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    Usar "vespers" en una oración

    vespers oraciones de ejemplo


    1. door after vespers – in about an hour,’ said the hosteller,

    2. compline, vespers, matins and lauds – and the rule of

    3. even if only for an abbreviated Orthros or a few hymns for Vespers, the Compline, or the Salutations to the

    4. May I join you for meditation and Evening Prayer, Vespers, and then chat with the community after dinner?”

    5. They began with Vespers, Evening Prayer, the day after he died and continued through with the various liturgical ceremonies of psalms, readings, intercessions, closing prayers, and blessings that made them up from rising through night the next day

    6. I was praying Vespers, Evening Prayer, for and with him because he was so weak that he could barely pick up his Office book and read the psalms and other prayers making up that service

    7. the call to vespers will not belong in sounding over there in Saint Peter's

    8. "I will lay a wager," said Don Quixote, "that the same bachelor or beneficiary is a greater friend of Camacho's than of Basilio's, and that he is better at satire than at vespers; he has introduced the accomplishments of Basilio and the riches of Camacho very neatly into the dance

    9. Come to me before Vespers

    10. They’re singing for vespers, and how carefully that merchant crosses himself! as if he were afraid of missing something

    11. How sad she was on Sundays when vespers sounded! She listened with dull attention to each stroke of the cracked bell

    12. daughter came down the winding street, accompanied by Nanon, on her way to Mass or Vespers, the inhabitants ran to the windows and examined with intense curiosity the bearing of the rich heiress and her countenance, which bore the impress of angelic gentleness and melancholy

    13. Despite the doctor’s orders that she should not go out early in the morning, Natasha insisted on fasting and preparing for the sacrament, not as they generally prepared for it in the Rostov family by attending three services in their own house, but as Agrafena Ivanovna did, by going to church every day for a week and not once missing Vespers, Matins, or Mass

    14. The bells in the Kremlin were ringing for vespers, and this sound troubled the French

    15. was going to vespers and Pierre left the house with her

    16. But when he beheld the wealthy manufacturer Madeleine going to low mass at seven o'clock, he perceived in him a possible candidate, and resolved to outdo him; he took a Jesuit confessor, and went to high mass and to vespers

    17. On Fridays the nuns hear high mass, vespers, and all the offices, as on Sunday

    18. The robins were singing vespers in the high treetops, filling the golden air with their jubilant voices

    19. Despite the doctor’s orders that she should not go out early in the morning, Natásha insisted on fasting and preparing for the sacrament, not as they generally prepared for it in the Rostóv family by attending three services in their own house, but as Agraféna Ivánovna did, by going to church every day for a week and not once missing Vespers, Matins, or Mass

    20. The bells in the Krémlin were ringing for vespers, and this sound troubled the French

    21. Pierre dined with them and would have spent the whole evening there, but Princess Mary was going to vespers and Pierre left the house with her

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    evensong vespers