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    Usa "a pity" in una frase

    a pity frasi di esempio

    a pity

    1. "A pity," doostEr said, remembering the picture

    2. "Such a pity it is a crime that will take me back to that beautiful country

    3. This is a pity, I would have liked to see the scene myself

    4. cried and said:”it is a pity we cannot give him a painkiller, because it

    5. A pity, he thought

    6. ‘It’s a pity you have to work, Liz, otherwise you could look after him for her

    7. ‘It’s a pity you’ve got such a small part

    8. ‘Yes, it’s a pity they don’t lay the hedges properly any more

    9. It was a pity that no-one had thought it worthwhile to worry that the skirting boards didn’t line up where the dividing wall had obviously been taken out

    10. It is such a pity they never met

    11. Such a pity you have not worn it

    12. “It’s a pity we have to go

    13. 'It's a pity you had to wait so long

    14. 'It's a pity we can't get a mobile signal here, we could've called Nikos

    15. What a pity – it’s far too large; it’ll have to be sold with the rest of the stuff

    16. No, that would be silly after they had got so far … those reports of Andy’s seemed to show that they were pretty close now … it would be a pity to waste all their effort

    17. ’ Philippe gave him a pitying

    18. It’s a pity that we have to go home tomorrow

    19. ‘Yes – a pity we couldn’t have stayed longer,’ said

    20. It’s just a pity for you that I came along when I

    21. it would be a pity if nobody learns about their history

    22. It is a pity, but I enjoy that

    23. What a pity it had to happen along with such great tragedy

    24. what a pity it would be if you procrastinated in visiting

    25. "It's a pity of course," he said

    26. ‘Did you say “What a pity!”?’ the Rabbit asked

    27. ‘No, I didn’t,’ said Alice: ‘I don’t think it’s at all a pity

    28. It was only a pity that she did not have access to the records on anyone from the Elysian’s crew

    29. “It’s a pity we’re not likely to find another cave like that one

    30. “It’s a pity there isn’t room to crawl along under the pipe

    31. What a pity

    32. 'It's a pity you never met him

    33. It was a pity it had to break up

    34. It's a pity

    35. It's a pity he didn't wear suits more often

    36. “Of course what am I thinking of its just a pity that none of you spoke German lads we might have picked something interesting up

    37. She also wrote it was a pity that me and her had never been together but she understood my love for Helen that it was perfect and that she loved m even more for this

    38. The Sam Browne belt and safari suits were discarded before I arrived, which is a pity according to some

    39. Our rifle drill never included bayonet drill, which is a pity for it is a wonderful sight to watch a thousand men on parade receiving the order to install their bayonets onto their rifles

    40. Their palaver did not last long, and priests and executioners cleared to the bush, though in strict justice, it seemed a pity some at least were not hung to the adjoining fetish trees, as carrion for the vultures they could provide food for no longer

    41. It’s a pity you will not leave here with that knowledge

    42. 'Did you say "What a pity!"?' the Rabbit asked

    43. 'No, I didn't,' said Alice: 'I don't think it's at all a pity

    44. What a pity! To think that Spain had in its hands the weapon to exterminate its internal and, perhaps even international, terrorism for ever…! Unfortunately, what it has done has emboldened and energized both of them to act the same way in other Western democracies with future similar circumstances

    45. What a pity that we could not see it functioning! It would have been an unforgettable remembrance, especially for the children…

    46. That is a pity: to waste two words on one idea when

    47. Now it is a pity that England should have kept John

    48. ' A beautiful sermon it was, too--and everybody in church thinking 'what a pity you can't practise what you preach

    49. And I think you ought to know you've spoiled your pa's match and _I_ think it's a pity, for he's bound to marry somebody before long, and Rosemary West would have been the best wife _I_ know of for him

    50. It is a pity to see that many intelligent young individuals with bright futures ruin their lives for a few moments of thrill and excitement

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