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    Usar "unshaven" en una oración

    unshaven oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He looks rough – unshaven, his hair slightly longer than usual - but that is not to be wondered at

    2. But I had better get down to some serious ablutions … as I survey my unshaven legs, I thank my stars that fashion here on Errd does not demand that women shave their legs and armpits

    3. The object of her unsubtle surveillance is unshaven and rambling, singing to himself

    4. Why should that bother Billy? He is unshaven, dirty, slightly hung-over and wearing yesterday's suit, a suit that he has slept in

    5. "What?" she whirled to look up at his unshaven face It was apparent that his night hadn't been much more successful, than hers had

    6. He looked like warmed over death, his eyes were sunk deep into his unshaven face, and his hair matted to his head

    7. ” He scratched his unshaven chin again, bristling with a few days growth

    8. There was an unshaven man with a blanket around him and

    9. Sitting in the rapidly-cooling water, he resigned himself to the fact that he would have to allow his beard to continue to grow, admitting to himself that unshaven, he would blend into the mass of refugees travelling across Poland

    10. It was a little presumptuous to come into a young girl’s bath and plump himself down, unshaven, beer and a doobie in hand, and ogle her to death

    11. The driver, a typical Spanish working class man with a rugged unshaven sun beaten face, a leather cap tilted to the back of his head, and a waistcoat that had seen better days

    12. There was a murmuring in the room, then an unshaven man of about fifty wearing a worn fisherman’s sweater stepped forward and asked, “Who played in the World Series last year?”

    13. Ken was tired and unshaven, but his muscles tensed like a startled cat when he saw Colonel Geist’s staff car approaching

    14. And most of the time, I am unshaven; I slap on a dollop of

    15. unshaven chin reminding her of Tobias's scary dark features

    16. Bikini-clad, barefoot and dizzy I wandered for hours: my unshaven, unkempt, almost nudity attracting less attention than you'd expect

    17. Making ourselves as presentable as possible and gluing radiant smiles to our washed but unshaven faces, we walked north

    18. My face was haggard and unshaven, my eyes were weary and my once white shirt — now with a ripped collar — was badly in need of a wash

    19. His appearance was of a board certified wino; clothes disheveled, unshaven, long hair plastered to his head and slightly unsteady on his feet

    20. Their Spanish banter washed over me and I stared at the back of his head: his black hair unevenly cut just above his shirt collar and his thick, unshaven neck

    21. Phil looks out of place amongst his huge friends; long black hair covers a thin unshaven face that reaches down to skinny bony shoulders that are covered by a thick linen grey shirt

    22. Adding hair to his face, follicle by follicle, hair by hair, he constructs a slightly unshaven appearance

    23. Now with a tough weatherworn face Grailem felt confident that he would be accepted everywhere; except for the upper classes due to his unshaven appearance

    24. Looking to be in his late twenties or early thirties he looked to be a rough unshaven character with long hair

    25. grubby work clothes, and an unshaven face

    26. The bristles of his unshaven face were sharp against his hands

    27. do on your very first date is to show up unshaven and without taking a bath

    28. All of them were dirty, unshaven and did not have most of their combat equipment or even their steel helmet

    29. Morse and the children turned around to see a short, incredibly obese priest, with a bald head, unshaven chin, and thick black glasses

    30. She opened the door to find a dark, unshaven young man in rumpled clothes that reeked of yesterday's sweat and several days’ worth of alcohol

    31. And my unshaven beards were curtailed my white complexion

    32. “Did you folks call for a cab?” A husky and unshaven taxi driver yelled out

    33. A cross between a very disorganised refugee camp and an even more disorganised camping site, temporary washing and cooking facilities had been set up on and around the lorries, while barrels and crates had been produced from somewhere as the unshaven drivers sat despondently playing a disinterested hand of cards or sucking on their 100th fag, the remains of several days food, cigarette butts and litter around their feet

    34. She soon understood what had awakened her suspicions when the soldiers galloped to meet her cart, then surrounded it, forcing her to stop: they were obviously half-drunk, apart from being unshaven and unkempt

    35. He was dirty from a day’s work, a beard started to shadow his unshaven face, and match his dark brown hair

    36. He was dirty and unshaven, and his clothes were filthy

    37. The chap behind the counter immediately ushered him through a 'staff only' door, where he was greeted by a large, unshaven Lebanese, sitting behind a desk

    38. A black tri-cornered hat slanted rakishly above his unshaven face, and a stuffed green and yellow parrot perched on his shoulder

    39. heard speak before, reappeared in the hall, unshaven, dark shadows under his eyes, having

    40. There was a fat unshaven Black man with glasses

    41. Underneath his unshaven face she begins to see that nobility again

    42. I looked at him for several moments, noting his unshaven face, his creased collar and cuffs, and the black jacket and waistcoat he wore

    43. His posture was slumped; he was unshaven, with several days’ growth, and

    44. slobbery kiss with his unshaven, chewing tobacco flavored mouth

    45. He felt the unshaven face of the man

    46. The only other occupants, two unshaven and sullen-looking Hispanic men, one short and wiry, the other marked with an angry pink scar across his cheek, were staring at their laps, occasionally exchanging a few muttered words of Spanish

    47. He looked maybe twenty years old, unshaven

    48. He was cute, even with the bandaged forehead and unshaven face

    49. ” Two unshaven men came inside my cell, took me by the arms and carried me outside

    50. Who is in the team?” A table of three chubby, unshaven guys

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