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    1. " Any investigation of today"s American so-called institutions of higher learning and the influence welded therein by ex 60"s radicals protected by tenure and teaching, if anything, how to hate America, would seem to vindicate him

    2. Against his advice, I chose to testify to vindicate my having taken the

    3. wanted to vindicate myself to them

    4. ' For some time he would not give ear to her, but presently he said to himself: `Though I fear not God nor have regard for man, yet because this widow ceases not to trouble me, I will vindicate her lest she wear me out by her continual coming

    5. Marcy Pendleton! I have eyewitness testimony that will vindicate

    6. he so obviously hoped would vindicate his position in the

    7. Eisenhower subsequently made many feeble attempts to vindicate halting his drive at the river Elbe

    8. Many times when you stand up and do what's right, people will falsely accuse you, and treat you unjustly, and you'll find yourself with your reputation being knocked, and you know what happens when that happens to us? You know what's in every one of us? You want to vindicate yourself, stand up and prove I'm right, you're wrong! Character

    9. If you need to vindicate yourself, you're going to be too small, too small for the job God's got for you, and you have to learn how to let God vindicate you, just walk in integrity

    10. Apollo incites him continuously to vindicate his father Agamemnon, killed by Aegisthus, conspiring with his mother Clytemnestra

    11. Ulysses’ path is not a repetition compulsion, nor does he get lost in the labyrinth to wind up in the jaws of the monster, as often happens as a result of repressed hatred or the will to vindicate oneself

    12. For example at the time of birth, where many mothers die of complications that are created, in my opinion, by the baby’s need to vindicate itself

    13. His need to vindicate himself with his mother begins

    14. Maybe by saving her he could vindicate himself and bring a flicker of purpose to the years of disgrace and humiliation he’d suffered

    15. historically vindicate a given creed, whereas Josephus'

    16. journey with me through the following pages while we venture on the quest to find and vindicate my

    17. A spiritual leader should not defend himself or seek to justify and vindicate himself, when attacked or slandered

    18. He left it to God to defend Him and to vindicate Him

    19. lived and in the end he would be vindicate

    20. -Wants to vindicate his or someone else’s innocence

    21. referring to God, coming forth in a public manner to vindicate the cause of Job against al the

    22. redeemer, lived and in the end he would be vindicate

    23. The meaning of this word would be met, should it be understood as referring to God, coming forth in a public manner to vindicate the cause of Job against all the charges and accusations of his professed friends; or to God

    24. The meaning is, that however long he was to suffer, however protracted his calamities were, and were likely to be, he had the utmost confidence that God would at length, or at some future time, come forth to vindicate him

    25. I venture to add a few pages on this subject in a spirit of reverent inquiry, rather than of dogmatic assertion; premising that with us this is not a question of speculation, but simply of interpretation, and that it is not desired to vindicate for such interpretations a larger space in thought than the subject to be examined occupies in the sacred writings; much less to encourage delusive hopes of purgatorial salvation in those who neglect the gospel if offered on earth, whose 'damnation slumbereth not

    26. ’ Our Lord's intention clearly was to vindicate His claim to be the Life-giver, by declaring that He would speedily give token of His power by raising many from the sepulcher

    27. Job was accused of sin by his three friends and his wife, but he knows he had not sinned, and God, his redeemer, lived and in the end would vindicate him

    28. To make an end, senor, these are my last words to thee: whether thou wilt, or wilt not, I am thy wife; witness thy words, which must not and ought not to be false, if thou dost pride thyself on that for want of which thou scornest me; witness the pledge which thou didst give me, and witness Heaven, which thou thyself didst call to witness the promise thou hadst made me; and if all this fail, thy own conscience will not fail to lift up its silent voice in the midst of all thy gaiety, and vindicate the truth of what I say and mar thy highest pleasure and enjoyment

    29. It is perhaps because I have not been born to the inheritance of that tradition, which has yet fashioned the fundamental part of my character in my young days, that I am so consciously aware of it and venture to vindicate its existence in this outspoken manner

