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    Usa "an" in una frase

    an frasi di esempio


    1. "When I unwrapped them this spring I found an aluminum stuck in the treads

    2. He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, "But you wore those sandals, I couldn't have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don't think I've ever carried an aluminum on my person," Ava said

    3. Those memories of the day he learned she had been an electric ghost were still painful for both of them

    4. Some of my friends bought a fabrication shop down in the Gengee, this is the best imitation of an antique ocean racer from our country that we can build

    5. Despite my best efforts, I was still called in for an interview with the manager

    6. His nose confirmed that Herndon was not afraid to couple with a body haunted by an electric ghost, but then he was Yingolian also

    7. In a cabinet behind the table, under the binnacle, he found an enormous boiler, the size of the one Belkin had at his mill, but with a pancake alcohol burner rather than a wood firebox

    8. "It's from an industrial supply

    9. and will help you to develop an intimacy relationship

    10. sympathy sessions, an event actually causes the scales [controls] to be tipped in the other direction thus creating a different and, very

    11. were an act on talent show “The X Factor”

    12. I explained that I wore “that cap” to cover an operation scar and the loss of hair from radiotherapy – this seemed to satisfy

    13. that Abraham built an altar unto the LORD, who

    14. Gen: 12:7: And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an

    15. on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an

    16. Schulz: I have some, but I keep them in an ice chest

    17. indoors watching an educational nature program on the TV

    18. "It was hardly more than an hour ago

    19. Secondly he was an ordinary man, and capable of

    20. There is so much proof that speaking positively, thinking positively, and being an optimist helps you to achieve so much more in

    21. "Learning Kulai's business, taking over his math, and for the first time in my life, actually being an asset on the social scene

    22. This time it's for the romance of being who I really am, who I am without the distractions of an early death and resurrection in an experimental environment, a starship expedition that went wrong and the founding of an industry to deal with

    23. If you're not specific you don’t give your brain and the universe an exact point where they need to end up

    24. Vera keeps wiping the same ten inches of the bar, not budging an inch otherwise

    25. The opening section of Medical Matters hits hard and fast – like an unintentional [?] simulation of the actual diagnosis and treatment

    26. historical use has now been replaced by an awful reality; I actually

    27. I've never felt more at home than I do at our home off Third Canal, not even in the home I had as an Angel

    28. I was just telling you about Kulai, but the home we live in is what I always wanted but didn't dare aspire to, even as an Angel

    29. I miss the powers of magic I had as an Angel sometimes

    30. "That is an ancient viewpoint on Earth

    31. "I still have a hard time forgetting that you are an electric ghost that has forced Tdeshi's dead body back to life

    32. An offer was made to send a copy free [Yes, I did said FREE] by Email for a limited period to any interested parties

    33. My soul was read into this empty brain, there was never an atom in this body that didn't come from food this body ate here on the planet Kassidor

    34. Gen: 17:7: And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an

    35. I’m asking for an opportunity to work for you because I am passionate about what you do

    36. Ever been paired with the obligatory US holidaymakers on an

    37. I was wearing an old 1970’s watch [a relic of my col ecting days] and

    38. I readjusted myself to this “new time” and the day continued without event until we agreed to meet for an evening meal at 1900

    39. I look away to an overflowing closet

    40. It’s more an angry bark than a laugh

    41. Menopause was assumed to mark an end in women's interest in sex

    42. In recent years it has become clear that not only does interest and capacity for sex continue well beyond menopause, but that many women report an increased enjoyment of sex because worries about unwanted pregnancy are no longer a concern

    43. I look to the two men hunched on the ground with the churning realization that there’s an innocent man dying in my dad’s home

    44. An undercurrent of blood begins to fill the house

    45. · Not letting little things bother to an extent that is unrelated to its seriousness

    46. [I should point out that, whilst the situations described above are true, they are presented here as an amalgam of the actual events for the sake of simplicity

    47. She was going to shower and comb out her hair, but he had been out in the lake and resting down at the beach for over an hour

    48. It was over an hour and a half

    49. An optimistic outlook enables you to expect that good things will happen in your life

    50. Well, what is that getting you? What do you have because of what you are being? Do you have an argument on your hands with

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