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    Usa "apostle" in una frase

    apostle frasi di esempio


    1. Here Apostle John is teaching us how to have and

    2. with the patriarchs of faith, prophet and the apostle we

    3. healed and raised from the dead by the hand of the Apostle Paul

    4. Apostle Paul prayed in tongues more than anyone else

    5. Apostle Paul went through all sorts of trials in his life

    6. as you, lord, performed many miracles with the hands of apostle Paul

    7. ! The apostle Peter admonished, “And

    8. In contrast to that spirit, listen to the apostle Paul

    9. Our lives together, our view of the gifts of the Spirit, the role and function of the Spirit, understanding the character of God, what the offices (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher) look like and what their functions and rule facilitate; all of these things are properly understood under the context of theocracy

    10. Again and again he had to remind himself that he didn't drive her from his bed, he simply agreed with the Apostle Paul that the sterile simulations of reproduction were silly

    11. When John, the Apostle, saw Jesus in his glory, he fell down as a dead man (Revelation 1:17)

    12. Or they sense a strong missions call so they prophesy that the person is the next Apostle Paul

    13. The apostle Paul was so passionate about the value of it that he exhorted the Corinthians four times to seek it

    14. Truly the signs of the apostle were worked out among you in all patience, in miracles and in wonders, and by works of power

    15. veneration to the most holy body of the blessed apostle Jacques in

    16. The Apostle Paul himself was a Jew from Greece at that

    17. Also, one says that even the Apostle Paul would

    18. Notice the Jewish apostle Peter draws this same conclusion

    19. could the Apostle Paul proclaim to the unsaved idol worshippers in Athens,

    20. Testament as the office of an apostle in Acts 1:20

    21. Christ was an apostle,

    22. by Christ and had the signs of a true apostle, II

    23. apostle, The signs of a true apostle were performed among

    24. If an apostle should not receive money in a very

    25. Apostle Paul referred to it as “The Letter” when he said in 2 Corinthians 3:6, “Who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life

    26. The words of the Apostle Paul are very appropriate for our time

    27. ‘The Kid,’ or ‘the First Apostle

    28. It is thought that the Apostle Paul started his mission to the “Gentiles” in about AD 40 and was beheaded in approximately AD 80

    29. Instead of, in all honest humility, following the titular leader, the bishop of Rome, religious heir of the Apostle Peter, already chosen, according to the Bible, by their crucified leader as head of his church, and by extension any other bishop chosen as his successor; the Eastern leadership, following Constantine’s move of his capitol eastward sought to contest that authority, trying instead to negotiate a kind of co-ruler-ship, similar to that which had brought Constantine to the fore of the pagan, Roman Empire

    30. Even the Apostle Paul periodically warned against becoming followers of the teachers rather than the Word itself

    31. delegate, to wit an Apostle of the Lord, to carry out the Divine Mission

    32. It appears to me that he was headquartered in Ephesus, an important center in early church history, where he was presiding bishop following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul

    33. Rome’s claim rested largely upon the Apostle Peter’s martyrdom there, along with the biblically based claim that Jesus had chosen him to head His Church

    34. They had increasingly become the followers of men, not the Word as the Apostle Paul had warned against many times, and their strivings divided the very strength of the movement into warring factions that weakened the core around which they orbited

    35. The Bible tells us that the Apostle Peter had gone to Rome during the latter part of his missionary work

    36. His purpose was to consecrate an already functioning group of Followers of the Way, which probably had been started by the Apostle Paul, although that interpretation has more recently come under challenge

    37. It may have been the Apostle Peter or an early successor within a “Counsel of Many” who banned these intrusions, charging those teachers of that Gnostic brand of Christianity with heresy, and the battle of the ages was joined

    38. - This text indicates in a round about way that the apostle John was an eye

    39. In the Epistle to the Romans, the apostle Paul states quite clearly that no one can be

    40. I would strongly suggest that the Apostle Paul had this scripture in mind when he

    41. That the apostle Paul was himself a Jew, and therefore circumcised makes this

    42. The character refinements that the apostle was divinely inspired to list are

    43. But we know that Paul was the apostle to the gentiles!

    44. deserted Him as did the apostle

    45. way with me like you did in the life of the Apostle

    46. Therefore the Apostle exhorts, "Wash your hands,

    47. He asked me if I was an Apostle

    48. In the New Testament the Apostle Paul had the same problem

    49. Every one of these students returned to the America as at least a temporary apostle for those aspects of German intellectual life that had impressed him most


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