    30. It were impossible to say what violent assertion the stubborn Hawkeye would have next made, in his headlong wish to vindicate his identity, had not the aged Delaware once more interposed

    31. "If a Mingo has whispered that much in the ear of the Delaware, he has only shown that he is a singing-bird," said the scout, who now believed that it was time to vindicate himself from such offensive charges, and who spoke as the man he addressed, modifying his Indian figures, however, with his own peculiar notions

    32. What was it that stood in his way? His unfortunate timidity He wished to vindicate himself in some way, to assert his manhood

    33. Then why—since the choice was with himself—should the individual, whose connection with the fallen woman had been the most intimate and sacred of them all, come forward to vindicate his claim to an inheritance so little desirable? He resolved not to be pilloried beside her on her pedestal of shame

    34. “But I promised Cecilia I would vindicate her faith in me

    35. vindicate the exalted confidence of the monarch

    36. And here I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness, by remarking that Mr

    37. Not only did he not find any answer, but all the arguments were brought forward in order to explain and vindicate punishment, the necessity of which was taken as an axiom

    38. Indeed, it may be that the position which I occupy gives me special facilities for revealing the artificial and criminal relations which exist between men—for telling the whole truth in regard to that position without confusing the issue by attempting to vindicate myself, and without rousing the envy of the rich and feelings of oppression in the hearts of the poor and downtrodden

    39. I am so placed that I not only have no desire to vindicate myself; but, on the contrary, I find it necessary to make an effort lest I should exaggerate the wickedness of the great among whom I live, of whose society I am ashamed, whose attitude towards their fellow-men I detest with my whole soul, though I find it impossible to separate my lot from theirs

    40. But on the one side there is no ceasing to accuse, nor on the other to vindicate

    41. One would think that if a man cared to seem Christian or liberal, he would at least cease to plunder and to torment his fellow-men with the aid of the government, in order to vindicate his claims to the ownership of land

    42. If by some impossible chance a fraction of human society—all the civilized West, let us suppose—were to succeed in suspending the action of this law, some races of stronger instincts would undertake the task of putting it into action against us: those races would vindicate nature's reasoning against human reason; they would be successful, because the certainty of peace—I do not say peace, I say the certainty of peace—would, in half a century, engender a corruption and a decadence more destructive for mankind than the worst of wars

    43. Shall we vindicate our independence at the expense of our social or moral obligations? I exemplify my idea in this way

    44. Now, though the gentleman seems unwilling that any part of the House should say we, I vindicate the claim which I have to use it

    45. He believed that it was time to have done with trifling, with a war of words, and with what had been termed gasconade; that the cup of expedients had been drained to the last dregs, and that a new mode of warfare became indispensable, to vindicate our honor and assert our rights

    46. For the accredited Minister of a great and powerful Sovereign, whose character he in this country represents, whose confidence he shares; of a Sovereign who is not bound, and perhaps will not be disposed to uphold him, in misconduct; but who is bound, by the highest moral obligations, and by the most impressive political considerations, to vindicate his wrongs, whether they affect his person or reputation, and to take care that whatever treatment he shall receive shall not exceed the measure of justice, and above all, that it does not amount to national indignity

    47. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That in case it shall be deemed necessary, in order to vindicate the just rights, or to secure the safety of the United States, to invade the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, or either of them, the President of the United States be, and he hereby is authorized and empowered to issue a proclamation, addressed to the inhabitants of said provinces, assuring them, in the name of the people of these States, that in case the said provinces, or any of them, shall come into the possession of this Government, the inhabitants of such province or provinces shall be secured and protected in the full enjoyment of their lives, liberty, property, and religion, in as full and ample manner as the same are secured to the people of the United States by their constitutions; and that the said proclamation be promulgated and circulated, in the manner which, in the opinion of the President, shall be best calculated to give it general publicity

    48. But it has been denied that British influence had any agency in the late dreadful conflict and massacre upon the Wabash; and this is said to vindicate the British nation from so foul a charge

