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    1. During the Dark Age when our seas were under siege from pirates and pillagers, our people would look with absolute confidence to their goddess Athena and believe she would vanquish the pirates and deliver their village from intruders

    2. She shall use their own materialistic greed to vanquish them and cleanse herself of these destructive individuals

    3. “The time to vanquish our enemies will come when it comes

    4. “It’s a Vanquish,” she said softly, touching the hood “I didn’t notice”

    5. Although you cannot vanquish death, you can change your attitude towards your captor

    6. And then, forthwith, will this faith vanquish fear of men by the compelling presence of that new and all-dominating love of your fellows which will so soon fill your soul to overflowing because of the consciousness which has been born in your heart that you are a child of God

    7. And this is the sum of duty: Let no man do to another what would be repugnant to himself; cherish no malice, smite not him who smites you, conquer anger with mercy, and vanquish hate by benevolence

    8. and they could vanquish me

    9. They are equipped to overcome evil with good, to vanquish hate by love, to destroy fear with a courageous and living faith in truth

    10. I will vanquish the chill and destroy the ice

    11. Neither had faced the other in combat since the secession, although there were those in the Federation who wanted to reclaim the seceded territories by force and those in the Swordsmen military who wanted to vanquish the infidel Federation

    12. There was also a plan to spread the word on Cuba that the Second Coming of Christ was imminent, and that he would vanquish the anti-Christ Castro

    13. In the history known to Nancy Laplante, which I believe still mirrors pretty closely the present situation in Indochina, the French tried to vanquish militarily the Vietminh, who didn’t enjoy direct Soviet air support like right now, but were still decisively defeated in the field in 1954 and were forced to agree to free elections in Vietnam and to leave Indochina

    14. Every man has the opportunity to vanquish the Dark Lord in the mirror, and then set forth as a beacon of wisdom in a world of ignorance, and be a friend to the innocent in a world still controlled by savages

    15. Perhaps, he thought, they could find an abandoned above-ground cave, or one without too many land trolls to vanquish

    16. As the omniscient being of the planet, the Watcher had a funny feeling that it would all end in tragedy, unless Thane was able to vanquish the warlock before his woefully inadequate substitutes stumbled upon his adversary’s mountain fortress

    17. it would all end in tragedy, unless Thane was able to vanquish the warlock

    18. vanquish, yet she herself had her dark friends to call upon

    19. “To lead? To rule? To vanquish all foe and remain supreme?”

    20. It should never be forgotten that it is something that we have to vanquish and get across

    21. glances with the other Judges and then said matter-of-factly, “We, as Judges, must vanquish the evil in the galaxy

    22. Through this Godly manifestation, they (ptt) are preserved from the devil in a forbidding fort and an unapproachable shelter; on the contrary to being subject to the devils’ power, it is they who rule over the devils, who vanquish and burn them: “…but Al’lah gives His apostles authority over whom He will…”

    23. He then walked to his garage and disarmed the alarm on the V12 Vanquish

    24. Jack drove faster, one car drafted behind Jack’s car when suddenly Jack made a complete stop and the car crashed into the back of the Vanquish

    25. The car had two gangster car escorts following it and when they spotted the Vanquish, the shooters in the car peered out the window and started shooting at Jack with their AK-47s

    26. Jack then pulled Susan out of the way as the Vanquish crashed into the armored car

    27. Jack then got into Vanquish and reversed it away from the wreckage of the armored car and drove back to the city

    28. He was so patient, so understanding that she couldn’t vanquish the same foes he could

    29. And the best way to vanquish

    30. So as we read in the previous chapters; man can only vanquish fear by walking up to the thing he is afraid

    31. on to vanquish the Seven Spirits of Evil

    32. That there is no enemy that I cannot vanquish, but I tell you now that they are all wrong

    33. Into this complex life we must desire, above all other influences, that there should be introduced that redeeming element of God’s Spirit which is destined at last to vanquish all others by stamping upon us the image of the Eternal

