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    Usa "aircrew" in una frase

    aircrew frasi di esempio


    1. " Although the Haiphong mining and the cutting of rail supply lines that ran southeast and southwest out of China into North Vietnam had great military value, it also had, as the SecState put it, a "war-widening value;" and, furthermore, was a risk to aircrew

    2. Since in the true sense of the word the ladies present were not spouses of any of the men present, and since they were aircrew, Colonel Friedlander decided this function was a Dining-In

    3. He gestured frantically to his aircrew

    4. Siri, once again, opened the first bag and, being careful to keep it within the canvas bag, out of sight of the aircrew, he took the gun from its case and held it in his right hand

    5. At the end of each row of benches in this hall is a sign showing a list of various specialties, be it as pilot, aircrew, combat support, technical trades or administrative trades

    6. � Praying that the aircrew of the Hudson would make it somehow, she inventoried the content of the rubber raft�s storage pouch: it was limited to a flare pistol with a few spare cartridges, a water canteen and two chocolate bars

    7. She was also a qualified pilot, according to the custom of the 99th Wing to have all its aircrew officers able to land their plane in an emergency

    8. The base operations building, along with the aircrew dispersal buildings, were much too far to her taste from the aircraft parking areas, something that would make impossible to the aircrews to get quickly to their planes, unless they pitched tents near their planes

    9. All nineteen remaining TU-16 bombers of our heavy bomber regiment were destroyed, along with 26 Ilyushin 28 medium bombers, 23 MIG-17s, the base operations building and the aircrew barracks

    10. The helicopter came in for circuit and a final approach towards Lee’s estate, Spock and Stu were sat in the doorway having a whale of a time with the aircrew and dangled their legs over the side whilst happily singing away about drunken English sailor song, while they sploshed their cans of beer around

    11. The pilot issued an order to the aircrew, who assumed the two passengers spoke Thai, and passed on the instructions

    12. Pon was afraid to get on the helicopter and had to be gently pushed by the aircrew and seated in one of the four passenger seats

    13. The aircrew like to keep reminding us that Herr Hitler is dead, killed by the Russians in his Berlin bunker

    14. Aircrew will be trying to land the plane as safely as possible; there is nothing you can do except to keep calm and support the crew in calming the other passengers

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    Sinonimi per "aircrew"

    air crew aircrew