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    Usa "a variety of" in una frase

    a variety of frasi di esempio

    a variety of

    1. Make sure that you use a variety of methods to build your customer database

    2. There were a variety of training exercises and technology testing sites in the different rooms

    3. Dacreea is the cook on Morningdays and she usually does a variety of zhlindu rolls and a pot of a pretty good diddle

    4. This concept is used in a variety of ways, both in the Old and New Testaments

    5. They each could be molded into a variety of styles

    6. We all have a variety of talents and burdens and ideas

    7. She chuckled, the realisation that she’d be grateful for his company – for a variety of reasons - coming as something of a surprise

    8. From drawing images on a canvas, to creating a whole new world with a few different colored markers, most of the images that are posted on the company's feed use a variety of colors, show images popping up off the screen and show some form of creativity flowing off the page

    9. They allowed their minds to expand on a variety of subjects, especially ESP and telepathy

    10. • Fly: The fly is light weight lure that is used to attract a variety of fish including trout and salmon

    11. While there are a variety of things that are thought to

    12. Tonality The term “tonality” has a variety of meanings

    13. Therefore maintain a variety of things to occupy your God-given life

    14. Jean’s thoughts were far away – contemplating a variety of

    15. with a variety of forms, before eventually being waved

    16. A variety of faces that Alec could neither count nor fully describe

    17. There was a large army tent erected in the middle of the green and he could see through the entrance that it was full of trestle tables and a variety of chairs

    18. well as a variety of analogous scenes - the meanings of

    19. feet that never seemed to heal, and a variety of minor

    20. People give money for a variety of reasons: out of guilt; in an attempt to save their souls; because their religion advocates it; in their search for fame; for tax reasons; for publicity; to attract business of groups and associations who are concerned with charities… The list goes on for there can be as many reasons as there are donors

    21. The quantity of materials which the same number of people can work up, increases in a great proportion as labour comes to be more and more subdivided; and as the operations of each workman are gradually reduced to a greater degree of simplicity, a variety of new machines come to be invented for facilitating and abridging those operations

    22. There are a variety of foods that you can add to your diet to keep it from becoming stagnant and boring

    23. There are a variety of foods in these groups

    24. Carbohydrates are found in a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy

    25. They have a possible role in fighting a variety of illnesses and this includes some types of cancer

    26.  Choose fruits and vegetables from a variety of different colors

    27. This is where you give the main points from a variety of different sources

    28. Galloping Gopher, on the other hand, was a devout omnivore, fully dedicated to and focused on her daily searching for a variety of grasses, seeds, nuts, berries, grains, and worms and insects (protein primers!) that might be found innocently and naively hanging out in her territorial domain

    29. Being primarily an herbivore himself, Horrifying Hippo would nip and pick on a variety of other plants that aroused his sensorial interest too, even enjoying an occasional side dish of the carcasses of dead animals although by nature he was not carnivorous nor a stalker and hunter like some of the tigers and other big pussycats in his environment

    30. One of his principle activities centered on the hunting of small animals like mice, rats, and rabbits along with a variety of insects that naively and foolishly chose to scamper about on the forest floor during the very wee hours of the morning

    31. "Though very rarely do they follow me home," he added as returned to the table and began to load up a plate with a variety of meats and cheeses

    32. I’m going to be using a variety of factors that will confirm with certainty that a particular niche is busy, active and has people actively searching for it and buying

    33. The surplus produce of America imported into Europe, furnishes the inhabitants of this great continent with a variety of

    34. with a variety of skills and abilities

    35. Here are a variety of ways to adjourn a meeting:

    36. For the capability to accept a variety of credit cards, you could sign up with

    37. The walls showed numerous cracks and a variety of different strata of the planet’s crust, all varying shades of grey

    38. Around the rest of the outer fence were a variety of ageing vehicles, mostly open-topped buggies in various states of repair and a large number of the cargo canisters which had held equipment and supplies during their voyage to Melius

    39. They were pushed gently back into their chairs as the thrust increased, pushing the vessel forwards, when suddenly George’s console began to sound a variety of warning tones and flash red lights at them

    40. “As a variety of attempts to physically gain entry to the Astrom

    41. Beyond that he could see a variety of rooftops and an antenna mounted on a rusting frame

    42. Although the theories of general and special relativity suggest the possibility of travelling through time (which is often the theme of a variety of fictitious entertainment) there exist no devices or methods today, which would allow us to travel through time to collect data at specific points in time, outside of the present

    43. There were a variety of tools, knives, and hooks used to strip the blubber

    44. The Alena was the first capture for the Shenandoah and more importantly, a valuable prize in that she furnished the blocks for the gun tackles, a variety of other blocks that were also needed, and cotton canvas, which was suitable for sail making

    45. For a girl who grew up in the country, where she must have observed the habits of a variety of livestock and a succession of pets, Mama had some surprising inhibitions

    46. It of course represents „diversity and inclusion," and any of us who protests is labeled as merely an intolerant bigot, racist, and a variety of other not so nice terms

    47. During the competition, there will be a variety of rounds during which you will compete for points

    48. He used the IRS to make taxpaying life hell for a variety of individuals and groups

    49. SMI taught a variety of motivation courses when I joined up,

    50. They could choose from fourteen models, each with a variety of

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