    34. The final cause of regeneration is to vanquish the mortality produced by sin

    35. Restore the primitive truth on the nature of man, the original sin, the mediation of Christ, and the consequences of unbelief to the wicked—and the evangelical theology will certainly vanquish its opponents, both as an argument to be sustained, and as a system to govern the convictions of men

    36. Who, then, can wonder that a Christianity so diminished in its forces both to win and to appall, so pale and so colorless, naturally maintains a doubtful fight with the stiff-necked pagans of Asia? Is there not required a doctrine that commends itself more cogently to the reason and to the conscience of men, of the teachers as well as the taught, to their imagination not less than to their affections,—a love so real, so tender and intelligible—a terror so soul-subduing, so near at hand, and so appreciably just,—as to shake if it cannot vanquish the stoutest resistance of the heathen;—a hope of speedy victory to the Church, sufficient to restore the death-daring energies of the first century, and a courage founded on overpowering conviction which would engage in closer conflict with Eastern Buddhism, and the stolid positivism of Confucius? That 'throneless king,’ as the Chinese call him, would soon, I trust in God, lose much of his, opposing power, before a Savior preached as if He were the very JESUS of the gospels, 'coming again quickly’ to be the Lord of the world

    37. "I have never been in the habit," said Don Quixote, "of taking spoil of those whom I vanquish, nor is it the practice of chivalry to take away their horses and leave them to go on foot, unless indeed it be that the victor have lost his own in the combat, in which case it is lawful to take that of the vanquished as a thing won in lawful war; therefore, Sancho, leave this horse, or ass, or whatever thou wilt have it to be; for when its owner sees us gone hence he will come back for it

    38. Lothario saw himself in the lists according to his friend's wish, and facing an enemy that could by her beauty alone vanquish a squadron of armed knights; judge whether he had good reason to fear; but what he did was to lean his elbow on the arm of the chair, and his cheek upon his hand, and, asking Camilla's pardon for his ill manners, he said he wished to take a little sleep until Anselmo returned

    39. On the contrary, he must attack and fall upon them with a gallant bearing and a fearless heart, and, if possible, vanquish and destroy them, even though they have for armour the shells of a certain fish, that they say are harder than diamonds, and in place of swords wield trenchant blades of Damascus steel, or clubs studded with spikes also of steel, such as I have more than once seen

    40. "Perhaps, Sancho," returned Don Quixote, "the enchantment does not go so far as to deprive conquered and presented giants and knights of the power of recognising Dulcinea; we will try by experiment with one or two of the first I vanquish and send to her, whether they see her or not, by commanding them to return and give me an account of what happened to them in this respect

    41. The history goes on to say, then, that when the bachelor Samson Carrasco recommended Don Quixote to resume his knight-errantry which he had laid aside, it was in consequence of having been previously in conclave with the curate and the barber on the means to be adopted to induce Don Quixote to stay at home in peace and quiet without worrying himself with his ill-starred adventures; at which consultation it was decided by the unanimous vote of all, and on the special advice of Carrasco, that Don Quixote should be allowed to go, as it seemed impossible to restrain him, and that Samson should sally forth to meet him as a knight-errant, and do battle with him, for there would be no difficulty about a cause, and vanquish him, that being looked upon as an easy matter; and that it should be agreed and settled that the vanquished was to be at the mercy of the victor

    42. joustings, marshal tournaments, and prove himself noble, generous, and magnificent, and above all a good Christian, and so doing he will fulfil the duties that are especially his; but let the knight-errant explore the corners of the earth and penetrate the most intricate labyrinths, at each step let him attempt impossibilities, on desolate heaths let him endure the burning rays of the midsummer sun, and the bitter inclemency of the winter winds and frosts; let no lions daunt him, no monsters terrify him, no dragons make him quail; for to seek these, to attack those, and to vanquish all, are in truth his main duties

