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    Usa "apple sauce" in una frase

    apple sauce frasi di esempio

    apple sauce

    1. "Criss cross apple sauce", as my teacher used to say!

    2. Jams and jellies, squash, green beans, pickled okra, tomatoes, salsa, apple sauce, you name it; it was there

    3. They were drenched in Miss Margaret’s lunch period apple sauce, mystery meat loaf and double-chocolate milk shake, plus the Joe Weider protein shake I had ingested after school, which included three raw eggs and half a cup of olive oil

    4. He seized a tureen of hot apple sauce (the first thing that came under his gripe) and dashed it full against the speaker's face and neck---who instantly commenced a lament that brought Isabella and Catherine hurrying to the place

    5. This was Mary Jane's idea and she had also suggested apple sauce for the goose but Aunt Kate had said that plain roast goose without any apple sauce had always been good enough for her and she hoped she might never eat worse

    6. quantity of the apple sauce and then add this

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