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    Usar "unshakable" en una oración

    unshakable oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The challenges confronting any free society lie in the unshakable confidence invested in its citizens as free-thinking individuals capable of making the right choices and exercising proper judgment rather than perceived as sophisticated machines guided by neural impulses connected to some highly developed nerve center

    2. Sylvia was certain the police knew the man they’d arrested was not, as he maintained, smuggling cocaine for the first time or acting entirely on his own, but he’d been unshakable through hours of rigorous interrogation

    3. The above verses, and many others not quoted, create an unshakable

    4. Q: I hear you talking of the unshakable and blissful

    5. He was holding a small copper dragon around the base of its neck with one hand, his grip unshakable with the tips of his claws dug in a bit

    6. God wants us to have unshakable faith and continuing hope in Him

    7. You must have an unshakable

    8. unshakable confidence in the blessing of the Lord

    9. Paul had an unshakable

    10. with all the unshakable and serene strength of His Ray, playing a great part in

    11. As faithful of the Orthodox Church we have the unshakable certainty that the Church possesses

    12. " It embraces patience and forbearance and is motivated by an unshakable faith in a lawful and friendly universe

    13. unshakable tendency to try more of the same

    14.  The best traders are those who have unshakable confidence in themselves and

    15. They were the finest infantry in the world, with a tradition that made their morale unshakable

    16. Joey heard the unshakable conviction in Lezura’s voice

    17. Now his tremors were gone, now his simian climbing instincts kicked in and made fast and unshakable his grip

    18. The birth of the latest José Arcadio and her unshakable will to bring him up to be Pope finally caused her to cease worrying about her great--granddaughter

    19. In an era when the battleship was considered, with unshakable conviction, to be the ultimate maritime weapon, the fate of these two great ships proved once and for all that powerful battleships were not immune to destruction from the air

    20. Yan sat, stern, unmoving, unshakable, resolute and slowly

    21. Mahatma’s stubborn resistance and unshakable belief in truth evolved into what was

    22. It is an eternal unshakable truth that has always existed in the days of all highly developed human civilizations ever existing on the Earth

    23. caused him unbearable pain but in his innermost place, hid an unshakable

    24. The Almighty fixed the mountains on the earth in order to make it unshakable and to regulate its revolution and movement

    25. called the unshakable faith

    26. Of course what that means is that every single man surrounding him now gets the benefit of such actions that would otherwise be incurred upon Tulip's unshakable moral compass

    27. "No, ma'am," he said with the decision of an unshakable conviction, "upon my immortal soul I do not see a shred

    28. I have repeated many times that nobody and nothing, ever and anywhere mechanically, that is, “inertially and progressively moves from point A to point B of Space”, any one simply cannot do it! Because all states and all positions — both thinkable and unthinkable — of absolutely all “points” of any Space-Time are already initially are, they are “included” in the Creation as objective entities, as the unshakable “foundation of innumerable types of Existence and Non-Existence”, as all that which We (in each of Configurations of Forms focused by Us), as the Formo-Creators of all Levels of Energy-Plasma, always had, have and will have in its invariable form

    29. holding the vision with unshakable PURPOSE to attain it, and with steadfast

    30. You can convey this impression by holding the unshakable faith that you,

    31. cosmos come clean and prove Newton correct, maintaining their unshakable belief that even the cosmos

    32. They asked not Newton but the cosmos when will the cosmos come clean and prove Newton correct, maintaining their unshakable belief that even the cosmos could be at blame but Newton could never be wrong

    33. Unshakable deliverance of mind is the highest goal in Spiritual Contemplation

    34. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton were all imbued with an unshakable faith in reason

    35. additional labours of late reinforced the unshakable gloom

    36. Krista followed, no longer protesting against the unshakable grip on her arm

    37. In the unshakable order of the universe and through the whole scope

    38. Jericho Barrons is an unshakable, undestroyable constant

    39. He had unshakable faith in God and loved his wife with might

    40. He had unshakable faith in God and loved his wife with might

    41. Then as the visits had continued over more than two years, and his brother’s status in prison had gelled to a permanency that seemed unshakable, Puller increasingly could think of nothing to say

    42. In no particular order of importance, her reasons were (1) funerals are important religious services, as the living say good-bye to the departed, who by then are already in heaven reaping rewards; (2) there is an old and unshakable tradition that proper and well-raised people pay their respects to the family; (3) country folks are usually bored and looking for something to do; (4) everyone wants a crowd at his or her funeral, so you’d better play the game while you can; (5) there is always plenty of food

    43. Allen’s conviction that New Orleans would be restored and he would return was unshakable, but while he was here among us, there seemed a chance to do something that served the moment

    44. She was not entirely convinced that the world was not flat, because she’d never been to the edge of it and had an unshakable faith in the restorative power of soaking your feet in scalding-hot water and drinking Tia Maria, which she insisted was not alcoholic because it tasted of coffee

    45. There’s laughter, but then Goldstein launches into a dead-serious description of the various steps toward achieving the “unshakable deliverance of mind, the cessation of craving without remainder

    46. Parisi had been nicknamed Red Dog for his thick red hair and his unshakable determination

    47. ‘You heard probably of the heroic exploit of Raevski, embracing his two sons and saying: ‘I will perish with them but we will not be shaken!’ And truly though the enemy was twice stronger than we, we were unshakable

    48. For a long time Pierre did not sleep, but lay with eyes open in the darkness, listening to the regular snoring of Platon who lay beside him, and he felt that the world that had been shattered was once more stirring in his soul with a new beauty and on new and unshakable foundations

    49. Her normally unshakable ability to concentrate had simply failed her

    50. There was a full minute of unbroken silence and again another drop fell, but I knew with infinite unshakable certainty that everything would change immediately

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    bulletproof unassailable unshakable watertight firm steadfast steady stiff unbendable unfaltering unwavering