Usa "aberrant" in una frase
aberrant frasi di esempio
1. ―aberrant‖ or unusual forms of behavior, provides a margin of freedom in interpreting ―sociopathic‖ or ―anti-social‖ forms of behavior otherwise considered offensive to conventional customs and manners
2. The potential risk associated with legalizing drugs is understood as a possible endorsement (perhaps) of other forms of aberrant or anti-social behavior under the specious argument of an individual‘s right to choose; however detrimental to the moral and spiritual well-being of that individual or society, for that matter
3. that he views any other way of life as aberrant
4. "A more aberrant cognomen rarely have I heard
5. but it will take decades by this alone to reverse the aberrant ratio of
6. decades by this method alone to reverse the aberrant ratio of primary
7. The car corrected its aberrant
8. It would not just be scandalous if the truth about their aberrant behavior ever became public, and they might not be able to live down the shame and humiliation
9. Aberrant is my word of choice
10. Stalking is entirely about identifying and eradicating aberrant behavior
11. and his use of a chair as a weapon is aberrant
12. Aberrant and dangerous
13. I believe this is how many addictions get started, especially those of the more aberrant type, such as the pedophiles we are constantly reading about in our local news stories across the nations
14. Simply, we say that these unknown reasons are indeed spiritual, and relate to spiritual deviation and aberrant tendencies, or more clearly, spiritual diseases and maladies of the heart
15. was completely aberrant to me
16. tional teens to rebels, expressed by beards and aberrant
17. What flaw of character is it that makes a man so vulnerable to the existence of a single woman? That ties him to her for life and dominates his being? Is it her indifference? The occasional crumb she will throw his way? Will our scientists solving the puzzle of the human genome not discover the aberrant gene that brings on this illness and eliminate it from the human race? It will make for a happier humanity
18. My little hero was what she had started calling my penis when our lovemaking demands on it exceeded even the aberrant and not once did it let us down
19. Moreover: its expression has become abstracted and specialized into different niches of aberration which mirrors the split-off, aberrant development of the human psyche within a segmented social structure that has no balanced or universal code on how to raise its children
20. It is a completely abnormal aberrant form of killing
21. These types of aberrant human-to-human behaviours can include despicable activities where corrupt members of Governments can and do, in some countries, siphon off public wealth and aid into personal and private bank accounts
22. prone to aberrant thought and behaviour, which was wont to cause conflicts and danger
23. She had all kinds of aberrant thoughts
24. result in aberrant goal-directed behaviors contributing to drug addiction
25. Six years of caring for her had punished it enough, and now this aberrant truth made it so he could caress her once again and kiss her freely, and croon to her, and smooth her hair with his hands, yes, and she was with him again, father of her child, father of her death
26. And analogy would lead us to believe that the young thus reared would be apt to follow by inheritance the occasional and aberrant habit of their mother, and in their turn would be apt to lay their eggs in other birds' nests, and thus be more successful in rearing their young
27. As some few of the old and intermediate forms having transmitted to the present day descendants but little modified, these constitute our so-called osculant or aberrant groups
28. The more aberrant any form is, the greater must be the number of connecting forms which have been exterminated and utterly lost
29. And we have evidence of aberrant groups having suffered severely from extinction, for they are almost always represented by extremely few species; and such species as do occur are generally very distinct from each other, which again implies extinction
30. The genera Ornithorhynchus and Lepidosiren, for example, would not have been less aberrant had each been represented by a dozen species, instead of as at present by a single one, or by two or three
31. We can, I think, account for this fact only by looking at aberrant groups as forms which have been conquered by more successful competitors, with a few members still preserved under unusually favourable conditions
32. —Forms or groups of animals or plants which deviate in important characters from their nearest allies, so as not to be easily included in the same group with them, are said to be aberrant