    43. After this the history goes on to say that the day fixed for the battle arrived, and that the duke, after having repeatedly instructed his lacquey Tosilos how to deal with Don Quixote so as to vanquish him without killing or wounding him, gave orders to have the heads removed from the lances, telling Don Quixote that Christian charity, on which he plumed himself, could not suffer the battle to be fought with so much risk and danger to life; and that he must be content with the offer of a battlefield on his territory (though that was against the decree of the holy Council, which prohibits all challenges of the sort) and not push such an arduous venture to its extreme limits

    44. If thou dost acknowledge this fairly and openly, thou shalt escape death and save me the trouble of inflicting it upon thee; if thou fightest and I vanquish thee, I demand no other satisfaction than that, laying aside arms and abstaining from going in quest of adventures, thou withdraw and betake thyself to thine own village for the space of a year, and live there without putting hand to sword, in peace and quiet and beneficial repose, the same being needful for the increase of thy substance and the salvation of thy soul; and if thou dost vanquish me, my head shall be at thy disposal, my arms and horse thy spoils, and the renown of my deeds transferred and added to thine

    45. She lay in the silvery shadows with courage that defeat is an impossibility and a pretty dress and a clear complexion are weapons to rising and made the plans that a sixteenyear-old makes when life has been so pleasant vanquish fate

    46. Her job had become, in essence, to vanquish the ziggurat, and with her only employee out on maternity leave, she was more or less an army of one

    47. He could vanquish Ser Duncan the Tall, but not Dunk of Flea Bottom

    48. Harper and vanquish her realism with Tom's marvellous dream

    49. ‘Ah! here’s the warrior! Wants to vanquish Buonaparte?’ said the old man, shaking his

    50. Commanded by the Emperor himself they could not fail to vanquish anyone, be it whom it might: so thought Rostov and most of the officers after the review

    1. Each one of these vanquished kings, queens

    2. The feeling of being trampled, mutiliated and vanquished by a mere boy had only

    3. “We also wish to state clearly, so that there may be no lingering doubt, that you have again vanquished our worst fears

    4. vanquished with the palm of Max’s thick hand

    5. If they conquer, whatever belongs to the hostile tribe is the recompence of the victory ; but if they are vanquished, all is lost; and not only their herds and flocks, but their women and children

    6. It vanquished and subdued, after a long and violent struggle, indeed, the gallant and well exercised militias of the principal republics of ancient Greece; and afterwards, with very little struggle, the effeminate and ill exercised militia of the great Persian empire

    7. I went back into the house, my appetite for fresh air momentarily vanquished

    8. A shame? Vanquished ancestors, was he actually regretting what he had done? Did he feel guilty? Or was she imagining it? Maybe he had just come down to gloat

    9. Victor and vanquished shook hands

    10. The aftermath of the Second World War was a period of adjustment for victor and vanquished alike

    11. The Victors oftentimes look to consolidate their fortunes for their own sake rather than taking a chance that the spoils of victory might spill over to the Vanquished

    12. My ―favorite‖ staple is the one where a cloddish, brawny type is properly set down and summarily vanquished with relative ease by an unassuming ―cutie‖ ready, willing and able of taking on all comers who step out of line

    13. that whoever of the victors and the vanquished gets safe out of and escapes all these things aforesaid will be delivered into the hands

    14. Of the vanquished shadow creatures there were left only black stains on the cobblestones

    15. and persevered through the indignities; 10 and like a noble athlete, the old man, when struck, vanquished his torturers

    16. bitter tortures: 25 for when the tyrant was manifestly vanquished in his first attempt, in being unable to force the old man to eat the

    17. Material thinking sees the unknown only as an entity to be vanquished

    18. “Likely Povon would assume you were vanquished, and take herself elsewhere before the reconstitution of your bodies became obvious

    19. I notice if I think only of the physical, then the mind-pain is kept at bay, although not vanquished

    20. 9 And it shall come to pass that whoever of the victors and the vanquished gets safe out of and escapes all these things aforesaid will be delivered into the hands of My servant Messiah

    21. 6 Having vanquished this attempt the king then decided to proceed to the neighbouring cities and encourage them

    22. 9 But he endured the pains and despised the cruelty and persevered through the indignities; 10 and like a noble athlete the old man when struck vanquished his torturers

