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    Usa "agree with" in una frase

    agree with frasi di esempio

    agree with

    1. There is a Colonel from his expedition who does not agree with the majority decision and wants to make his own policy

    2. will agree with Him in everything He says and does

    3. Herndon did not agree with her on that, but did not say anything

    4. ‘Yes, but why Liz? If she hadn’t been set up as the murderer initially, I’d agree with you, but as things are, it seems all of a piece

    5. "I agree with that," Tahlmute said

    6. ‘Yes, I agree with you, Molly

    7. agree with the word that says you are healed

    8. I said nothing but I do agree with Nondas

    9. "Then that means you agree with your father? That he should go?"

    10. I also agree with Vincef that a clandestine operation is the only way we'll catch the wizards themselves

    11. His intellect could agree with her, but his body was filled with adrenaline and needed to be doing something about it

    12. ‘I’d agree with that

    13. “Yes, I have to agree with you there Catwhiskers

    14. ‘I agree with you, Berndt; that would be our best course

    15. ‘Yes, I’d agree with that

    16. “I will agree with you on that for sure

    17. "He says the only way he sees the distant areas is in the setup screens when he details them," Kelvin recalled Ava telling him, "but I tend to agree with Heymon

    18. He wondered why the Pan Solar League had picked Ceres instead of a body large enough to agree with scripture

    19. embarked upon a policy that some of you disagree with is,

    20. “My sisters and I agree with you on that matter sir, this war against the Ogatu is insane

    21. I want a man who is looking for more than just some dumb bimbo who is going to agree with everything he says

    22. ‘Yes, I’d be inclined to agree with you there, Dave

    23. “I’ll agree with that,” Wolfgang said

    24. ‘Hmmm … I’d agree with you on that one

    25. That way I know you'll agree with my request versus perpetuating stupidity

    26. Alistair nodded slowly, appearing to agree with the hypothesis

    27. Though the chairman of the bird sanctuary wouldn’t agree with you about no crime being committed, Mr Middlesex – there was quite considerable damage done to the site and he’s up in arms about that

    28. I laugh and agree with him

    29. All we ask is that you agree with

    30. 'I can’t disagree with you there,' said Jean

    31. And I am inclined to agree with them; I think there are many fantastic locations out there that would be a better place to build your office blocks,”

    32. He may not agree with the way the place was to be run, but he still cared that she wore clean clothes

    33. Nevertheless, I agree with you that there’s no

    34. to be going to Paris, either, but he had to disagree with

    35. “I agree with you on that

    36. Livingson has assured me that this was purely a miscommunication on his part, and that you are not to be held responsible, I disagree with his protection and defense of you

    37. If we are unaware of what is going on in the spirit we find ourselves swayed by the events of life and wondering what is going on, but as we understand the seasons we can pray, prepare, or agree with what is going on

    38. `No, I'll look first,' she said, `and see whether it's marked "poison" or not'; for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they WOULD not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if your hold it too long; and that if you cut your finger VERY deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked `poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later

    39. you in this season and agree with Paul’s prayer to the Colossians

    40. agree with His word and embrace change

    41. ‘Ah! There’s plenty who’d disagree with you on that!’

    42. Likewise, we have power to agree with the lies of the

    43. Too often we agree with the lies rather than the truth

    44. ” They agree with the lies of the enemy rather than the

    45. Make it your habit to agree with the prayer of the Apostles and

    46. "Neither of my employers agree with you," Desa told her

    47. Obviously, I don’t agree with that policy

    48. The prices of corn, which he himself has collected, certainly do not agree with this opinion

    49. "I agree with you most heartily," Kelvin told her, "But it was his own actions which caused his situation

    50. "I want you to understand that I agree with you on this

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