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    Usar "“stan" en una oración

    “stan oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “Standard remote instrumentation stuff,” Elmore said, staying at the user interface level

    2. “Standby for decompression,” crackled the earpiece

    3. and said, “Stand up first!”

    4. “standing tables” for the occasion, and these were placed along the cafeteria walls

    5. “Stand easy men and just bear with me for the moment will you

    6. “Stand down immediately and hand over control of Callisto station

    7. “Stand to grab your rifles come on get the fucking lead out

    8. “Stand easy men and have a smoke”, we all took a cigarette and lit up but I knew there was something wrong and that whatever it was it was coming right at us

    9. Historians note that the first “standard candles” were made from spermaceti wax

    10. “Stanley you piece of shit what are you doing here you have been told about hanging around the line we don’t want your type around here?” Stanley visibly shook saying

    11. “Stand watch in case any of the bouncers are still around

    12. “Stan, I need to go see my folks

    13. “Stand back,” said Bru, and the tail came whipping through, although it missed their ankles by inches

    14. “Stanley, use the toilet

    15. “Stand up,” he said, and I did so

    16. “Stand with your hands behind your head

    17. Christina steps forward and says, “Stand back

    18. “Stand anywhere you want

    19. “Stand back!” commanded Barret as he raised his arm towards

    20. “Stand in the center for a moment and you will be refreshed

    21. “Stand on the wheelbarrow

    22. “Stand back,” he pulled out a strip of paper from his pocket

    23. “Stand up, then,” the Ploughman said

    24. “Standby Eagle 1, we have to check with the Pentagon, local FAA, local and state police


    26. what you might call a “standard” in the white community

    27. “Stand,” he said

    28. “Stand here and tell me where Paul is

    29. “Stand up, my Princess,” he said

    30. This experience had been repeated time after time as the quick recognition and fear of the “standard” seemed to clear the way as the Exodus sojourned somewhere between the villages and detritus along the coastline of the Great South Sea

    31. “Stand on the stool,” the blacksmith ordered

    32. “standard” seemed to clear the way as the Exodus sojourned somewhere between the villages

    33. The life saving fleet in the summer of 2000 consisted of a 52-foot lifeboat, one 30-foot and two 44-foot boats, and a 21-foot safeboat, all of which require regular maintenance to be ready when called (Cameron, “Standing Watch,” American Legion Magazine, July 2000)

    34. seemed he’d rehearsed what to say again; “Stand up and turn

    35. Therefore, what we have is a form of managed “standoff” or a “dynamic impasse

    36. it is not the “standard” electromagnetism which most of

    37. composed of particles that have been identified in the physicists’ “Standard Model”

    38. “Stand up and put down

    39. “Stand here,” I motioned, “just out of the way of the boulder

    40. “Standards may have slipped in other departments, but as far as us chickens are concerned, we still run a professional, well ordered brood

    41. Chiron shouted something in Ancient Greek, which I would realize, only later, I had understood perfectly: “Stand ready! My bow!”

    42. that chapters or segments or whatever, can be reviewed on a “stand-alone” basis

    43. Here’s what you do,” said the Doctor, “stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you

    44. “Stand up, be bold, be strong

    45. “Stand at a distance from where the king is seated and greet the people as they arrive

    46. “Stand back,” he warned

    47. Symeon the New Theologian: “Stand in church as if you are in heaven together with the angels, and consider

    48. “Stand still,” he said and drew out a knife I knew was called a K-bar, one of those wicked commando blades used in all kinds of murders

    49. “Stand ready!” Mark’s father commanded

    50. The hybrid cut the chain to my hands and push her voice to me saying “stand up, you filthy human, stand”

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