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    Usa "analgesia" in una frase

    analgesia frasi di esempio


    1. One of the first things Adam did, after purchasing his practice, was enrol in a three-day relative analgesia course for post-graduates

    2. Mixed correctly for the individual patient, a state of relative analgesia could be induced and sustained for an extended period of time

    3. After the relative analgesia course, Adam bought a machine and installed it into his surgery

    4. He found that the music had a profound enhancing effect on the quality of the patients’ analgesia and they just loved it

    5. Grimes, Akhim and Mophi stood at Mohammed’s bedside, although wasting away and on high amounts of narcotic, analgesia, he still appeared as an astute, proud man

    6. You came across their half-brother, Ronald Niedermann, didn’t you? He was blonde, enormous and had congenital analgesia, the inability to feel pain, so was therefore an ideal hit man and murderer, while Camilla … well, in her case the genetic abnormality was quite simply that she was astoundingly, ridiculously lovely to look at, and that just got worse as she grew older

    7. Out here you get evangelical preachers and album-oriented rock and ad after ad—and as the analgesia of the pot wears off, he discovers a pit in his stomach

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