    49. It was a great thing to assert, in principle, the liberties of this country; but it was also a great thing to vindicate them by arms; and we rejoice that Colonel Trumbull is still to proceed, under the sanction of government, to delineate other scenes, in which Washington and his illustrious American coadjutors, and the flower of French chivalry, were the actors

    50. This country only required resolution, and a proper exertion of its immense resources, to command respect, and to vindicate every essential right

    1. “Don’t tell me”, Billie chirped, delighted that she was utterly vindicated

    2. He felt partially vindicated

    3. Their dreams have been vindicated

    4. proves could be vindicated by divinity (faith)”

    5. It had been vindicated by this notice

    6. It's like being vindicated in one's faith

    7. ” ChériAna was smiling a most vindicated smile

    8. A temporary monopoly of this kind may be vindicated, upon the same principles upon which a like monopoly of a new machine is granted to its inventor, and that of a new book to its author

    9. vindicated in their positions

    10. Having been addicted to this type of reading since the early fifties, Van Vogt"s observation helped me feel vindicated

    11. Given the advent of such things as deconstruction, post-modernism, critical legal studies, and the absolute absence of the teaching of history over the years since he made the remark, I"m sure he would feel vindicated

    12. The Reagan Revolution vindicated the Conservative Movement

    13. Lattimore has been vindicated by scholars, but on Wallace opinions are divided

    14. If the tuna cans were found, he would be vindicated and have the pleasure of dragging his man into headquarters on a charge that would stick, and if the cans weren’t there, no one would be the wiser that he had been involved

    15. The ministers and congregations who have broken away will certainly expect to be vindicated in the eyes of both God and man (especially the latter?)

    16. So when a robber burst in the office demanding all of the promoters money, Peter, naturally felt vindicated

    17. Now that she has been vindicated by the Braidwood Inquiry report

    18. While the report clearly vindicated Read, the RCMP has refused to

    19. “After independent investigations vindicated Dr

    20. Hence I feel vindicated once more, but that will never make up for being forced to leave NM against my will

    21. vindicated and devastated at the same time

    22. guess maybe I do want to be vindicated in some way, and that is

    23. Thus am I vindicated in my actions

    24. Coast Guard vigilance was vindicated when Tropical Storm Allison struck Houston, Texas, causing the disastrous flood of 9 June 2001

    25. ‘Ha! That surprised you, didn’t it? I know I sometimes appear uninterested in your affairs, but that’s because I’m committed to non-interference in your life and choices, and today I’ve been vindicated

    26. She felt that swamiji’s regard for guruji’s prodigal son vindicated her own position

    27. 2 It was at Magdala that the women first demonstrated their usefulness and vindicated the wisdom of their choosing

    28. No wonder they were led on into the further proclamation of that which vindicated their former devotion to Jesus and at the same time so constrained men to believe in him

    29. And the life and death of Jesus are the eternal proof that the truth of goodness and the faith of the spirit-led creature will always be vindicated

    30. vindicated, but I am so sad, that if this is all true, my nation

    31. After Armstrong died, his widow vindicated him after fighting an additional 15 yrs in court to win his case; but a man was robbed while another lived to a ripe old age

    32. In front of all you are vindicated

    33. He felt vindicated that he had indeed been abducted but he was frustrated that he had no specific recall of the event

    34. Misan looked vindicated, but he would have clearly preferred all the pregnancies

    35. kissing his cheek, feeling quite vindicated, for she was the only one of his companions 308

    36. Tuer appeared vindicated and was about to say he was

    37. He intended so to dominate the hearings that he would be entirely vindicated

    38. Professor Heart appeared vindicated, relaxed visibly, and settled into his chair

    39. While Rebecca felt vindicated by the tribunal’s judgement, she recognized that the Warriors, in defending her, were really defending themselves, and objecting to the arbitrariness of the camp commander and the Guardian Doctor

