Usa "adjective" in una frase
adjective frasi di esempio
1. A noun and an adjective are close partners
2. An adjective can qualify a few nouns, and, likewise, a noun can be qualified by a few adjectives
3. • The adjective ‘fine’ is complement of the
4. Here we must use the adjective form ‘happy’ instead
5. Different suffixes can help us easily understand whether a word is a noun, verb or adjective and hence their meanings
6. The Spirit ( without the adjective "holy") is also used as the creative spirit from God by which God enlivened Adam, and inspired the angels and the prophets
7. but as adjective for the two others
8. their adjective and the first deceit
9. As for the adjective “civilized”, it may
10. The one adjective that
11. blamed this bally thing called fate, and all adjective had been
12. If you don"t know the difference between this adjective and effervescent, you are doomed
13. What is an adjective?
14. An adjective is a word used to describe or add information about a noun
15. example of blanco (white), this type of adjective has four forms:
16. Colling thought to himself that dumb was probably an applicable adjective when it came to Vincent’s way of running the battalion
17. The historical ‘mere appearance’, as the adjective suggests, points to moral rather than
18. missionary, a noun, referring to people who engage in mission, and as an adjective, referring in
19. „the missionary mandate" or „ a person of missionary zeal," whereas the missional is an adjective
20. He is a very large man who cannot be described adequately without the adjective
21. Gertrude had remained dauntless, of course offended by the vile adjective that I was giving her
22. adjective somehow seems appropriate-- of these regions of the Real
23. The form of this proper adjective isthe same for the masculine and the feminine
24. [314] agrícola, note that this adjective does not vary in formfor the gender of the noun modified
25. It includes the simple stuff (subjects, prepositions) all the way to the toughies (modal auxiliaries, adjective clauses)
26. Was Grav(e)y an adjective describing a
27. Not only does this avoid confusion with the word "gnu," the name of the African antelope, Connochaetes gnou , it also avoids confusion with the adjective "new
28. gnu improved – probably a reference in a foreign language since the noun precedes the adjective, referring to an animal that should be healthier
29. Anatta (Sanskrit anatman) or “non-self” is used in the suttas both as a noun and as a predicative adjective to denote that phenomena are not, or are without, a permanent self, to describe any and all composite, con-substantial, phenomenal and temporal things, from the macrocosmic to
30. I think that first adjective has something to do with the airport
31. Beside grades being arbitrary, meaningless and final, we should have another adjective: bizarre
32. Displicente; the adjective is used, as often, where inEnglish an adverb is better employed
33. Van Thorn preferred the adjective wealthy, which he
34. “What’s excellent?” said the Admiral, thinking the Chief was using the adjective rather than the
35. in the original is the Greek adjective from 'soul'
36. ' Note that the infinitive ishere a noun, and is modified by an adjective
37. Perhaps you youngsters will be able to come up with a better adjective to
38. The lack of intermediate colour lent uncertainty to the size of this theatre, the historic proportion likening itself to a Hollywood epic, understatement being a non-existent as an adjective in the American dictionary
39. Immediately he regretted his choice of adjective
40. adjective you may wish to ascribe to it
41. Until I began to learn another language, the idea had never crossed my mind that in some languages the noun precedes the adjective and must also agree with the gender
42. when it is repeated without the adjective or adverb which itmodified in the first instance
43. Probably to give the pronominal adjective greater emphasis
44. Later editionschanged to lóbrega, making the adjective agree with tierra instead ofsilencio
45. ' He nodded his head gently at each adjective and counted them off on his fingers
46. And the rooms are not too small for me--poky was the adjective you applied to the dear little things
47. ofPicio to pez, pitch, and to the adjective píceo, suggest
48. Subido is here an adjective in
49. "Upon my word he seems to be very cool," she said; and the servant, his gaze fixed on a respectful point just above his mistress's head, reflected on the extreme inapplicability of the adjective to anything so warm as the gentleman at the door
50. Nonsense had delighted her father, it is true, but it had to be of a certain kind; never the kind to which the adjective 'sheer' would apply