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    Usar "with difficulty" en una oración

    with difficulty oraciones de ejemplo

    with difficulty

    1. ’ I commiserated, responding to her warm embrace with difficulty – my arms full of her son

    2. I lay prone in a metal coffin slung underneath a flat-bed truck, sheathed and bound, breathing with difficulty through my nose because of the tape over my mouth

    3. was so narrow that it was only with difficulty that two carts could

    4. With difficulty, he got out of the car – the last stop had been some hours down the motorway and his knees were stiff

    5. They hardly spoke to each other and when they did speak it was with difficulty

    6. Jean was only able to restrain him with difficulty

    7. ’ Philippe followed the words with difficulty,

    8. the traffic with difficulty, grateful for a brief break in the

    9. Mr Kalm, the Swedish traveller, when he gives an account of the husbandry of some of the English colonies in North America, as he found it in 1749, observes, accordingly, that he can with difficulty discover there the character of the English nation, so well skilled in all the different branches of agriculture

    10. The corn which could with difficulty have been carried abroad in its own shape, is in this manner virtually exported in that of the complete manufacture, and may easily be sent to the remotest corners of the world

    11. ” The old man spoke with difficulty and his words were barely audible

    12. Then downward again, clambering with difficulty on the steep rugged track into Braffu Eadru

    13. The troops lit fires with difficulty, and the centre divisions roundly “groused” at the spoilt night that they might have spent comfortably in camp

    14. It was pitiful to see the American troops extracting, with difficulty, single cartridges from their sodden belts, while the Spaniards pressed home the pentacapsular clip in their Mausers and had five shots ready

    15. A man with a shiny badge on his wet uniform and two police officers approached me while the others still held me back with difficulty

    16. In the hazy distance, only the line of the dark crimson horizon could be identified with difficulty over the pale yellow and blue of the rising mist

    17. Fraught with difficulty as their relationship has been, those ties never really break

    18. body of his friend half-dead, he breathed with difficulty, until just

    19. Eliana then opened his mouth with difficulty and poured a solution into his mouth, a red one, unlike the blue one used on the body, which smelled sweet and bitter at the same time

    20. and were with difficulty brought back by the aged and the elders to the station of prayer which they had occupied before

    21. 15 He gained his attention with difficulty, and hinting that the mealtime was getting past, talked the matter over with him

    22. Moments later, he was grasping my hand and trying (with difficulty) to slide what

    23. David kept his temper, though with difficulty

    24. In severe pain, each step was taken with difficulty

    25. 23 Calling out to arms and to die bravely in defence of the law of their fathers they created a great uproar in the place and were with difficulty brought back by the aged and the elders to the station of prayer which they had occupied before

    26. 15 He gained his attention with difficulty and hinting that the mealtime was getting past talked the matter over with him

    27. He found it strange that he clung to the image of such vast waters when his one journey across the sea, with Johan, had been fraught with difficulty

    28. This was not the first attempt at recreating the city she had witnessed since rising one hour-cycle ago, but it was the one most fraught with difficulty

    29. 23 Jesus said to His disciples "Most certainly I say to you a rich man will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven with difficulty

    30. 1 And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus came to them walking on the 2 water after they had rowed with difficulty about twenty-five or thirty furlongs

    31. ” He got to his feet with difficulty and stretched out his hand towards the nearest face

    32. But if he should sin frequently after this and then repent to such a man his repentance will be of no avail; for with difficulty will he live

    33. For every double-souled man even if he repent will with difficulty be saved

    34. For wicked desire is wild and is with difficulty tamed

    35. Those [accordingly who are entangled in many various kinds of business do not ] cleave to the servants of God but wander away being choked by their business transactions; and the rich cleave with difficulty to the servants of God fearing lest these should ask something of them

    36. He pulled and rolled the body, with difficulty, into the hole

    37. With difficulty, he turned his attention to Thalia

    38. With difficulty, Anubis helped Walt over to the shadow of Bes, now

    39. She selected a copy among the hundreds that were placed on a gnawed pine table that once presided at the gathering of the family; with difficulty brought a chair closer and sat down comfortably to inspect it

    40. The concern became anguish when after the infusion, Severa took, with the wooden ladle, a substantial portion of the concoction and poured it with difficulty into a bowl; and I say with difficulty because the potion was so thick that it remained attached to the spoon refusing to let go

    41. From a queer perspective, heterosexual relationships seem fraught with difficulty

    42. With difficulty I might add

    43. “What have you done?” he asked, enunciating with difficulty

    44. The entire wall reluctantly folded at each hinge and could, with difficulty, be manhandled in a concertina fashion until it was more or less tucked away at each side

    45. He swallowed with difficulty and managed to compose his voice

    46. ” Chris responded with difficulty, as his heart was now thumping loudly in his chest and his throat had suddenly become very dry

    47. with difficulty; in the astral world it is far less easy to rid oneself of some

    48. Bill Mason, always a big man, had grown very fat and now moved with difficulty

    49. Although it was extremely awkward and difficult, James managed to align their wrists so that, with difficulty they would be able to bring the plastic cord against the serrated edge of the towel cutter

    50. stand with difficulty as my ankles are chained

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    gallingly harshly hard