    40. The good guys vindicated her, they all got turfed out, and the bad guys triumphed

    41. Price been vindicated

    42. The US had denied him a visa for years, now they had bent before him—he felt vindicated

    43. At length, pleased with herself for having resisted the seducer as well as the seductress, Roopa felt vindicated

    44. When the news subsequently reports that the driver was speeding in unsafe conditions or was intoxicated, we feel vindicated

    45. The Hopi Indians would of course be vindicated for holding onto their age old beliefs,

    46. and they need to be vindicated just as much as the witnesses who showed up

    47. wound will not kill you, but you can wear your scar of shame the rest of your life!” Leone bellowed and glared at her, vindicated and unforgiving

    48. All whom you have hurt are now vindicated, and I will raise my child without you

    49. In that way Newton was vindicated and the cosmos

    50. vindicated and the cosmos took the blame for hiding mass and the contraction was reinstalled

    1. It vindicates why I could not just walk away from those two nephews and five nieces

    2. “Well if nothing else it vindicates my theory about a

    3. so proud that your book vindicates your fellow Italians for the Andrea

    4. that touchstone that vindicates the substance of truth in other scriptures

    1. will serve as vindicating messiah unto this cherished element,

    2. Inacio may find proof of his theory vindicating, but the results were basically a dead end

    3. Not the plainest and most obvious sense of words must be permitted to stand before this supreme necessity of vindicating the divine dignity of man in one portion of his nature as an indestructible being

    4. "I understand the difficulty there is in your vindicating yourself

    5. But it is difficult to see how average earnings of less than 5% upon the market price could ever be considered as vindicating that price

    6. ‘And yet he’s such an affectionate father,’ said Countess Mary, vindicating her husband,

    7. He was anxious, while vindicating himself, to say nothing unkind of the others: but there was only one amongst them whose conduct he could mention without some necessity of defence or palliation

    8. “She is worthy of sympathy? Is that what you wished to say, my good fellow? But then, for the mere sake of vindicating her worthiness of sympathy, you should not have insulted and offended a noble and generous girl in her presence! This is a terrible exaggeration of sympathy! How can you love a girl, and yet so humiliate her as to throw her over for the sake of another woman, before the very eyes of that other woman, when you have already made her a formal proposal of marriage? And you did propose to her, you know; you did so before her parents and sisters

    9. It appears therefore that besides the fact that the usefulness of state activity is not recognized by all men, and is always denied by one portion of men, this usefulness has the peculiarity of vindicating itself always by violence

    10. “And yet he’s such an affectionate father,” said Countess Mary, vindicating her husband, “but only after they are a year old or so

    11. This bull of anathemas, scarcely less than Papal, is to be fulminated, in the name of the American people, from the high tower of their authority, under the pretence of asserting their rights and vindicating their wrongs

    12. I cannot close this communication without expressing my deep sense of the crisis in which you are assembled, my confidence in a wise and honorable result to your deliberations, and assurances of the faithful zeal with which my co-operating duties will be discharged; invoking, at the same time, the blessing of Heaven on our beloved country, and on all the means that may be employed in vindicating its rights and advancing its welfare

    13. But, sir, as in my individual capacity, I feel at all times willing to make not only pecuniary sacrifices, but to expose my person in vindicating the rights and interests of my country, in my Representative capacity, I will undertake to say, that my constituents will do no less

    14. Sir, to us, it matters little whether our cities tumble into ruin by desertion for want of employment, by poverty produced by British wrongs and aggression, or, in vindicating the cause of our country, fall by a quicker process

    15. I am not prepared to give up our rights, whether upon the ocean or upon land, whether commercial or personal; but I may differ in the means of avenging these wrongs, and vindicating those rights, and I shall ever differ from those who wish a navy to ride triumphant in distant seas, and, under a pretext of protection to commerce, doom the nation to galling burdens too intolerable to be borne

    16. Meanwhile rumors circulated very generally to the deponent's prejudice, and he was under the necessity of vindicating his character, and of correcting the author of those reports

    17. The bully has been disgraced by an infant; and fear shall no longer restrain an abject world from vindicating its long violated rights

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