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    Usa "academy" in una frase

    academy frasi di esempio


    1. Having finished work this afternoon, I was walking along Academy Avenue to the bus terminus, when I suddenly saw Persephone and her mother just a few metres away, waving at me happily! They looked thrilled to see me, they ran towards me at once and I could do nothing to avoid them

    2. Ali will practice in his academy for a week

    3. 'I go to the academy ground in the morning,' Fred said as he stepped on the

    4. I told her about the academy, the dinner with Fred, the blue

    5. Ava was going thru the bottom of the pile, things like conferences attended, and there, for the same year she was created, was a record of a one year pass to the Kassikan, unfortunately without the certificate number, as a scholarship transfer from North Chardovia Trades Academy

    6. There was no picture or thumbprint, but it was the right time and this person had come from North Chardovia Trades Academy on a scholarship

    7. It was painting that had brought he and Tdeshi together, they had met almost her first day at North Chardovia Trades Academy when she was shown thru the art rooms

    8. I attended for several years out there and it got hectic at one point because I was working my Election job during the day then on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I was going out to the Police Academy to attend the police reserve classes from like 6 to 9 and then the other two days I believe Monday and Wednesday I was going to Pima College

    9. One day I just come from the Police Academy for whatever reason and I stopped by Pima Community College to register for new classes for the semester

    10. And I violated one of the cardinal rules taught to us at the Police Academy and this shows you just how stupid I was about this

    11. In the history of the arts, now publishing by the French Academy of Sciences, several of

    12. frontispiece of his Academy the slogan “Who is not a

    13. of Athens, at "Academy" station

    14. walked up to the station "Academy"

    15. “If it's like the one at the academy

    16. She flew past the gates of the science academy on her right

    17. Caras was a Prophet of the Whesler who began construction of an academy in Teddyn, a Castle in Fahl

    18. The state seems to have assigned the Academy to Plato, the Lyceum to Aristotle, and the Portico to Zeno of Citta, the founder of the Stoics

    19. Naval Academy, which at that time was called the United States

    20. officially renamed the United States Naval Academy on July 1,

    21. his work at the Naval Academy

    22. academy, he was ordered again to sea duty, but this time on the

    23. At this point, Waddell felt he had now graduated from the United States Naval Academy, and he was proud of what he had

    24. midshipmen that would come later to the Naval Academy would

    25. ordered from his assignment at the Naval Academy to report to

    26. The return to the military academy took a lot longer than the journey away from it, but the ride was

    27. Military Academy in May of 1962

    28. He reclined in his drawing-room high-back chair, stared at the photo on the wall of his younger self, a cadet standing proudly with the other young officers having completed training at the academy

    29. the same military academy at West Point

    30. 228 on the Union side attended the academy

    31. of these academy graduates were members of “The Long Gray

    32. Line”, where the life and experience at the academy bonds the

    33. shoe, was the analogy he recalled from his Academy days

    34. your head over and over in the Academy: space was never to be taken for granted; it could be

    35. the Academy they had always proscribed such a procedure, since phase-shifting in the presence of a

    36. In the Academy they had learned that such plans were predicated on the belief that the

    37. It had always been one of his weaker subjects in the Academy,

    38. His Academy training had been brief in

    39. I haven’t held a gun since I was at the shooting range while trying for the police academy

    40. He recalled his days in the Academy

    41. recognized from her Academy training, and from the only other occasion she’d done this, when

    42. “I remember in the Academy they told us we’d get used to death,” he said, not quite sure

    43. The twenty-two-year-old officer was less than six months out of the academy, his record said, where he graduated at the top of his class

    44. The following feature presentation has been rated R by the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences

    45. It was proved in Vietnam that not even the shrewdest of US pilots (Academy men too) could convince a Communist he is wrong

    46. She joined the Special Intelligence Service internal academy in September 2000

    47. A native of Dixons City Academy and graduate of Bradford College, he began travelling the world at the age of 19 and participated in various regional conflicts and provided protection to the 14th Maharaja of Patiala where he learned Sniping, Vehicle operating skills and explosive skills

    48. “A young academy cadet, posted to the Fleet, and currently on embarkation leave,” he reported

    49. It was just extremely small, grubby and old-fashioned looking for a college or anyone’s idea of a private academy

    50. Colling thanked Breksheim, sympathized with him about Elizabeth’s death at so young an age, and left the riding academy with more questions than answers swirling in his head

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