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    Usar "well thought out" en una oración

    well thought out oraciones de ejemplo

    well thought out

    1. " A wink was his only response to her well thought out speech

    2. The two share in common their unpopularity with both the general public and their own party, plus their reputation for often offensive and not very well thought out speeches and positions

    3. Wise and well thought out decisions will increase your desired results

    4. Well thought out and calculated

    5. carefully, and well thought out

    6. Later that night, back at the police station King had a few well thought out plans of his own

    7. Women need proper responses, ie well thought out answers that show that you’ve listened to the words that she’s said, and with the words that you speak being longer than “yep” or “humph”

    8. Still, it would have to be a very well thought out

    9. It is very well thought out

    10. for conquest was well thought out via a most effective

    11. By the end of her first week at the embassy, Marisha was able to send to her boss a well thought out response to Hochuth’s allegations

    12. A well thought out presentation; it was fresh in Jason’s mind and, based on previous reaction, very successful

    13. You could have the most elaborate, well thought out, highly creative dream ever developed on the face of the Earth

    14. Proponents of pre-tribulation rapture have a complete and well thought out theological argument

    15. was in control and her response was well thought out

    16. “So what you’re saying Professor, is that if what Jack predicted does happen, it was a very well thought out strategy?”

    17. The agenda outlined, asserted, in that book was a well thought out and highly detailed instruction

    18. Because I thought his response was well thought out, well written and made some

    19. Through this well thought out plan, he made sure that his mother became the greatest support and close friend of his ‘oppressed’ wife because with his bright, humane, diverse actions, that he often repeated, he kindled in her intense feelings of sympathy and tenderness towards her daughter-in-law

    20. And that was exactly what Mohammad Amin had expected to happen when he left the home after giving that well thought out performance

    21. I wrote fine, well thought out, sensitive essays which my teacher, often, had me read to the class

    22. Many purchases by the rich are also well thought out as to its resale value over time

    23. He started his well thought out plan, which began simply as getting to know as much about her family as

    24. If this is not well thought out, what usually happens is that these early exits simply remove some of the edge from winning trades, as the natural psychological tendency will be to lock in some profits, however small, on winners

    25. "Yes, I have only a few pages written, but I have it all pretty well thought out

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