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    Usa "airborne" in una frase

    airborne frasi di esempio


    1. That virus is airborne and they thought about releasing it over Talstan

    2. We will spill our holy seed on this land, raise a caste of warriors, and still they will bend to the will of the Kassikan, and not our God, because of airborne viruses that program their behavior

    3. " They were airborne a second off the top of a particularly large mound of water

    4. Jake extended his wings took one leap and he was airborne

    5. Ethereead took a small run and was airborne

    6. who wheel and tease, but stay airborne,

    7. “What the hell?” he repeated and suddenly the bike became airborne

    8. Each girl took a corner of the large mat surface and with a few bounding steps, executed front handsprings into forward airborne somersaults

    9. “Strong winds whip up a lot of loose sand and carry it in clouds that roll across the outback like a tsunami up to 7,000 metres in height! Airborne sand blasts everything in its way

    10. It was still airborne when it disappeared from Malaysian military radar in the Straits of Malacca

    11. "And I know enough genetics to know that was spread by a contagious airborne vector and has permeated everyone by now," Nidon said

    12. Potential aviators should be warned now that the way to becoming airborne is not paved with comfy chairs and scatter cushions

    13. “That must mean that there is much more airborne moisture than predicted

    14. They relied on brute force rather than aerodynamics to stay airborne, but brute force was something they had plenty of

    15. The airborne vehicle materialised just as it landed a metre in front of him

    16. Safely away from the main sub, the craft shot out from the depths of the mid Atlantic like a missile heading for some airborne target

    17. My mates were reassuring me from the other side of the fence, and since I was ex-Flying Squad weighing 230 pounds I fancied my chances until the dog unfairly became airborne ten feet away

    18. I was airborne for a second, my bum landed on the edge of the boat and then my feet went skyward

    19. The airborne commander had to be able to work more than one radio at the same time and his tactical understanding of the nature of COIN and the terrain outstanding to prevent catastrophe

    20. Some of the individual members because of their Special Forces (Army or Police) or prior military service backgrounds would have had parachute training but as a unit they were never part of the airborne community and never operated as one either

    21. Advancing the throttle, the plane was soon airborne and the mission proceeded shortly thereafter

    22. Within minutes the helicopter was airborne and King was heading out over the sea

    23. Unknown to him Susan had directed the airborne Reaper into the area

    24. Once airborne Adrian pulled out the Washington Post

    25. Captain Mason wore a 101st Airborne Division patch and Airborne wings

    26. There were, at times, four, and twice (with Beth and Truman each using both hands) five packages airborne simultaneously

    27. Her eyes couldn’t believe what they saw as Loran charged at her with his paddle in an overhand swing that caught the club arm of the brute who still held her in a chokehold as her champion’s airborne body collided with the flesh of her and the bone of her assailant

    28. with rockets, followed by two airborne assaults using nerve gases Tabun and Sarin

    29. have spent much of the short drive airborne

    30. Added to their waste was the huge amount of still worse airborne junk that blew across the vacant lot from a trailer park near the Rio Grande

    31. Indoor plants help detoxify the air inside our homes, by filtering the airborne toxins and fumes through the soil

    32. Meanwhile, we use an airborne forward air controller, the FAC

    33. They developed and put into service over 5,000 helicopters performing airborne assault, troop carry, med-evac, command and control, recce, and heavy lift operations, all below 10,000 feet

    34. They had noted the 173rd Airborne Brigade was out on operations and that only weak, easily unnerved Vietnamese regional forces were on duty

    35. At first light the day after the attack, three platoons of fresh troops from the 173rd Airborne arrived on the air base

    36. The next morning, Court and Barnes were airborne in the F-100F by 0700

    37. In an extreme case, the man even took off to fly just short of the tankers as an airborne spare

    38. At 185 knots on the vertical tape speed indicator, Frederick raised the nose, at 195 they were airborne as the 7000 foot marker flashed by

    39. We got a Green Hornet airborne on a test hop and two on Alert

    40. He waved to the company of paratroopers from the 173rd Airborne, their faces so young, who sat on the brown sunburnt grass bordering the taxiway to await airlift to a remote jungle battle zone

    41. She had a last glimpse of the lights of the airport buildings flashing past and gripped the arms of her seat; and apart from a strange feeling as though her tummy was being pushed against her backbone, she did not realize that they were airborne

    42. And suddenly he was airborne!

    43. Suddenly he was airborne seeing the ceiling, the wall and then the floor in a matter of a half a second

    44. Rochelle, and Dave were already airborne in the plane that awaited

    45. A small pool of blood spreads out on the pavement in the few moments you lie on the ground before Andy gets you airborne

    46. It’s one of the airborne viruses mixed with a mild paralysis gas

    47. Thank God for enhanced airborne genetically selective viruses

    48. Dust storms spread toxic airborne particles

    49. When the plane was airborne and Bridget had opened her eyes again after takeoff, much to Joe’s amusement, she asked him how long the flight would take from

    50. International rescue has been notified and Thunderbird Three is now airborne

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