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    Usar "whorehouse" en una oración

    whorehouse oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “So this isn’t a convent, it’s a whorehouse!? I’m training to be a whore?”

    2. Both of the young men spoke together; ‘Please don’t tell my mum that I’m a soldier, she thinks that I play the piano in a whorehouse

    3. Muslim suicide bombers (most of whom, I sincerely believe, have less than room temperature intelligence quotients) expect paradise to be full of beautiful, willing virgins (seventy for every martyr) who will service every one of them in every pleasurable way or, per David Gelernter, Heaven as a whorehouse

    4. Together, they created a ‘beautiful couple’ such as she might expect to encounter at a Southern California cocktail party – not operating a whorehouse in Central America

    5. She then carried it further, giggling as she mentioned that they had gone to a whorehouse together

    6. ” They were an odd couple for friends, Caroline the Madame of a whorehouse and Sylvia a women’s rights activist

    7. She had never been there because, from what she had heard, it was a dead-end joint and essentially nothing but a whorehouse

    8. Oddly, until entering the whorehouse, Sylvia had still hoped to keep the friendship

    9. Rather, she kept it up, adding a part about going to a whorehouse with the guy, bringing tears of mirth to streak his cheeks

    10. The one who took me gambling – and to the whorehouse, remember? I told you

    11. After a short conversation in Italian, the staff sergeant pointed ahead of them, saying that he had been given the address of the best whorehouse in Milan

    12. The article was bad enough, but to have her name appear on a whorehouse wall, was a hundred-fold worse

    13. True, she was Mike’s mother, but she didn’t know anything of what had happened, and she was a stable, mature woman, not a tramp who ran a whorehouse and betrayed friends

    14. “Is it a whorehouse, Grandpa?”

    15. his clueless wife, the whorehouse outside Vegas which catered for his specialized tastes

    16. I know why they came to the whorehouse

    17. I was her top earning lady in her whorehouse

    18. It isn’t written in stone and I promised to my saint I would raise Felicity and Marjoram in a place that wasn’t a whorehouse

    19. “I didn’t know those broads were from a whorehouse,” Lurch said

    20. One man walked out of a building across the way that Iago recognized as a whorehouse

    21. She sings it very Dixieland and whorehouse, and it doesn't sound at all mushy

    22. Alone in the midst of the crowd on the pier, he said to himself in a flash of anger: “My heart has more rooms than a whorehouse

    23. Years ago when I used to work in the woods it was said of lumber men that they did their logging in the whorehouse and their sex in the woods

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    bagnio bawdyhouse bordello brothel cathouse house of ill repute house of prostitution sporting house whorehouse