Usa "anaesthetic" in una frase
anaesthetic frasi di esempio
1. anaesthetic is used and the patient is hospitalized
2. anaesthetic, said nothing, but he did begin to wonder if someone had
3. “Until it dissipates, that will act as an anaesthetic too
4. I was carried inside and laid on to a table there was very little anaesthetic on the peninsular and so I was given rum for the pain and to numb me against what was coming
5. Grouchie shook its head, pawing at its neck, knocking the dart free, but the anaesthetic had already begun to have an affect
6. The first hatchings would keep the prey alive as long as possible, the anaesthetic oozing from their skins causing selected muscle paralysis
7. Feeling the anaesthetic beginning to take effect, Piers stumbled along the shore towards the cave, his pounding heart pumping more and more of the venom through his veins
8. “Not only that,” she said, “but the Syclers went on to develop the ability to use the formic acid termites defend themselves with into a powerful anaesthetic that enables them to knockout their prey
9. A cloth, which was covered in anaesthetic, was placed on his mouth and nose
10. I personally didn’t understand how anyone could get through life without a good strong anaesthetic
11. Time and time again he had to go back for more surgery, all under general anaesthetic
12. involving the administration of anaesthetic gases such as C02, provided that it is
13. Substance abuse (particularly alcohol which is a wonderful anaesthetic for the harshness of life)
14. „I"ll give you a local anaesthetic, but it could still hurt a bit
15. Although he‘d felt no pain thanks to local anaesthesia, he was almost catatonic having been awake through the extraction of his kidney because the theatre wasn‘t set up for two people to be under general anaesthetic at one time
16. anaesthetic, to paralyse the muscles of the body
17. It did not however, repel the insect bites they suffered, but at least acted as a temporary anaesthetic
18. She was using it as an anaesthetic to kill the pain
19. The anaesthetic in their arms sent them back into a deep, but temporary sleep
20. Addicts usually test the potency of the product by gauging the anaesthetic effect caused by rubbing the powder on their gums – the bigger buyers always apply the aluminium foil test
21. The patients‘ brains were exposed and they were fully conscious, having received only local anaesthetic
22. yanked out (without anaesthetic) and the same goes for its
23. stuffed with al manner of anaesthetic, surgical instruments and wound dressings
24. A double-blind trial compared acupuncture to injections of anaesthetic
25. had injected into him wasn’t an anaesthetic either, thought Gustavo
26. It seemed that Harry had injected him with some kind of instant anaesthetic
27. “After all that pain and emotional stress we need a cold anaesthetic
28. Controlled sedation through injection of a local anaesthetic allow the surgery to be performed painlessly and with fast recovery
29. anaesthetic for the harshness of life)
30. Cocaine is an anaesthetic, and hence the associated problems are not easily spotted in the early stages
31. He felt himself coming round from the anaesthetic, beginning to breathe
32. A benign tumour on the side of John Burley’s (UK) face was removed by the surgeon John Hunter (UK, 1728–93), without anaesthetic, and found to weigh 4