of their own world into a world that was yonder beyond the eye
neighbouring world, yonder where the eye can see
Buttercup is yonder over the hills”
“And the trip to yonder
“We have the ability to travel from Jodechi to yonder
Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove;
‘He’s in yonder field ploughing,’ the boy pointed to
of the yonder years, one whose eyes shone at the hint of mischief,
“You know, the really imposing fortress just over yonder
Would you happen to know whereabouts inside said imposing fortress just over yonder?”
I buried him over yonder in that little field
“Lost me a few runaways from my farm out yonder
Of that 80% was on what was called harassment and interdiction fire or in other words into the blue yonder without any idea who or what it will hit
The purchaser of record is Up Yonder Products, of Centralia, a numbered company with a bank account on Gabbel Seven
Yonder we will have registration options for the following themes:
said to Gehazi his servant, Note, yonder is that Shunammite,
“You see that hill yonder?” he said, pointing over her shoulder
5 And Abraham said to his young men, Abide you here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you
37 Speak to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, that he take up the censers out of the burning, and scatter you the fire yonder; for they are hallowed
15 And he said to Balak, Stand here by your burnt offering, while I meet the Lord yonder
19 For we will not inherit with them on yonder side Jordan, or forward; because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side Jordan eastward
Mat 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you
The fox led �em over yonder tord that ridge
�That ol� dawg's still barkin� over yonder
He looked at Elizabeth with concern, �I reckon I'd best get on over yonder an� see what he's barkin� at
There must have been a really strong wind blowing yonder
final y, I'm able to report what appears to be their last outpost on yonder hil
The beetle must have found the mate it was looking for and the two of them were most probably happily tapping off together into the wild blue yonder
deliver you, as yonder tower of smoke now beckons us south to the mountain where I first
"Now that the tide is out we'll hide over yonder, behind those uncovered rocks
‘There are a dozen or so acolytes resting in the building yonder, they are all yours
ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you
What yonder moving lights are these?” I was propelled through open space as though I were an agile bird that knew instinctively to stop outside a wall of glowing blocks, which I saw through to giant halls where liquid flowed alive with light
“Behold, beloved Aurial, the Queen awaits thee patiently through yonder crystal inner gate
“I was simply wondering who owns that house yonder, and why no one’s fixed it up
It came from yonder thicket
Let us go fishing; put out into yonder deep and let down your nets for a draught
'It's not my idea of a manly weapon, but I learned archery among the Hyrkanians, and it will go hard if I can't feather a man or so on yonder deck
When they were gathered together, about forty in all, Jesus said: "Let us go up into yonder hills and tarry for a few days while we ponder over the problems of the Father's kingdom
We will wait here while you go with the boat and cast for the fish, and when you have sold them at yonder market, pay the collector for all three of us
Accordingly, on the morning of Friday, August 12, Jesus said to the twelve: "Lay in provisions and prepare yourselves for a journey to yonder mountain, where the spirit bids me go to be endowed for the finish of my work on earth
While your Master and his companions, your brethren, ascended yonder mountain yesterday to seek for a larger knowledge of the Father's will and to ask for a richer endowment of wisdom effectively to do that divine will, you who remained on watch here with instructions to strive to acquire the mind of spiritual insight and to pray with us for a fuller revelation of the Father's will, failed to exercise the faith at your command but, instead, yielded to the temptation and fell into your old evil tendencies to seek for yourselves preferred places in the kingdom of heaven -- the material and temporal kingdom which you persist in contemplating
Many of you who are here and without money are fed and lodged in yonder tented city because liberal men and women of means have given funds to your host, David Zebedee, for such purposes
There was no sign of the murdered man's body; only yonder the tall lush grass was trampled and broken down and the sward was dabbled darkly and wetly
“You’ll be paying for the repairs to yonder wall, Chipset” said the
And thou, that yonder standest, living soul,
from that tree and also some cherries from over yonder
They flew over yonder with torn limbs
It wrapped itself around the crying Cyri and hurled it off the limb over yonder
For this BMW he paid 3000 Deutsch Mark back yonder
Yonder or whoever they are and we’re stuck with this Tesco's
"Fuckin' B we do! I sure as shit wouldn't have come out here to the wild blue yonder, if we didn't
“ He's right in that house locked up yonder,” boomed the same
Not out yonder, but here within the living man
“Have you seen any squirrels? Or a cat maybe? There is a cat that comes from that house down yonder and lies under the car but I always chase him off
companion – heave-ho the tall eternal glory of youth day; yonder goes the whirlwind of
Some of us of a certain age may up to these very same day still recollect that we were told that Àngels` from up yonder had brought us all down here, whilst other of a younger era might still remember how their parents used to tell them that a wonderful bird in the form of a stork had airlifted their kind of baby right inside the cozy comfortable cots which was always ready and handy in those bygone days
“There"s a stretch of land a ways out yonder,” Virgil said
From Yonder hill there beams a light,
Tat signifies the yonder God
And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue: they give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space
Yonder the horizon of seas
“ Ducky, it’s gotten to the point where you wouldn’t know normal if it came up and shoved you off a cliff into the wild blue yonder! ”
“Nearly as black as your dog on the porch yonder
“Up to fetch a chap and his family yonder
Tom Yates and Maurice Grey stand forth, and tell me whether yonder despicable coward, who dare not hold up his head, and face the evidence of his guilt, is or is not the Cyril Horne who left us five years since? You, Maurice Grey, travelled with him in the same ship to Melbourne, and have seen him at intervals since, until the day when you found him, as you thought, dead in a lonely tent among the Queensland ranges, and in true friendship and memory of many kind deeds, strove to restore the fleeting spirit, and nursed it back to life
Such a thing if granted would surely cast a cloud of disappointment upon the righteous spectators who so looked forward to seeing justice being done, as the nailed up flyer yonder points out to its readers
allí, there, yonder, in that place ( implies rest)
#allá# there, yonder; #por —# thereabouts, along there
Yonder: There; in that place
“I’m ‘Arry Daniels an’ I live in the cottage yonder, why? Who’s askin’?”
