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    abound in

    1. 5For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds by Christ

    2. Those metals frequently abound in countries which possess no mines

    3. This is even more universally the case in those poor countries which are commonly said to have no manufactures, than in those rich ones that are said to abound in them

    4. And now, you who hate insolence; you who do abound in mercy; you who are the protector of all things; appear quickly to those of

    5. We must also check out the other non-Christian beliefs that abound in our

    6. 9 And now you who hate insolence; you who do abound in mercy; you who are the protector of all things; appear quickly to those of the race of Israel who are insulted by abhorred lawless gentiles

    7. “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit

    8. -Since the day I met you, the lumps abound in my head! - He said in a pitiful Persian tone, touching the lump with his two hands

    9. abound in nature, but can be

    10. males who abound in society and thought there would be a poetic justice in

    11. There is, however food – fruits and fish, lizards and turtles that abound in the waters around the island

    12. Such unfortunate interruptions in witness testimony abound in the period following the assassination and during subsequent investigations with many murders, many accidents, some natural deaths, and many unexplained suicides

    13. reported stolen as yet—abound in his mind, but he remained objective in hopes there was a rational explanation to her behaviour

    14. "Misquoted figures of the percentage of the brain that is actually used, abound in far too many circles and publications to commit the same offense here, but given that a single brain is capable of putting man on the moon; using it to store latin verb tables and poor jokes, remember family birthdays and improve at Sudoku, is really rather offensive behavior

    15. Even orthodox nutritionists now recognize that white flour is an empty food, supplying calories for energy but none of the bodybuilding materials that abound in the germ and the bran of whole grains

    16. I need not tell many who read these pages that unbelievers and sceptics abound in these days, who make a dead set at the miracles of the Bible, and are incessantly trying to throw them overboard as useless lumber, or to prove by ingenious explanations that they are fables and no miracles at all: Let us never be afraid to resist such teaching steadily, and to take our stand by the side of St

    17. building the luxury townhouses that abound in Johannesburg's northern suburbs

    18. Trafalgar Square and many of the quaint and elegant areas that abound in this great

    19. Fairy tale castles abound in the area

    20. books abound in provisions for worldly life and sustenance, and also in

    21. it will cause grace to abound in our lives

    22. ” Examples of stealth jihadism abound in Western societies, notably Europe and increasingly in the United States

    23. This does not suggest that one cannot find responsible and dignified lecturers, who certainly abound in our campuses in greater number

    24. “I am pleased with your stewardship of the forest and the animals that abound in it

    25. Potatoes abound in earth-covered heaps out of doors

    26. Apples abound in Johanna's attic

    27. Over the next few hours, an euphoric feeling abound in the centre of the village

    28. His works abound in the

    29. Lord, make us to increase and abound in love one towards another, and towards all men, that our hearts may be established unblameable in holiness, before God even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints

    30. abound in the traditional reports, there is reason to

    31. Republican billionaires and politicians who pretend to be straight but are not, abound in the political world

    32.  They will abound in prosperity, in children, and the fruit of the land [Deuteronomy 28:11-12]

    33. They would abound in prosperity, in children, and the fruit of the land (Deuteronomy 28:11-12)

    34. They will abound in prosperity, in children, and the fruit of the land

    35. They will abound in prosperity, in children, and the fruit of the land [Deuteronomy 28:11-12]

    36. It was as he journeyed from town to town collecting the king's taxes, that he noted down those bits of inn and wayside life and character that abound in the pages of "Don Quixote:" the Benedictine monks with spectacles and sunshades, mounted on their tall mules; the strollers in costume bound for the next village; the barber with his basin on his head, on his way to bleed a patient; the recruit with his breeches in his bundle, tramping along the road singing; the reapers gathered in the venta gateway listening to "Felixmarte of Hircania" read out to them; and those little Hogarthian touches that he so well knew how to bring in, the ox-tail hanging up with the landlord's comb stuck in it, the wine-skins at the bed-head, and those notable examples of hostelry art, Helen going off in high spirits on Paris's arm, and Dido on the tower dropping tears as big as walnuts

    37. On the other hand, the men of business, stooping as they walk, and pretending not even to see those whom they have already ruined, insert their sting--that is, their money--into some one else who is not on his guard against them, and recover the parent sum many times over multiplied into a family of children: and so they make drone and pauper to abound in the State

    38. 6 The skeletons of dead trees abound in this orchard

    39. Monasteries, when they abound in a nation, are clogs in its circulation, cumbrous establishments, centres of idleness where centres of labor should exist

    40. However, manufactories of chemical products abound in the Faubourg Saint-Marceau

    41. Edible plants abound in tropical areas, but unless you are already familiar with them it is better to begin with to eat palms, bamboos and the commoner fruits

    42. My father had fallen over one of the deep chalk-pits which abound in the neighbourhood, and was lying senseless, with a shattered skull

    43. Philander says that we can exist indefinitely on the wild fruit and nuts which abound in the jungle

    44. The mocked forms, which always abound in numbers, must habitually escape destruction to a large extent, otherwise they could not exist in such swarms; and a large amount of evidence has now been collected, showing that they are distasteful to birds and other insect-devouring animals

    45. For by some curious fatality, as it is often noted of your metropolitan freebooters that they ever encamp around the halls of justice, so sinners, gentlemen, most abound in holiest vicinities

    46. , abound in Moscow and elsewhere

    47. Setting aside the many other contradictions between actual life and conviction which abound in the life of a man of the present day, to view the military situation in Europe in the light of its profession of Christianity is enough to make a man doubt the existence of human reason, and drive him to escape from a barbarous and insane world by putting an end to his own life

    48. —Stalactitical concretions abound in all the caves so often described as existing in this country

    49. That these shells, such as abound in our rivers, ponds, and lakes, should be found in low prairies along the banks of waters which frequently overflow them, excites no wonder, nor even surprise; but that these shells should be found thus imbedded in pebbles and sand underneath several feet of alluvial soil, in situations more than one hundred feet above the waters of any stream now in existence, is calculated to perplex the mind of the superficial observer

    50. We are quite unprepared for it—we are in want of all the necessary materials; though we have been told that our forests abound in all the necessary timber, it was said little of this material was to be found in our dockyards

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