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    Usar "wilful murder" en una oración

    wilful murder oraciones de ejemplo

    wilful murder

    1. In this cosey state of mind we came to the verdict Wilful Murder

    2. The coroner's jury brought in the obvious "Wilful Murder," but the parties remained as unknown as ever

    3. Under these circumstances the young man was instantly arrested, and a verdict of ‘wilful murder’ having been returned at the inquest on Tuesday, he was on Wednesday brought before the magistrates at Ross, who have referred the case to the next Assizes

    4. The coroner's jury brought in the obvious Wilful Murder, but the parties remained as unknown as ever

    5. Does he not say he will not strike his spars to any gale? Has he not dashed his heavenly quadrant? and in these same perilous seas, gropes he not his way by mere dead reckoning of the error-abounding log? and in this very Typhoon, did he not swear that he would have no lightning-rods? But shall this crazed old man be tamely suffered to drag a whole ship's company down to doom with him?—Yes, it would make him the wilful murderer of thirty men and more, if this ship come to any deadly harm; and come to deadly harm, my soul swears this ship will, if Ahab have his way

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