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    Usa "and above" in una frase

    and above frasi di esempio

    and above

    1. After a while they could finally see the door ahead of and above them

    2. On a closing note, there are instances, where the law will hold supreme over and above your will

    3. The energy levels of the practitioner never decline even at the age of 80 years and above

    4. This building put most of the residence about twenty floors above the ground with a courtyard in the center and balconied residential turrets extending out and above that

    5. There stays my hand above the ice upon the window

    6. that everything is legal and above board” said Joe

    7. There were probably ten more houses in the village altogether, spread out around it and above some others up in the branches

    8. Be adventurous, try new things, and above all

    9. For the busy housewife and mother who has little time to spare, these movements act as a time-saving beauty treatment, a toning up of nerves and muscles, and above all a means of relieving her internal disorders

    10. All the shelves, table tops and chair backs were protected with embroidered white linen and above us, a wooden beamed ceiling

    11. Rayne looked about and above, sending out her ‘feelers’ to locate the danger

    12. It’s all legal and above board

    13. He was still as much of a dandy as ever, dressed in a sleek, supple carapace with a flared, ruffled collar and above-the-knee slipper socks and gauntlets

    14. Beyond and into the mountainsides are countless smaller rooms and above them smaller courts and gardens and fields winding away for miles over the hillsides

    15. In exchanging the complete manufacture either for money, for labour, or for other goods, over and above what may be sufficient to pay the price of the materials, and the wages of the workmen, something must be given for the profits of the undertaker of the work, who hazards his stock in this adventure

    16. These funds are of two kinds, first, the revenue which is over and above what is necessary for the maintenance; and, secondly, the stock which is over and above what is necessary for the employment of their masters

    17. and above the usual wages of common labour, will replace to him the whole expense of his

    18. The sailor, indeed, over and above his pay, is supplied with

    19. To compensate it completely, the common returns ought, over and above

    20. Whatever part of the produce, or, what is the same thing, whatever part of its price, is over and above this share, he naturally endeavours to reserve to himself as the rent of his land, which is evidently the highest the tenant can afford to pay in the actual circumstances of the land

    21. Vic's android reached out and gripped the coachman's upper arm, with enough pressure to let him know her machine was without the Instinct also, "And above all, question nothing, say nothing and give nothing away by sign or deed that we are anything other than respected and well-paying customers

    22. Above that was a solid floor and above that it was planked-in walkways on some big limbs that had once grown wild in this space, centuries ago, before the Torgoth span cut off their ends and light

    23. Such a negro, over and above this quantity of tobacco, can manage, they reckon, four acres of Indian corn

    24. ‘Finally and above all pilgrims are to visit and pay the greatest

    25. What is over and above satisfying the limited desire, is given for the amusement of those desires which cannot be satisfied, but seem to be altogether endless

    26. He raised his hand above his head and brought it chopping down

    27. Within and above the wall of city, a thousand foot tetrahedral pyramid rose

    28. Part of all these is reserved for the use of his own family; the rest goes to market, in order to find the best price which is to be had, and which can scarce be so low is to discourage him from sending thither whatever is over and above the use of his own family

    29. The landlord exchanges that part of his rude produce, which is over and above his own consumption, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of that part of it, for manufactured produce

    30. Eight hundred thousand pounds, therefore, must overflow, that sum being over and above what can be employed in the circulation of the country

    31. Over and above the expenses which are common to every branch of trade, such as the expense of house-rent, the wages of servants, clerks, accountants, etc

    32. It comes in place of a paper which is over and above what can be employed in that circulation, and is, therefore, over and above what can be employed in it too

    33. Should this bank attempt to circulate forty-four thousand pounds, the four thousand pounds which are over and above what the circulation can easily absorb and employ, will return upon it almost as fast as they are issued

    34. The gold coin which was paid out, either by the Bank of England or by the Scotch banks, in exchange for that part of their paper which was over and above what could be employed in the circulation of the country, being likewise over and above what could be employed in that circulation, was sometimes sent abroad in the shape of coin, sometimes melted down and sent abroad in the shape of bullion, and sometimes melted down and sold to the Bank of England at the high price of four pounds an ounce

    35. The greater part of this paper was, consequently, over and above the value of the gold and silver which would have circulated in the country, had there been no paper money

    36. It was over and above, therefore, what the circulation of the country could easily absorb and employ, and upon that account, immediately returned upon the banks, in order to be exchanged for gold and silver, which they were to find as they could

    37. But those bank notes being, the greater part of them, over and above what the circulation of the country could easily absorb and employ, returned upon it, in order to be exchanged for gold and silver, as fast as they were issued

    38. They could still have made nothing by the interest of the paper, which, being over and above what the circulation of the country could absorb and employ, returned upon them in order to be exchanged for gold and silver, as fast as they issued it ; and for the payment of which they were themselves continually obliged to borrow money

    39. It was upon this occasion that the sum which the bank had advanced to the public, and for which it received interest, began first to exceed its capital stock, or the sum for which it paid a dividend to the proprietors of bank stock ; or, in other words, that the bank began to have an undivided capital, over and above its divided one

    40. Over and above the accidents to which they are exposed from the unskilfulness of the conductors of this paper money, they are liable to several others, from which no prudence or skill of those conductors can guard them

    41. The paper of each colony being received in the payment of the provincial taxes, for the full value for which it had been issued, it necessarily derived from this use some additional value, over and above what it would have had, from the real or supposed distance of the term of its final discharge and redemption

    42. Unproductive labourers, and those who do not labour at all, are all maintained by revenue; either, first, by that part of the annual produce which is originally destined for constituting a revenue to some particular persons, either as the rent of land, or as the profits of stock ; or, secondly, by that part which, though originally destined for replacing a capital, and for maintaining productive labourers only, yet when it comes into their hands, whatever part of it is over and above their necessary subsistence, may be employed in maintaining indifferently either productive or unproductive hands

    43. In the course of the four French wars, the nation has contracted more than £145,000,000 of debt, over and above all the other extraordinary annual expense which they occasioned ; so that the whole cannot be computed at less than £200,000,000

    44. Over and above the capital of the farmer, and all its profits, they regularly occasion the reproduction of the rent of the landlord

    45. The town affords a market for the surplus produce of the country, or what is over and above the maintenance of the cultivators ; and it is there that the inhabitants of the country exchange it for something else which is in demand among them

    46. The proprietors and cultivators of the country, therefore, which lies in the neighbourhood of the town, over and above the ordinary profits of agriculture, gain, in the price of what they sell, the whole value of the carriage of the like produce that is brought from more distant parts ; and they save, besides, the whole value of this carriage in the price of what they buy

    47. It is the surplus produce of the country only, or what is over and above the maintenance of the cultivators, that constitutes the subsistence of the town, which can therefore increase only with the increase of the surplus produce

    48. And above them, brilliant clouds like the streaming tails of proud white stallions

    49. A slave, on the contrary, who can acquire nothing but his maintenance, consults his own ease, by making the land produce as little as possible over and above that maintenance

    50. The ancient policy of Europe was, over and above all this, unfavourable to the improvement and cultivation of land, whether carried on by the proprietor or by the farmer ; first, by the general prohibition of the exportation of corn, without a special licence, which seems to have been a very universal regulation ; and, secondly, by the restraints which were laid upon the inland commerce, not only of corn, but of almost every other part of the produce of the farm, by the absurd laws against engrossers, regraters, and forestallers, and by the privileges of fairs and markets

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