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    Usa "a lot of people" in una frase

    a lot of people frasi di esempio

    a lot of people

    1. We should ask ourselves, "What did we do with what we were given?" A lot of people are going to have a hard time explaining to God why they chose their plan instead of His while they were here on earth

    2. ‘You spotted that? A lot of people write her off as an idiot, you know

    3. Stryders were flightless relatives of the dactyls, they were mostly hunted to extinction in Thulitlanth times and in spite of a lot of people's efforts, the large ones went extinct by the early Energy Age

    4. 'There's a lot of people

    5. The gaunt boy from Wednesday night seems to know a lot of people, but he only ever seems to have a brief chat with them

    6. This is a conspiracy, he thought, and a lot of people were going to

    7. ‘I understand that a lot of people still go there,’ said

    8. are okay in moderation, but a lot of people use these in excessive amounts

    9. Although I have heard this suggested many times, a lot of people ignore

    10. You have the potential to attract a lot of people, but you will probably

    11. We tend to think about cost in terms of money, but a lot of people will

    12. A lot of people tend to think of the after life in

    13. Sorry to drag you back to the issue, but the fact is a lot of people are very concerned about this matter


    15. even more deadly though - is the fact that a lot of people aren’t familiar with it

    16.  Your business helps a lot of people

    17. “I mean there are a lot of people writing that the Germans don’t have enough men, guns or food to continue the war so if we give them one good push now they will be finished

    18. By developing this organization, I met a lot of people and gained some recognition for being a concerned community member

    19. A lot of people have a Callie, which is okay

    20. A lot of people have a Pat, too, and that’s okay

    21. ” That’s because a lot of people think of Mexico as a place where bribing rules, in contrast to the U

    22. A lot of people imagined how wonderful the privatization was,

    23. He thought about for a moment and said, matter of factly, “I’ve killed a lot of people online

    24. However, there were a lot of people dying in her proximity, and that had to be stopped, hopefully, before I was added to that list

    25. “He’s on the diagram, connected to a lot of people,” Books said

    26. There were a lot of people hanging around waiting to witness this special moment, most of them were in the Bible study class with me, but there were a lot of the older members too

    27. That’s why a lot of people still prefer having traditional hard drives, especially if they store a lot of files

    28. giving it all away? I know a lot of people that have their houses full of stuff

    29. Like any African city there is a lot of people and noise – I once counted 45 car horns sounding in less than half a kilometre

    30. Secondly, they hide in the unconscious mind and therefore as far as a lot of people are concerned they do not even exist!

    31. Ahead were voices, vague and far away, but there was no doubt that they were closing in on a place with a lot of people

    32. Ten million is probably a fair estimate which is a lot of people

    33. “Well, he has been at it for years, and a lot of people do not realize that

    34. game where the country boy with gold teeth had a lot of people with him

    35. I love it! I’m inviting a lot of people

    36. Saturday’s party is coming together, a lot of people are invited, and all of the catering is being handled by our good friend Rose

    37. A lot of people think every gun control law is un-Constitutional, and there are still a lot of people who believe in the Constitution

    38. “Evelyn—and a lot of people, actually—think we shouldn’t leave the city just to help a bunch of people who shoved us in here so they could use us later

    39. (Not that a lot of people who came from the same background didn’t shoot up the school

    40. Clinton copresidency, as it did when your husband was president? A lot of people feel yours is not so much a traditional husband-wife relationship as it is a mutual pact with a political aim

    41. “You will find there are a lot of people indebted to your father

    42. How do we think about the prophecy?Superstitious?Science?Predict is not superstitious, is also a kind of science, is a kind of ability to interpret information, there are a lot of people have this kind of ability, there are a lot of people who have this kind of ability is scientific training, and also have a born with this interpretation of information ability

    43. “What Daniel put you through…a lot of people would have gone over a bridge

    44. “Take a seat, we’ll have hours here, there’s a lot of people in

    45. List building has been the key to my success over the years and I have a lot of people to

    46. I know that a lot of people in recent days have moved on to other scripts, such as

    47. It was only around nine, so there should have been a lot of people

    48. health issues: I have come across a lot of people who will not

    49. The truth is that a lot of people are choosing not

    50. As his son living in Ithaca, a lot of people have asked me over the years why my father continued to headquarter in this small town

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