Usa "afield" in una frase
afield frasi di esempio
1. Some forty paintings were shown on the first list, along with a good dozen sculptures … she recognised some of the names of the artists … how had he got hold of a Rembrandt? Could it be original? The second list was longer, more varied and definitely more curious – intaglio tables from the Italian peninsula rubbed shoulders with tribal masks from the African continent and animal skins from places as far afield as Asia
2. Her thoughts wandered even farther afield, Bordzvek was a huge city, the size of Dos or Zhlindu, in mountains almost as rugged as Wescarp
3. They stepped back and began to muse further afield in an effort to find profit in their project
4. Will this spread the fever further afield? It's more responsible to stop people from leaving? Are we all resigned to this fate?"
5. Then, each newly minted but lesser king, in his own way, strayed further afield than had the father, Solomon
6. Could it be that the office started out as a kind of executive head, overseen by a council of the community, to deal with urgent matters concerning communities further afield, and as these grew in volume became an ad hoc judicial reviewer of those matters seen as of lesser importance?
7. No need to look further afield for a higher attainment
8. Might even this mighty tower come tumbling down due to an extraterrestrial catastrophe, with the puny insensate remains of Man strewn widely afield as the price of his arrogance? It has, according to science, happened to the dinosaurs, masters of a different kind of arrogance in a bygone age
9. And the light had glimmered far afield
10. The port area is extremely busy, with vessels of every size constantly sailing to and from all over the Mediterranean, as well as farther afield
11. Gradually, as the fertility news spread further afield, the
12. Each team chose one of their own to lead new recruits even farther afield
13. Reassured, he looked farther afield discovering that the black cloud, as seen in the early light of day, had become an amorphous, shapeless thing spread out over the whole northern sky, as it had done the last time he’d seen it
14. It slowly lifted, replaced by a spreading smile as he apparently finished, and appeared to be looking farther afield
15. As the teams fanned out, first to the nearby villages, then to those farther afield, an explosive
16. Reassured, he looked farther afield
17. They wouldn't open their big gate for just one, he mused as he looked farther afield
18. [In Not That I… our hero and heroine stray afield in search of romance, not yet having sufficiently learned that love is a trap for fools
19. As the year unfolded, more serious events began to happen further afield
20. started going further afield
21. He told me that such was the widespread nature of the epidemic that it would be difficult to obtain professional help without going quite far afield, but he gave me the name and address of a woman who, he said, had had some experience of nursing and was quite reliable
22. needed, making them to order for farmers and the store, then wider afield
23. delusion as far afield as they can
24. Israel, so east could be anywhere in the Middle East or possibly further afield towards China
25. similar way the North could refer to the region of Syria or further afield up towards Turkey or even Russia
26. concerned, but Cherry would not countenance moving any further afield
27. Midday Prayer is a little oasis of prayer in the day which can seem a bit annoying to a busy person but in reality is refreshing and can help to anchor one in prayer life so that the monastic does not drift too far afield from what his or her life is all about
28. This event attracted artisan food producers from all over the district and visitors from even further afield
29. Further afield, a fatigued and aching Juko was unimpressed with his surroundings
30. It takes him several chapters to get back, for he doesn't go straight, being constitutionally unable to resist turning aside down the green lanes of moralizing that branch so seductively off the main road and lead him at last very far afield; and when he does arrive he is rather breathless, and flutters for some time round the impassive giant waiting to be described, jerking out little anecdotes, very pleasant little anecdotes, but quite unconnected with his patient subject, before he has got his wind and can begin
31. In the past few days however it’s become increasingly apparent that anyone fleeing the city and suburbs has spread things farther afield than we had dared to anticipate
32. knowledge he never went any further afield than that
33. But Priscilla's story has taken such a hold on me, it seemed when first I heard it to be so full of lessons, that I feel bound to set it down from beginning to end for the use and warning of all persons, princesses and others, who think that by searching, by going far afield, they will find happiness, and do not see that it is lying all the while at their feet
34. Priscilla, we know, went very far afield in search of hers, and having undertaken to tell of what befell her I must not now, only because I would rather, suppress any portion of the story
35. By the middle of their first week in the valley the children had settled in and had begun to explore the land further afield
36. I think we need to look further afield
37. given up on that method? It was then that they heard a different type of pandemonium afield
38. It is now I know not how many months since with this object I came here, where I met a herdsman who engaged me as his servant at a place in the heart of this Sierra, and all this time I have been serving him as herd, striving to keep always afield to hide these locks which have now unexpectedly betrayed me
39. On the road they heard, not just regional French accents, but the tongues of places farther afield: Flanders, Bohemia, Italy, Savoy, Majorca
40. “That may be true,” Merlin said, “but it’s getting a little afield from Greyghor’s point
41. The necessity to go far afield made his coasting voyages long, and caused his visits to the Viola household to be rare and far between
42. A field-man is a personality afield; a field-woman is a portion of the field; she had somehow lost her own margin, imbibed the essence of her surrounding, and assimilated herself with it
43. He observed to his father that he was then six-and-twenty, and that when he should start in the farming business he would require eyes in the back of his head to see to all matters—some one would be necessary to superintend the domestic labours of his establishment whilst he was afield
44. withdrew to go afield to the cows he said to her softly—
45. Several days had passed since her futile journey, and Tess was afield
46. At three—another ritual—he would allow himself to go buy the daily papers, but now, just to get away from the silence of his typewriter and his phone, he went as early as noon, and to newsstands farther and farther afield
47. He took to wandering further afield and more often by himself; and Merry and his other friends watched him anxiously
48. errantry: for they rode often far afield with the Rangers of the North,
49. `It is close on ten leagues hence to the east-shore of Anduin,' said Mablung, 'and we seldom come so far afield
50. Lights went out in house and hamlet as they came, and doors were shut, and folk that were afield cried in terror and ran wild like hunted deer