaid, but was implicitly understood, was that her ankle appeared to be more seriously injured than before, and would need immediate medical attention, whether Kathy liked it or not
42. What he left unsaid was the fact that he didn’t want to use Kathy’s phone, in case it was being bugged
43. It was what she left unsaid, that poignantly and heart wrenchingly portrayed the complete hell she and her siblings and mother had been living in for so long
44. Kitty, said Dolly, would be fidgeted if we hadn't carried out the original plan, and might be afraid that, if we weren't eating grapes all day as arranged, we were probably using our idle mouths for saying things she wished left unsaid
45. Things were left unsaid between them for they knew each other's question quite well and their answers even better
46. By that I mean nothing left unsaid, nothing left undone, no one left unloved
47. Unsaid was the fear that if she stopped she would not be able to continue
48. His words trail off, headed for some unknown place where unsaid words die
49. I wanted to protest, but my words remained unsaid
50. There was an unsaid statement of intent in that action
1. “Zuri, I know I can’t unsay all the things I said… but will you give me a chance to fix things between us? I just want to get back to where we were before
2. Between the fall of Adam—and the force of circumstances—and the cheapness of vicious indulgences,—and the bias of heredity—and the difficulty of knowing whom to believe—Jesus or Mohammed, Paul or Rousseau, John or Voltaire—a hopeful case must be made out forevery man; and if GOD Himself should 'judge the world in righteousness,’ He must unsay all the ancient threats of exclusion from future blessedness; and; after some fatherly chastisement of 'dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and lovers and makers of lies,’ must receive them with open arms to paradise
3. But nothing could unsay the fact that he had returned, and was there in presence of the Judge and Jury
4. cannot unsay what she said, and I cannot undo what I have done
5. The Lady Barbara could only lie on her bed and moan and sob, and cry that she loved Lord Farquhart; that she wished she could unsay her words
1. But look ye, Starbuck, what is said in heat, that thing unsays itself