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    Usa "all kinds of" in una frase

    all kinds of frasi di esempio

    all kinds of

    1. "Yeah, we found all kinds of old notes in your lockbox

    2. She didn't come back into flesh to volunteer to have that flesh subjected to all kinds of needless perils

    3. Euro Super Cop and he had been causing all kinds of trouble in mainland Europe where the big fish played

    4. Because of the shortage of the servant spirit, congregations have embraced all kinds of

    5. What's going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can't stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice's half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn't really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

    6. Then all kinds of questions were flying at me

    7. His mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts

    8. An over-large potato carried upon the person could lead to all kinds of questions and complications

    9. If you visit your local health shop you will find all kinds of vegetable extracts and salts with which to make your potato water more drinkable

    10. "He was a busy boy in those days when he was stealing half our clock cycles, he detailed out all kinds of different societies

    11. I have used all kinds of magnets, from the most

    12. “All kinds of information pass through this place my friends

    13. earth, stones, vegetation, leather, glass, all kinds of

    14. There are all kinds of great ways you can choose to

    15. So they had a very nice little Duskmeal at the counter by the window in the kitchen while she answered all kinds of off the wall questions about daily life on Earth that she just couldn’t generalize

    16. There’s the equivalent of all kinds of different plank-ups with different people’s notions of what was supposed to connect to where

    17. She loved to grow all kinds of things

    18. The remainder of the far half of the room was piled with all kinds of dusty old junk

    19. adorned with all kinds of precious

    20. Always be prepared, like a scout, I carry all kinds of clothes

    21. dead and heal all kinds of sickness

    22. So now he had all kinds of new mysteries to ponder

    23. threatened by the Apocalypse and all kinds of

    24. “From the Age of six, I had the habit of drawing All Kinds of things

    25. was carrying a trolley with all kinds of rubbish,

    26. (“Erudite” means stuffed to the brim with all kinds of sophisticated and impressive knowledge

    27. A recent winner of a national high school science award felt he wasn’t any smarter than anyone else; but, throughout most of his school years, he had spent many hours in the basement experimenting with all kinds of projects, “failing through” to success

    28. I get citizens in here all the time with all kinds of tales about neighbors, service delivery people, even other Administration personnel, but you, you’re good,” he said smiling that cat smile of his at Martin

    29. Himalayas and manifest all kinds of things without

    30. We heard a rustling and I was sure there were all kinds of creatures inhabiting this dark space

    31. The water we had been swimming in was beginning to get polluted with all kinds of things and we had to swim further and further out to avoid it

    32. the Internet arrived and all kinds of flakes and crazies joined in

    33. There were wrecks of men some with no faces and some with half their head shot away there were bayonet wounds bullet wounds shrapnel wounds all kinds of wounds and it broke your heart just to see them

    34. “Can’t you see I’m dying?” Apparently, he couldn’t, because Ozzie continued to relentlessly scratch at my inert form, making all kinds of loud cat noises into my overly sensitive but clogged ears

    35. As we waited nerves started to play up and I saw men praying and doing all kinds of rituals that they thought would keep them safe

    36. It works fine in all kinds of weather

    37. This patch of woods had all kinds of grassy clumps and rotted log piles in it, perfect hiding spots for a small girl

    38. Historically you supported corrupt government in Africa and still do which sends all kinds of wrong messages

    39. He gave me all kinds of Antibiotics, but none of them seemed to have any effect at all, and I still was not improving

    40. antioxidants, flavonoids and all kinds of nutrients that help keep your body alive

    41. I remember that my wife had once mentioned to me that on the corner of our street there lived an old Uzbek witch, who dispensed all kinds of herbal cures

    42. The Polish brigade, with its high percentage of Jewish soldiers, volunteered for all kinds of missions

    43. When he got home, he would pay in all kinds of little arthritic aches and pains

    44. “The government puts all kinds of obstacles in the way of wind developments, and shut down guys who tried to use methane from their farms to generate electricity

    45. Those fish were unsafe for pregnant women to eat; fish with all kinds of lesions and tumors in their bodies

    46. It had got him into all kinds of trouble

    47. He carefully studied every human interest or bad fortune story involving disability, and mental illness, and all kinds of social issues

    48. He was all red in the face, all kinds of sweat pouring down and my friend was there picking something up…”

    49. “But Will; we hear all kinds of things in here

    50. All kinds of problems

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