It is called the Megas Jesse Mountain but my brother and his girl called it Blue Yonder Mountain
I stood up, confused and looking off toward the wild blue yonder
They saw no spirit off yonder praising God as Milligan, McGarvery, and others
They saw no spirit off yonder praising God as Milligan, McGarvey, and others
"Lower the lamp yonder!" cried Saint Antoine, after glaring round for a new means of death; "here is one of his soldiers to be left on guard!"
Lorry glanced at the distant House, and lowered his voice, "you can have no conception of the difficulty with which our business is transacted, and of the peril in which our books and papers over yonder are involved
Thus did the valiant Don Quixote right that wrong, and, thoroughly satisfied with what had taken place, as he considered he had made a very happy and noble beginning with his knighthood, he took the road towards his village in perfect self-content, saying in a low voice, "Well mayest thou this day call thyself fortunate above all on earth, O Dulcinea del Toboso, fairest of the fair! since it has fallen to thy lot to hold subject and submissive to thy full will and pleasure a knight so renowned as is and will be Don Quixote of La Mancha, who, as all the world knows, yesterday received the order of knighthood, and hath to-day righted the greatest wrong and grievance that ever injustice conceived and cruelty perpetrated: who hath to-day plucked the rod from the hand of yonder ruthless oppressor so wantonly lashing that tender child
"Above all, they said, he was learned in the science of the stars and of what went on yonder in the heavens and the sun and the moon, for he told us of the cris of the sun and moon to exact time
Sancho got up with pain enough in his bones, and went after the innkeeper in the dark, and meeting the officer, who was looking to see what had become of his enemy, he said to him, "Senor, whoever you are, do us the favour and kindness to give us a little rosemary, oil, salt, and wine, for it is wanted to cure one of the best knights-errant on earth, who lies on yonder bed wounded by the hands of the enchanted Moor that is in this inn
Seest thou that cloud of dust which rises yonder? Well, then, all that is churned up by a vast army composed of various and countless nations that comes marching there
But attend to me and observe, for I wish to give thee some account of the chief knights who accompany these two armies; and that thou mayest the better see and mark, let us withdraw to that hillock which rises yonder, whence both armies may be seen
"That knight whom thou seest yonder in yellow armour, who bears upon his shield a lion crowned crouching at the feet of a damsel, is the valiant Laurcalco, lord of the Silver Bridge; that one in armour with flowers of gold, who bears on his shield three crowns argent on an azure field, is the dreaded Micocolembo, grand duke of Quirocia; that other of gigantic frame, on his right hand, is the ever dauntless Brandabarbaran de Boliche, lord of the three Arabias, who for armour wears that serpent skin, and has for shield a gate which, according to tradition, is one of those of the temple that Samson brought to the ground when by his death he revenged himself upon his enemies
Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel?
"How can I be mistaken in what I say, unbelieving traitor?" returned Don Quixote; "tell me, seest thou not yonder knight coming towards us on a dappled grey steed, who has upon his head a helmet of gold?"
"their lordships yonder never gave you that staff to ill-treat us wretches here, but to conduct and take us where his majesty orders you; if not, by the life of-never mind-; it may be that some day the stains made in the inn will come out in the scouring; let everyone hold his tongue and behave well and speak better; and now let us march on, for we have had quite enough of this entertainment
"That is what I say," said Sancho; "there was no occasion for minding the words of a madman; for if good luck had not helped your worship, and he had sent that stone at your head instead of at your breast, a fine way we should have been in for standing up for my lady yonder, God confound her!
Yonder he comes, arrayed like a bridegroom, except the black mask
But the one that was most excited by hearing it was Don Quixote, who though sorely against his will he was under the goatherd, and something more than pretty well pummelled, said to him, "Brother devil (for it is impossible but that thou must be one since thou hast had might and strength enough to overcome mine), I ask thee to agree to a truce for but one hour for the solemn note of yonder trumpet that falls on our ears seems to me to summon me to some new adventure
'A thousand times, your Sacred Majesty, the impulse came upon me to seize your Majesty in my arms and fling myself down from yonder skylight, so as to leave behind me in the world a name that would last for ever
Observe too, Sancho, that these traitors were not content with changing and transforming my Dulcinea, but they transformed and changed her into a shape as mean and ill-favoured as that of the village girl yonder; and at the same time they robbed her of that which is such a peculiar property of ladies of distinction, that is to say, the sweet fragrance that comes of being always among perfumes and flowers
We knew not our good fortune until we lost it; and such is the longing we almost all of us have to return to Spain, that most of those who like myself know the language, and there are many who do, come back to it and leave their wives and children forsaken yonder, so great is their love for it; and now I know by experience the meaning of the saying, sweet is the love of one's country
She revived, and began thinking of Berthe asleep yonder in the servant's room
But he would, perhaps, go down yonder, not guessing she was here, and she told the nurse to run to her house to fetch him