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    very cruel oraciones de ejemplo

    very cruel

    1. Such taxes, therefore, fall almost always upon a necessitous person, and must, therefore, be frequently very cruel and oppressive

    2. I am forced to be very cruel about such things and tell you that it is not normal for a pretty girl to like a fat old guy unless you happen to be rich and have a foreign passport

    3. 1 And those two men led me up on to the Northern side, and showed me there a very Awful place, and there were all manner of tortures in that place: cruel darkness and unilluminated gloom, and there is no light there, but murky fire constantly flaming aloft, and there is a fiery river coming out, and that whole place is everywhere fire, and everywhere there is frost and ice, thirst and shivering, while the bonds are very cruel, and the angels fearful and merciless, bearing angry weapons, merciless torture, and I said: 2 Woe, woe, how very Awful is this place; 3 And those men said to me: This place, O Enoch, is prepared for those who dishonour God, who on Earth practice sin against nature, which is child corruption after the buggering of mankind fashion, magic making, enchantments and devilish witchcrafts, and those who boast of their wicked deeds with stealing, lies, calumnies, envy, rancour, fornication, murder, and who, while accursed, steal the souls of men, who seeing the poor take away their goods and themselves grow rich, injuring them to get other men's goods, who being able to satisfy the empty, made the hungering die; being able to clothe, stripped the naked; and who knew not their creator, and bowed to the soulless and lifeless gods, who cannot see nor hear, the vain gods, who also built engraved images and who bow down to unclean handiwork; for all these is prepared this place among them for eternal inheritance

    4. 1 And those two men led me up on to the Northern side and showed me there a very Awful place and there were all manner of tortures in that place: cruel darkness and unilluminated gloom and there is no light there but murky fire constantly flaming aloft and there is a fiery river coming out and that whole place is everywhere fire and everywhere there is frost and ice thirst and shivering while the bonds are very cruel and the angels fearful and merciless bearing angry weapons merciless torture and I said: 2 Woe woe how very Awful is this place; 3 And those men said to me: This place O Enoch is prepared for those who dishonour God who on Earth practice sin against nature which is child corruption after the buggering of mankind fashion magic making enchantments and devilish witchcrafts and those who boast of their wicked deeds with stealing lies calumnies envy rancour fornication murder and who while accursed steal the souls of men who seeing the poor take away their goods and themselves grow rich injuring them to get other men's goods who being able to satisfy the empty made the hungering die; being able to clothe stripped the naked; and who knew not their creator and bowed to the soulless and lifeless gods who cannot see nor hear the vain gods who also built engraved images and who bow down to unclean handiwork; for all these is prepared this place among them for eternal inheritance

    5. During the course of this relationship Michael said or did something which was very cruel and thoughtless

    6. Schoolchildren are very cruel

    7. against it and think that it’s very cruel and insensitive

    8. ” I don’t know about you but I think it is very cruel to put an infant on such a hard piece of wood

    9. The business world is very cruel indeed

    10. I understood that the world could be a very cruel place

    11. ‘’Your curse is a very cruel and merciless one

    12. Only I know that your elder sister was treated very cruelly and sold by Lovely Bai to the other agent

    13. Sheila had firm belief that enemies of humanity when forget humanism and worship Satanic and Devilish Powers, then they would persistently do something very cruel against ZTA

    14. Men and governments can be very cruel

    15. She had watched her crying on the stairs in stony silence, had gone down with her to the door in stony silence, and just at the last had said in an unmistakably stony voice, "All this is very cruel

    16. leave me out! She was very cruel; I don’t

    17. and leave me out! She was very cruel; I don"t

    18. In such cases, the dynamics of FDR of SFUURMM-Forms (that structure another Formo-Type or even several different Formo-Types), whose VVU-Configurations perfectly coexist “inside” the slloogrent structures of one and the same conglomerate of Formo-copies, when reprojecting from factor Axes of one “personality” (or several “personalities”) that “died” long ago into factor Axes of “a personality” that lives “now” (usually this happens automatically at the moment of a very strong stress, for example, during a very cruel violent “Death”), can periodically coincide, due to identical frequencies of their typical VVU-Information, with the dynamics of FDR of SFUURMM-Forms of the conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies activated “at present”; as a result, there is an effect of doubling or amplification of the frequency (modulation) in the general dynamics of the quantum-holographous process of “unpacking-unfolding” of VVU-Information from the temporal ethereal constituent and there is a “fragmentary” manifestation (in the Self-Consciousness of this “personality”) of the VVU-Information typical of “someone else’s” UU-VVU-copies used by “the personality” that “died” (but simultaneously continues to live) several centuries “ago”

    19. Another very cruel and devilish way of brainwashing humans into worshipping the past, and their male ancestors as Gods

    20. In the corrupt papal system we have the very cruelty, the craft, and the ambition of the Republic; its cruelty in its unsparing sacrifice of the happiness and virtue of individuals to a phantom of public expediency, in its forced celibacy within, and its persecutions without; its craft in its falsehoods, its deceitful deeds, and lying words; and its grasping ambition in the very structure of its policy, in its assumption of universal dominion; old Rome is still alive; nowhere have its eagles lighted, but it still claims the sovereignty under another pretence

    21. He could do nothing till he were assured of his fate with Miss Dashwood; and by his rapidity in seeking that fate, it is to be supposed, in spite of the jealousy with which he had once thought of Colonel Brandon, in spite of the modesty with which he rated his own deserts, and the politeness with which he talked of his doubts, he did not, upon the whole, expect a very cruel reception

    22. The Taliban are very cruel – they have snatched her smile,’ he added

    23. "Damnation—you are very cruel!" he said, snatching out his arm

    24. But despite their endeavors to prove that the cause of events lies in intellectual activity, only by a great stretch can one admit that there is any connection between intellectual activity and the movement of peoples, and in no case can one admit that intellectual activity controls people’s actions, for that view is not confirmed by such facts as the very cruel murders of the French Revolution resulting from the doctrine of the equality of man, or the very cruel wars and executions resulting from the preaching of love

    25. They got it out in the end, and by being very cruel to the reindeer the dwarf managed to get it on the move again, and they drove a little further

    26. He could do nothing till he were assured of his fate with Miss Dashwood; and by his rapidity in seeking THAT fate, it is to be supposed, in spite of the jealousy with which he had once thought of Colonel Brandon, in spite of the modesty with which he rated his own deserts, and the politeness with which he talked of his doubts, he did not, upon the whole, expect a very cruel reception

    27. Public opinion has ever since the time of Moses considered avarice, debauchery, and cruelty to be evil, and has condemned them; and this public opinion denies and condemns every kind of a manifestation of avarice,—not only the acquisition of another man's property by means of violence, deceit, and cunning, but also a cruel usufruct of the same; it condemns every kind of debauchery, be it fornication with a concubine, or a slave, a divorced wife, or even one's own wife; it condemns every cruelty which is expressed in assaults, in bad treatment, in the murder, not only of men, but also of animals

    28. ” Moral philosophy used also to justify every cruelty and wickedness; but there it became philosophical, and therefore incorrect

    29. And the whole thing turns out pretty stupidly—and very cruelly

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