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    working capital oraciones de ejemplo

    working capital

    1. The Project eliminates chain of possessions on the production process, it generates automatic income as working capital, without any cost and it puts an end to the lack of money for wealth production

    2. This working capital is calculated with base in the necessities of organizational resources, quantity of beneficiary people and defined goals that are foreseen in the Usuarist Project of each organization to accomplish the production of products and services with completeness and feedback of its process productive or social with sustainable development

    3. c) Definition of the working capital that an agreed

    4. its working capital in $ 100 million in this case

    5. For instance, all the corporations receive a full income in working capital form that is credited in its Current Account “Personal” to pay suppliers and to accomplish its production, without there to be financial burden, without it is loan and without the need of its devolution

    6. Also, the extinction of the working capital occurs in a computational way when of the closing of the organization, without the coin is transferred the third party

    7. That is possible because the act of the Process Validation makes the replacement of the working capital of the organizations and of the people’s income in an automatic form, without there to be vinculum of the employment, in other words, the supplier doesn’t depend on the buyer’s money to accomplish its production, as well as the people don’t depend on the employment for receiving income

    8. Observe that to Process Validation eliminates the need of tributary revenue for the Country to fulfill its social duty and cause its development; also, it eliminates the need of loans with payment of interests for the organizations to have working capital and last, it puts an end to the suffering of the lack of income for all the citizens

    9. Also, it liberates the companies of the dependence of financial loans to pay wages, to levy taxes, to compose working capital, to do investment and to pay its suppliers

    10. When a school or university periodically makes the entry of the points of a student’s graduation, automatically it is validating its process to recompose its working capital because it is the responsible for the new students’ graduation, as well as it is responsible for the truthfulness of the occurred fact (graduate students)

    11. This validation act for the individuals makes to extinguish the Virtual Coin “Utilizational” that belongs to the individuals and it makes to originate the working capital in Virtual Coin “Real” of the offerer corporations

    12. Its principal characteristic is to receive full income as working capital to satisfy its social objectives operationally

    13. Besides, each agreed organization receives sufficient income as working capital to contract services rendering of other agreed organizations that satisfy its necessities or to render services for other Coordenational Structures anywhere in the world since there is Bank3Sector

    14. This is your working capital

    15. In my work with companies, we constantly strive to improve our working capital position

    16. • Days in Working Capital, defined as (Accounts Receivable + Inventory – Accounts

    17. Days in working capital is the composite number of your dollars in working capital and provides

    18. Working capital is very important to all businesses

    19. I have worked with working capital for

    20. volatility, it is working capital management that guides a company through the trough of

    21. default probability - the sales, working capital -the basic return on assets

    22. This meant we had the working capital before placing the orders with the Pretoria

    23. working capital for the existing businesses and to provide a war-chest for further

    24. In general, companies that have a lot of working capital will

    25. That’s in function of the working capital you start with at the beginning of every month

    26. Your working capital could be $4,000 or $5,000,000; it doesn't matter

    27. The main thing is to balance the size of your wagers in reference to the total working capital you have on hand so you always have the necessary cash flow for operating properly and securely, following the plan

    28. You apply the divider constant of 75 to your initial working capital as well as your growing capital during every season

    29. You might have the feeling that you can wager more money using the same working capital

    30. 2 – You invest more capital which in turn will have you placing higher wagers (thus higher “per win”) after having applied the divider constant to your new working capital amount

    31. The amount of your working capital is what you have for making sure it is in sufficient amount for providing you with the necessary cash flow for sustaining your operations

    32. We’re achieving that by applying a divider constant of 75 for both sports to your working capital which is giving you the amount of your “per win” profit

    33. At TOMIC, you need hardware (computers, Internet connections, and telephones), software (trading software and a plan), and working capital in order to operate

    34. So to start to trade for a living, you need to have $120,000 (savings) + $500,000 (working capital) = $620,000

    35. This is sometimes called ‘working capital

    36. The site was mixing working capital with player deposits and didn’t have enough money at the time to immediately pay back all players

    37. In the case of United States Radiator Corporation 5s, due 1938, the company agreed at all times to maintain net working capital equal to 150% of the outstanding funded debt

    38. It would appear to be sound theory to require regularly some protective provisions on the score of working capital in the case of industrial bonds

    39. But the more stringent penalty, which terms a deficiency of working capital “an event of default,” is not likely to prove effective or beneficial to the bondholder

    40. , failure to maintain working capital as agreed or to make sinking-fund payments; for the present alternatives—either to precipitate insolvency or to do nothing at all—are alike completely unsatisfactory

    41. The enforcement of sinking-fund provisions of a bond issue presents the same problem as in the case of covenants for the maintenance of working capital

    42. Some investors concluded that the company was likely to receive credit, unwind pent-up working capital, and once again take advantage of the float as it emerged from bankruptcy

    43. In addition, they looked forward to the company’s ability, as part of the supermarket industry, to operate with negative working capital and receive significant fees for shelf space

    44. This was a rare contemporary example of being able to buy a company for net working capital, or one whose mark-to-market enterprise value was under 10% of revenue

    45. A large working capital, which has been characteristic of even nonprosperous industrials for some years past, is much more directly advantageous to the senior securities than to the common stock

    46. Why was free cash flow so much greater than earnings? First, Mohawk had been growing by acquiring some of the smaller players as part of an industrywide consolidation, so it gained economies of scale that allowed the company to reduce capital spending and lower its working capital needs

    47. The result would be to subject dividend policies to greater scrutiny and more intelligent criticism than they now receive, thus imposing a salutary check upon the tendency of managements to expand unwisely and to accumulate excessive working capital

    48. Early in 1937 the stock sold at $20 per share, a valuation of $40,000,000 for the company, or $30,000,000 for the mining properties plus $10,000,000 for the working capital

    49. (This might require, among other things, that the companies show a net working capital of not less than $6,000,000 in accordance with the stringent tests for sound industrial issues recommended in Chap

    50. The situation in Douglas Aircraft in 1937 was not a seasonal matter, as in the case of Archer-Daniels-Midland, but grew out of the receipt of certain types of orders requiring considerable working capital

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