    23. 10 O aged man of more power than tortures elder more vigorous than fire greatest king over the passions Eleazar! 11 For as father Aaron armed with a censer hastening through the consuming fire vanquished the flame-bearing angel 12 So Eleazar the descendant of Aaron wasted away by the fire did not give up his reasoning

    24. 24 How is it that even boys imbued with the philosophy of religious reasoning have conquered still more bitter tortures: 25 for when the tyrant was manifestly vanquished in his first attempt in being unable to force the old man to eat the unclean thing

    25. Then, carefully, he rolled them level and gradually vanquished gravity by pushing the nose down until they were loose in their straps, and their pencils floated up from their sleeve pockets

    26. Would he want to go inside? His mother’s body would no longer be there; when vanquished by the enemy, the flesh was taken also

    27. History is vague during this time but Lucis and his armies were vanquished

    28. His forces were vanquished

    29. They battled the beholders with the help of Nighthawk’s goblins and vanquished them

    30. A number of the creatures were brought to their knees and vanquished by the Arboreans

    31. And this touch was starring by Batam, who at the very moment to set his foot on the white sand, collapsed, falling on his knees with a vanquished resigned attitude; but in a very theatrical and dramatic way that emerged the smile on the faces of everyone

    32. The mercenaries were prepared and vanquished the trio of Lykanthros with ease

    33. But I have already vanquished these sinful rebels

    34. All too often, when we battle for the right, it turns out that both the victor and the vanquished have sustained defeat

    35. As he lifted his eyes from his vanquished foe, they had absently rested on the surrounding trees, and the vistas beyond

    36. The oliphants sounded a fanfare of triumph all over the plain, and the hoofs of the victors crunched in the breasts of the vanquished as all the straggling, shining lines converged inward like the spokes of a glittering wheel, to the spot where the last survivor still waged unequal strife

    37. Jesus was not vanquished, merely uncontending in the material sense

    38. Though he sat among the glittering ruins of shattered palaces and clad his hard body in the silks of vanquished kings, the Pict remained the eternal barbarian, ferocious, elemental, interested only in the naked primal principles of life, unchanging, unerring in his instincts which were all for war and plunder, and in which arts and the cultured progress of humanity had no place

    39. 1 But even after materialism and mechanism have been more or less vanquished, the devastating influence of twentieth-century secularism will still blight the spiritual experience of millions of unsuspecting souls

    40. Monique and Angelina had been impressed with the fact that a funeral was conducted at all and especially that a small group like this would give full military honors to vanquished enemies

    41. What folk is this, which seems by pain so vanquished?

    42. “We fought him and his crew and vanquished them from this planet

    43. The spirits of the leaf monsters that you vanquished have taken over the bodies of the snowmen

    44. A vanquished sepulcher of hearts and swords

    45. The incredible reconstruction that must now begin in Europe and in Japan will be very expensive in time and money, not only for the vanquished, but also for the victors who surely must participate in the reconstruction

    46. A Federation force would capture the tender’s crew for interrogation and ransom once the defenders had been vanquished

    47. Yes, yes, of course, his fears and disappointments would be vanquished

    48. Early one morning, vanquished by the unbearable pain of repressed virility, he went to Catarino’s

    49. Glenn, on the other hand, being victorious, flew around in a wide circle over the valley, with his vanquished opponent’s streamers trailing off his hang glider

    50. All of the wicked vanquished

    1. and wins through, vanquishes the Antagonist and gets That-

    2. Then I go further and do the unspeakable, the act that proves insanity, the dead that vanquishes the force

    1. Vanquishing the most calamitous of mortal flaws is

    2. His labors slaying the Nemean lion, vanquishing

    3. He was a wise man, and once he realised the powers that were held inside the Globe, mostly by vanquishing his enemies, he ordered the Globe to be given to each King in succession and the secrets to be passed on from King to his son down the ages

    4. He succeeded in vanquishing five of the Warriors of Chaos

    5. Where Rachel saw the grand sweep of armies pitted against each other in epic struggles, Wendy saw the details of the movements of individual platoons and regiments as they dealt with the business of vanquishing an enemy

    6. the cool liquid vanquishing his thirst

    7. It was a scary business, though, vanquishing land trolls

    8. And all of this after vanquishing the Grand Wizard in front of the

    9. Vanquishing their demoniacal powers and restraint of thought are at the

    10. sions itself by vanquishing the senses

    11. The devastation of the planet and its inhabitants is occurring because the fanatical elite seek a Carthaginian Peace – vanquishing those who cannot create themselves into something desired or willing to sell themselves cheaply enough to be useful

    12. “Princess Aazuria, some of my elite warriors said that they were heading to your Mirrored Caves for festivities… to celebrate vanquishing our common enemy

    13. In books and movies it was always a clumsy kid vanquishing dark monsters with the flicker of a wand - and Eric hated that

    14. And so saying he stood up and laid his hand on his sword, waiting to see what the Knight of the Grove would do, who in an equally calm voice said in reply, "Pledges don't distress a good payer; he who has succeeded in vanquishing you once when transformed, Sir Don Quixote, may fairly hope to subdue you in your own proper shape; but as it is not becoming for knights to perform their feats of arms in the dark, like highwaymen and bullies, let us wait till daylight, that the sun may behold our deeds; and the conditions of our combat shall be that the vanquished shall be at the victor's disposal, to do all that he may enjoin, provided the injunction be such as shall be becoming a knight

    15. They blamed Kutuzov and said that from the very beginning of the campaign he had prevented their vanquishing Napoleon, that he thought nothing but satisfying his passions and would not advance from the Linen Factories because he was comfortable there, that at Krasnoe he checked the advance because on

    16. We have vanquished the hydra, and it is called the locomotive; we are on the point of vanquishing the griffin, we already grasp it, and it is called the balloon

    17. The best fun was with Madame Joubert: Miss Wilson was a poor sickly thing, lachrymose and low-spirited, not worth the trouble of vanquishing, in short; and Mrs

    18. The continual ecstasy of vanquishing and the consciousness that no one could vanquish them was what attracted them

    19. They blamed Kutúzov and said that from the very beginning of the campaign he had prevented their vanquishing Napoleon, that he thought of nothing but satisfying his passions and would not advance from the Linen Factories because he was comfortable there, that at Krásnoe he checked the advance because on learning that Napoleon was there he had quite lost his head, and that it was probable that he had an understanding with Napoleon and had been bribed by him, and so on, and so on

    20. The President of the United States, in his Message, which was read on yesterday, has, in terms eloquent and appropriate, made mention of an engagement which has taken place between an American frigate and one of His Britannic Majesty's, which has rendered to the officers and crew of our frigate that justice which they so justly merited; an engagement in which American tars have proven to the world, that when commanded by officers of skill, valor, and fidelity, they are capable of contending with, and of vanquishing, those of any nation on the earth, upon any element—even on that element where British skill has so justly acquired so much celebrity, and that the American flag, when authorized by the constituted authorities of our country, will command respect on the high road of nations

    21. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, requested to present, in the name of Congress, to Captain Isaac Hull, a gold medal, with suitable emblems and devices; and that the sum of —— thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be distributed as prize money to the officers and crew of the United States' frigate the Constitution, of forty-four guns, according to the provisions of the act for the better government of the Navy of the United States; in testimony of the high sense entertained by Congress of the gallantry, good conduct, and services of Captain Hull, the officers, and crew, of the said frigate Constitution, in attacking, vanquishing, and capturing the British frigate the Guerriere, mounting fifty-four carriage guns, thereby exhibiting an example highly honorable to the American character, and instructive to our rising Navy

    22. Bassett, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, on the report of the Naval Committee on the proposed vote of a gold medal to Captain Isaac Hull, late commander of the frigate Constitution, and silver medals to the other officers, and a sum of —— thousand dollars, to be distributed as prize-money among the officers and crew, as an expression of the sense entertained by this House of their bravery and conduct in attacking and vanquishing the British frigate Guerriere

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